Sacramento Destroyed by Rioters; Mayor Steinberg Refused to Impose Curfew

Stunning lack of leadership in California cities led to destruction, chaos, anarchy

Mikuni's on J St. windows broken, looted. (Photo: Twitter)

While the Sacramento Bee still was calling the downtown protests “peaceful,” most of downtown was destroyed Sunday evening by rioters.

“A relatively peaceful day of protests in Sacramento descended into a second night of anarchy Sunday as looters and vandals roamed through pockets of downtown and midtown, smashing windows and looting stores,” the Sac Bee reported. “Some businesses were hit for the second night in a row.”

Black Lives Matter rioters blocked traffic on I-5.

Sacramento police used tear gas to break up a large group at the Capitol.

Rioters even flooded in to my downtown Sacramento neighborhood and threatened neighbors and homes.

“The National Guard should have been called in early yesterday, which is the Mayor’s call,” a neighborhood friend who was on the police scanner reported. “By not doing so, this city is being destroyed and our safety is being put at great risk, because it is allowed to be. Absolutely disgusting.”

Here is a list of some of the destruction highlights in Sacramento Sunday night, into Monday morning:

Tony’s Deli at 12th and J had its windows smashed for the second night in a row, and the interior vandalized.

Building at J St. and 8th on fire.

Businesses looted at L St. and 10th.

Rioters threw fireworks at police.

Rioters broke into Target again – approximately thirty individuals.

People broke into BestBuy

Boost Mobile breached and looted.

O’Reilly Auto Parts windows broken, looted.

Land Park Pharmacy plate glass windows broken; store vandalized.

BevMo in Midtown was looted again Sunday night.

Rite Aid on K St was set on fire, but the sprinklers inside put it out, probably destroying all of the product.

On 16th St, Starbucks, Mikuni, PF Changs and Pieology were vandalized.

Safeway at S and 19th vandalized.

An ATM was stolen from the Wells Fargo on the corner by Safeway.

Fleet Feet was looted.

Miosa Bridal vandalized.

Multiple corner liquor stores looted near G St.

Restaurants looted, cars vandalized on the street and in parking structures, and reports that windows at City Hall broken.

On Broadway, Walgreens was boarded up from Saturday’s riots.

Two vacant buildings across from Golden 1 Credit Union on Broadway had many windows broken.

Is this enough destruction for Mayor Darrell Steinberg?

There were reports that Sacramento Police Department officers were overwhelmed by the rioters.

This destructive chaos was inevitable in Sacramento, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland, San Diego because of the stunning lack of leadership by California Mayors.

Members of the media could hardly hide their excitement at the destruction and crowds – finally they had footage to support “if it bleeds, it leads” – because the media loves violence.

Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg refused to issue a curfew Sunday evening, even after the violence, chaos and destroyed businesses Saturday night. In neglecting his responsibility to the people of Sacramento, Steinberg effectively authorized the destruction of downtown, the many small, privately owned businesses, and violent attacks on police.

Rule of law must be returned, and the people must demand it.

Elections matter.

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Katy Grimes: Katy Grimes, the Editor in Chief of the California Globe, is a long-time Investigative Journalist covering the California State Capitol, and the co-author of California's War Against Donald Trump: Who Wins? Who Loses?

View Comments (67)

  • He's a coward.
    And if Sacramentans re-elect this Leftist ideologue, they will have no one to blame but themselves as this city disintegrates.

    • Let Sacramento go the way of SF, and all the other big cities around. It's whose in the Capitol that's doing this to your city. The new mantra is "it isn't in my backyard, wait until it comes to you." Sacramento set itself up to not do business with certain states due to their stance on transgender issues. Reap what you sow.

  • Thanks Katy!
    You highlight another example of the lefty tool of “Burn it all down to rebuild it.” Except it is literally burning while smothering the hard work of business owners.

    The NUMBER ONE job of a government, whether left, right or center is to protect it’s citizens! How about it California Mayors!

