Nextdoor Social Media Giant Slashes 25% of Staff in Latest Layoffs

Nextdoor: one big ‘Karen’ clambake of angry menopausal harpies

Social media giant Nextdoor, which I refer to as one big “Karen” clambake of angry menopausal harpies, announced it will lay off 25% of its staff in a financial report posted Tuesday. Cue the violins… millions of people won’t care at all – or will celebrate.

The most toxic of all of the social media organizations, Nextdoor is the hyperlocal “neighborhood” website which claims, “it’s where communities come together to greet newcomers, exchange recommendations, and read the latest local news. Where neighbors support local businesses and get updates from public agencies. Where neighbors borrow tools and sell couches.”

“Karen” doesn’t greet new neighbors the way you might expect.

KRON reported:

In a financial report posted Tuesday, the job cuts are part of a broader cost reduction plan that targets reducing the neighborhood network social media company’s personnel expenses by $60 million.

“This reduction in our team is the hardest decision we have had to make at Nextdoor,” said Nextdoor CEO Sarah Friar. “While our opportunity and belief in the transformative power of community remains unwavering, and our business is financially strong with a healthy balance sheet, we must follow through on our commitment to our shareholders.”

Nextdoor employs a little over 700 people. “Assuming the number stayed flat, that means 176 Nextdoor employees will get a pink slip. A Nextdoor spokesperson did not provide an exact number but confirmed that almost 200 employees are part of the reduction,” the San Francisco Standard reported.

In its financial report, Nextdoor’s highlighted metrics for the quarter ended September 30, 2023 include:

  • Total Weekly Active Users (WAU) of 40.4 million increased 6% year-over-year.
  • Revenue of $56 million increased 4% year-over-year.
  • Net loss was $38 million, compared to $35 million in the year-ago period.
  • Adjusted EBITDA loss was $20 million, compared to $18 million in the year-ago period.
  • Ending cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities were $540 million as of September 30, 2023.

The Globe has followed the tech layoffs closely – Twitter, Pelaton, Lyft, Opendoor, Chime, Stripe, Intel, Microsoft, Salesforce, Google, PayPal, NetApp, Yahoo, Twilio, Meta, Apple, Dropbox and Amazon have all made cutbacks and layoffs starting in October of 2022.

As for Nextdoor, get in line for cutbacks and layoffs.

The reality of Nextdoor is those few administrators controlling neighborhood Nextdoor sites have created a toxic cesspool that facilitates irrational neighborhood drama, encourages groupthink, and is where neighbors can do hand-to-hand combat on city issues without leaving the comfort of their recliner.

However, not everything about Nextdoor is noxious. The Best of Nextdoor on Twitter is priceless and thoroughly entertaining.

Here are a few samples:

and this gem:

There is pet advice:

And neighbors helping neighbors:

Cue the Karens:

Lastly, how did I get kicked off Nextdoor? Someone posted an article I wrote. I didn’t post the article – someone I don’t even know posted it, and BAM, I was banished. Thankfully!

Spread the news:


Katy Grimes: Katy Grimes, the Editor in Chief of the California Globe, is a long-time Investigative Journalist covering the California State Capitol, and the co-author of California's War Against Donald Trump: Who Wins? Who Loses?

View Comments (18)

  • I feel I speak for everyone everywhere when I say that California Globe should have WAY MORE PHOTOS OF CATS WEARING FUNNELS.

  • Big LOL on Nextdoor's well-earned description. (!!!) Actually the whole article is hilarious.
    At first when we got the "invite" years ago I thought it might be a good idea to know about crimes possibly happening in distant parts of our neighborhood so I considered joining, but (as usual) dragged my feet. Then the 'Karen' nastiness received some publicity, especially during 'Covid." Dodged a bullet! Was already well aware of certain neighbors shunning me and turning their noses up because I opposed a school parcel tax (or whatever), so it wasn't really necessary to volunteer to read insults and nastiness online.
    Maybe that some of these annoying startups are failing means the World as Seen by Silicon Valley is what is actually undergoing a "Great Reset." A 'reset' to normality would be a good thing!

