“It is telling that two co-authors of SB 277 from 2015, state Sen. Ben Allen, D-Los Angeles, and Assemblyman Adrin Nazarian, D-Van Nyus, remain vocal opponents of SB 276.”

“Further, it is being regularly reported by those lucky enough to be face-to-face with their lawmakers that many don’t even want to vote on this bill but feel immense pressure from their Democrat leadership and their big special interest fundraisers and donors to vote ‘yes,'” Lockwood added.

“This is not a black and white issue, and science changes,” Assemblyman Nazarian said at a June hearing. “This is overreaching… there is a better way of doing this.”

Dr. Bob Sears, a pediatrician in Orange County and vocal opponent of each of Sen. Pan’s bills, AB 2109, SB 277, and SB 276, has testified at the hearings of all of Pan’s bills, and again in June.  In 2012, Sears testified: “The largest study done to date on this issue (Dismissing the family who refuses vaccines: A study of pediatrician attitudes, Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Oct. 2005) reveals that 39 percent of American pediatricians state they will dismiss patients from their office for non-compliance with vaccinations.”

Dr. Sears said at the June hearing that he has a very busy medical practice and charges the same amount for a medical exemption visit for his patients as he does for a regular office visit, pointing out that he does not charge more to profit from medical exemptions. Sears said in his practice if he sees a child with severe vaccination reactions: seizures, chronic eczema rash, which are not on the Center for Disease Control list of allowable exemptions under Sen. Pan’s SB 277, he decides whether or not more doses of the vaccination is appropriate, and/or if to space them out. “This bill would take all of my exemptions and negate years of medical care, legally done,” Sears said.

Assemblywoman Autumn Burke (D-Marina Del Rey), does not support Pan’s bill. In one hearing, she spoke about her own daughter’s troubles with vaccinations and the resulting health injuries.  She voted “no” on SB 276 warning that she’d go to jail before allowing the state to decide vaccinations for her vaccine-injured daughter.

In the 1960’s, children received only four vaccines: Smallpox, measles, polio and mumps vaccines. Now, children receive as many as 24 shots by 2 years of age and five shots in a single visit. Most children receive 49 vaccinations by the age of six, and more than 60 vaccinations from day of birth to age 18. Newborns receive eight routine vaccinations in accordance with the Center for Disease Control’s vaccine schedule, during the first 15 months of life:

Hep B: hepatitis B, a serious liver disease – 3 doses

DTaP: diphtheria, tetanus (lockjaw), and pertussis (whooping cough) – 4 doses

Hib: haemophilus influenza type b – 4 doses

Polio: polio. This vaccine is given as a shot (inactivated vaccine called IPV) – 3 doses

MMR: measles, mumps, and rubella (German measles)

Chickenpox: Varicella zoster vaccine protects against chickenpox

Newborns must receive a hepatitis B vaccination shortly after birth before being discharged from the hospital, despite that they are not at risk for hepatitis B infection unless they are born to a mother infected with the hepatitis B virus or are given a blood transfusion that is contaminated with hepatitis B.

Women report they are routinely harassed if they refuse to consent to give their newborns the hepatitis B shot at birth. Many are threatened that child protective services will be contacted and they will be charged with child medical neglect or child abuse if they don’t vaccinate their newborn infant.

“According to Tina Kimmel, Ph.D., a research analyst for the California Department of Public Health, who spoke at a rally in Sacramento against SB 277, in 1991 when Hepatitis B was recommended by the CDC, medical doctors and policy makers were shocked and dismayed,”  Oregonians for Medical Freedom reported in 2015 when SB 277 was being argued.

“Hepatitis B disease is spread in the US primarily through unsafe sex and intravenous drug use,” Kimmel said. “The disease was almost unknown among young, non-immigrant children in California…”

At least nine states have stopped mandating the Hepatitis B vaccine for entrance into daycare,” Oregonians for Medical Freedom wrote in 2015. “Yet if SB 277 becomes law in California, parents may not choose to forgo the birth dose of the Hepatitis B vaccine.”

SB 276 has largely passed thus far along party lines. It is currently in Assembly Appropriations.

California’s ‘Brave New World’ will have follow up articles. The California Legislature is back from recess August 12.