    • They gave these people an ok go ahead and distorey our beautiful city's State' and literally giving all of these hard working business owners the middle finger as saying I don't care about you, as long as I get my large pay check.

  • This is exactly why I am leaving California. It is a shame to see these "so-called protestors" ruin the City of Sacramento.

      • Get all of your racist asses the fuck out of here and everywhere else too.

        You, who care more about the names of business with broken windows than about the names of people murdered by racist “peace keepers”....get the fuck off of this planet.

        • THANK YOU. I was waiting to find some sense in these comments. Everybody whining about how unfair this looting is to all the “hard working” people out there, listen up: looting will always be an effective form of protesting so long as we live in a society that continues to value money and material over human life!!!!

          • That is not what it's about. They have to work hard for their business. As do I.Burning looting and stealing and attacking people doesn't solve it.It actually makes the problem worse. Because then they don't hear us. It just makes people dislike you even more.You people are not solving anything. I had to work hard. I grew up with good parents but no money. I'm black I own a business. Do you think I appreciate somebody going in and destroying my business that I've had to work for?That I feed my kids with?These people doing this don't give 2 dam shits about any dead people.Their criminals. People like you that think it's OK.Your the problem.

        • Im black I own a business?am I racist too? They do t care about dead people they are criminals destroying things and harming people. You need to get your priorities straight. Protest peacefully not attacking people burning looting. Thats bs. Your the problem if you think it solves anything. It makes it worse. Just because somebody once there to be line order that's the way I was brought up I had good parents. I was taught right from wrong not hate this isn't how to fix this review can't see that you're the one that's in the wrong whether you like it or not. It doesn't make someone racist to want to protect their families or their businesses that's the problem with this.

        • late to the game buuuuuut, you're an idiot. so if I believe I was wronged by a black person it's okay to smash your car, house and business?

    • No where to run to Was A Call Girl. Friends ran to Texas and it's worse in Texas. Be careful where you run to, it's all the same every where. Except for maybe Polk County, FL. I like the sheriff there and his way of thinking. He told his citizens to arm up and take them on!

  • I'm very sorry to hear about the terrible widespread destruction in Sacramento, and that it spilled over into your residential neighborhoods and threatened them. But you are so right that all of this was inevitable because of mayors who are weak and leadership that is ineffectual, so much so that it actually served to cheer on the destruction. In the meantime I sincerely hope the National Guard has shown up.

    In my neck of the woods I watched looters and vandals and predators in some L.A. County cities never before affected by riots (that I am aware of) lay waste to places like the Third Street Mall in Santa Monica. I'm wondering today what will be the reaction of the mostly smug progressive residents who made up the culture when I worked there several years ago and who are still, no doubt, the majority there today. It SHOULD be a wake-up call, but I wonder if it will be. Some, I think, will be sitting in shock, mouths hanging open, wondering HOW the low-life looters they have naively supported could have possibly attacked THEM. "Weren't we immune?" they might be saying to themselves. But who knows what such people will conclude in the end. I don't live there, so won't be able to observe first-hand.

    Of course the City of Santa Monica is also "blessed" or "cursed" (depending on your point of view) with weak leadership. I knew when I saw town-hopping city manager Rick Cole land there and start handing out huge salaries to city workers, only to resign recently at the first sign of unmanageable financial trouble, that Santa Monica was in big trouble too, as of course so many cities in CA and elsewhere are.

    I guess we'll wait and see --- on the edges of our seats --- what today and the rest of the week will bring....

    • You are correct in that all those rioters are destroying society and that the damage they have done is despicable. But, if the Mayor imposes a curfew, only law-abiding folks will obey it. The dirtbag vandals, with the morals of a dung beetle they have, surely will not obey it.

      • If a mayor imposes a curfew you are correct: the law abiding folks will obey it. But that will leave only the outlaws on the streets, and they will be much easier to notice and arrest. Curfews work.

      • Once you get the law abiding citizens off the street, you can then go after the real offenders.