  • As the saying goes, "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions." I left Nextdoor more than three years ago after realizing that it had become the digital equivalent of the "Harper Valley PTA." It seemed like a good concept at the time; but not all community engagement is meant to be virtual. It's best to engage with your neighbors the old fashioned way by meeting and communicating with them in person and not in some covert passive aggressive and woke manner.

  • The masters of our "economy" (like one big printed circuit that takes human life, raw mineral resources, and delivers wealth and power to those in control) needs excess labor in America right now for whatever socio-political-economc reason. So, on top of flooding us with excess low level labor, all the lower-IQ white collar, and quite a few higher intellect managerial types, are being booted into the unemployment benefits line to become addicted to drugs, flood all no-skill jobs with applications, and otherwise consume vice and degeneracy for the time being. When our masters need us again, they will stop handing out benefits to those of us acting less like beasts in the field. Maybe, some day. To be honest, they prefer us distracted and shouting at each other disassociated from our own families and our even our own faculties to determine truth and beauty from modern art.

  • I learned quickly Nextdoor was the stalking grounds for the Vengeful Cancel Culture Cat Ladies. None dare stray from the official but unwritten Democrat narrative.

    We even tried a side chat group on Nextdoor that someone called "I am a conservative in a liberal city". But it got bombed out of existence by the invading PC crowds since the moderator did not make it "private". We were pretty tame in our tentative contacts. It was also the only gathering spot for wounded Trump warriors in this town - each of us were surprised at our growing numbers, once we found a place to gather. But "they" on Nexdoor quickly brought an end to that rare moment of conservative respite .... in this liberal town.

    I liked the original intent of Nextdoor. But II came to loathe the group hive mind and the vicious pilling-on, if one dared stray from the official progressive narrative. Bottom line: no, we can't all get along. Best let us go our separate ways, and leave each other alone. And stick to contractor and handy man recommendations, along with Ring camera videos of porch pirates.

  • I got kicked off Nexdoor when I had finally had enough of the cat lady cabal, who were lamenting endlessly about the horrible deaths rats had to go through if one used rat poison.

    I suggested they talk to Planned Parenthood to learn about more humane euthanasia techniques. I knew that would be the final straw for them, and ND did quickly suspend my participation.

  • LOL!
    I thought I was the outlier! I had to get off that app!
    Katy your description is priceless!
    On occasion I had enjoyed a cat fight but I got bored and the strays outside the neighborhood could get mean😿😂
    I fall into the celebration camp!
    Thanks for posting “The Best of Nextdoor”
    I have been missing out!
    Before I left NextDoor my neighbor and I had fun messing with the algorithms of bad conduct. I was called mean many times because I called out Newsolini’s dictatorial ways.
    @Jaye. I love your story! Planned Parenthood for Rats😂
    Buh Bye NextDoor!

  • IF you stray from Democrat talking points - your post disappears, but if you even comment with a conservative view - mob scene appears and you end up suspended or removed. ND is the echo chamber fascist center for leftist paranoid complainers.

  • Many of my posts were simply removed. I was suspended a few years ago for violating their policy against racism. My offense? I posted, without comment, a link to a petition against Drag Queen Story Hour in our public libraries. My account was suddenly reactivated about eight months later, no explanation (I don't use it, but do view the site once in a blue moon just for chuckles). I don't think sites like this one or Fakebook will disappear; they will be kept alive by the conformist, Karen types. The future of social media, however, belongs to decentralized, blockchain based peer to peer applications such as Bastyon (https://bastyon.com/walkingthroughwalls?ref=P8yuFuKrYpLxnk11uCnzmsyQn1NPG2Cwg9) and Nostr. Currently, I use Bastyon and MeWe. No censorship (beyond actual illegal activity), no thought police, and no Karens.

  • Every time I need a good belly-laugh, or a need to get my blood-pressure elevated, I check into Nextdoor...
    For every HELPFUL post, there are at least 9-10 of these unhinged lunatic ranty-shrews using the platform as a megaphone to share their special brand of mental illness with the world at large....
    Too bad this platform isn't like the helpful 10% all the time, but some people just can't help themselves... and they vote with us....which helps us understand why California is the place that it is....

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