  • Katy,
    Nail on head- "Members of the media could hardly hide their excitement at the destruction and crowds"

    I watched the looting of BevMo in real time on KCRA 3 last night. 'Magically' , two 'Good Samaritans' were there sweeping up the shattered glass minutes after the cops drove up. MAYBE they were legit, but KCRA later interviewed one of them, and by his behavior and mannerisms, it dawned on me he was probably one of the looters. Perhaps not having already looted, but it sure seemed he was either waiting for the news crew to leave so he could go grab some 'booty' for himself, or at least make his own casual getaway.

    I had to ask myself, WHY, when the cops arrived and the looters scrambled, the camera man captured one person high tailing it to a get away car- did the camera man zoom in on the plate? Nope- guess it's not their job? Or perhaps legal ramifications showing a license plate number, even though it was a crime in progress?

    Bottom line is, ALL media wants is a story for their ratings. Interesting thought to ME is IF that had been a situation involving a mass shooter, you KNOW the camera man would have made sure he captured the license plate number as the car began to drive off. But heck, it's only looting and destruction of property ...

    • yup! the media glorify destruction and chaos, they can not wait for the next run. Steinberg needs to resign today!.

    • Dave: you are right on in your impression of the media, they are not giving the full story of what is happening. They start the evening saying how peaceful everyone in Cesar Chavez park is. The park seems to be the place where Stevonte Clark and others give speeches that incite the crowd and feed the anger. The media also does this by repeating the Floyd story over and over and pandering to the looters and rioters. They keep calling it a "protest' when it is a riot and free for all for thieves and the Godless masses. No responsibility is ever taken while people are destroying businesses, hurting policemen, and causing fear and chaos. Many, but not all of the people cleaning up are the virtue signaling liberals who support these groups on sites like NextDoor. BLM openly seeks support on these platforms and these people are hitting the "like" button and giving financial support.

      • White Liberals are the sickest of all Creatures. Im glad they took their looting to Santa Monica. It is a mecca of White leftist women who support BLM. and every other far left cause... Do you think they will change?

    • You so nailed it. They are getting a rush from this cuz they have put there self's other in the line of violence, RIGHT!! They had extra security with them. This has broke my soul that our country and state is trying into a war zone. We have other countries celebrating that the United States is at turmoil with our own people.

  • This is what happens folks when you elect these "do gooder - social justice warrior Democrats". They need to give the rioters, oops I mean the "peaceful protestors" room to show their anger. Minneapolis and Minnesota have been run from top to bottom by Democrats for years. The cop that killed that man last week was a veteran of the Minneapolis Police for nineteen years and had at least ten complaints of brutality from citizens during that time. Where was the liberal Democratic mayor when this happened? Where was the appointed Democratic police chief when this happened? I thought the Democrats were the party of racial justice and the party of the little guy. Truth is the Dems don't care about anybody but their Party. They could give a rat's $#% about you, me, or anybody! Looks like you will have a lot to talk about Katy Wednesday morning with Phil.

  • The dirty little not-so-secret is that these leftist mayors and in cahoots with the looters. They prevent the police from doing their jobs and they give inside information to the rioters so they can get away with their mayhem. If you want peace and law and order vote these anti-Americans out of office.

  • Your article is extremely opinionated you're obviously a trump fan I'm sorry that this is not Trump country. Obviously people are infuriated and outraged and down right angry and although I don't agree with looting and destroying businesses , I understand why people are so upset. To blame the mayor and all the lefties for Trump's lack of leadership is just typical a blind sheep Republicans

    • What an ignorant comment. Please tell me what this writer has said that is not true. I’m sorry your progressive American hating ideologies are being exposed and we see them for what they really are. We see you & it’s horrible please spare me from your Trump blaming TDS....you are the sheep & sound like a whiny child.

    • Hmmm. I must have missed something when I read this article. I did not notice that it was opinionated and I did not notice Trump mentioned in it. But what I did notice that there were facts about what businesses were destructed by these "peaceful protestors" and there were citizens concerned about their SAFETY IN THEIR HOMES! It's not Trumps fault for lack of leadership it's these Democrats lack of leadership who have been in charge for years in these cities and states where the &%!@ is hitting the fan! By the way Ms. Baulwin I am not a Republican.

    • Oh my Melissa, may I suggest you reread Katy’s report. Facts do matter, she listed 20 incidences of destruction. I guess that is your definition of law and order. Peaceful, legitimate protests should never end in such violence, whether you understand the anger behind it.

      One last thing , incompetence crosses all party lines. It is always easy to blame “Trump” or Bush when a republican is in office. “The National Guard should have been called in early yesterday, which is the Mayor’s call...”, as stated by Katy. Last time I checked Trump was not the Mayor of Sacramento.

      Truth hurts. Mayor Steinberg has put many innocent lives and businesses at risk by not keeping law and order.

    • But who is running this state? Who is running all the blue states? This article doesn't show opinion, it shows facts. But I know, orange man bad.

    • And you're a maroon!
      Folks with your mindset are at the root of the problem. Orange Man Bad. He was duly elected and will be re-elected overwhemingly. Just get over it.

      Sorry sweetie, but there's a REDWAVE a comin' and it's comin' like a freight train.

    • You have got to be kidding me blaming Trump. Where do you get off with such a statement. Your hatred for a sitting President shows me your inability for critical thinking and just blame everything that's wrong in the world on Trump. You are so wrong and maybe not today but history will show that Trump is one of the greatest Presidents of all time.

  • "The Globalist Psyop Has Been Triggered
    The elite are making what could be their final move
    The many layers of the psyop onion are in play.

    It is up to us to recognize how we are being manipulated.

    Social media and every available minion for globalist propaganda is pushing the narrative that will ultimately plunge America into violent chaos.

    Everything we are being fed must be analyzed to uncover the globalist directives. As the National Guard and law officers ratchet up their enforcement. A section of the population blinded by hatred with zero regard for the civil society they are rejecting must be dealt with."


  • Every single comment here failed to identify the cause of the riots. Its not steinberg or trump's fault. It is the 2 cops getting away with murder that caused these riots. Take that out of the equation, no riots. This has been happening for decades. We all know the rioting and looting is wrong, we all know its making things worse, repeating that over and over is missing the point entirely. This is what happens when there is no justice. Easier than tear gassing thousands of enraged and crazy people, or stopping hundreds of criminals taking advantage, is to hold two cops accountable for their actions. The riots stop instantly, just like that.

    • That is a pretty naive observation Ron, this cop should not have even been able to continue in this line of work. You are correct on that count. At the same time there is no responsibility taken by people committing crimes and resisting arrest. There have been whites also killed by bad cops with no outrage from society. We are being played by the globalists into a race war to divide and separate. These events will not stop here until we weed out the enemies of America and freedom causing these staged events. We can start with the main stream media.

    • Last I heard one cop has been charged with 3rd degree murder. Some dispassionate examination of his background may reveal cause to up the charge to 2nd or 1st degree. The Ron Burgundy moniker is cute; the creation of a comedian. Apropos.

    • OK Ron,

      Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor kills Justine Damond and no businesses were damaged, set on fire/burned to the ground, or looted.

      That tells you everything you need to know.

      • They say every police murder is an isolated incident, even though it adds up higher and higher every year, hence the riots. People are beyond sick of injustice, pushed over the edge. To say that because there was no riot with a murder once or even a few times, it now establishes some kind of proof that it doesn't have to happen, does not make sense. Police don't have to keep murdering people, but they keep doing it. People don't have to react to violence violently, but they keep doing it. What happens most of the time? I can agree they are both wrong, the Police and the looters. There's no way just the rioters are wrong and not the police. Its easy to judge the rioters for their wrong doing when you are not under attack yourself. As soon as your relative, friend, or self is murdered by the cops, all of a sudden you dont mind the idea of breaking some shit as much. How long does it take after someone pushing you down and slapping you for you to get violent? Guess you're a rioter too!

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