California Governor Gavin Newsom. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
Gavin Gov. Newsom Says California ‘Not Going Back to Normal’ Until We Have a Vaccine
The state is hiring 10,000 workers to track down Californians exposed to COVID-19
By Katy Grimes, May 7, 2020 7:33 am
California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced this week that, while California will move into the next phase of reopening its economy this week, it is “not going back to normal” until there is a vaccine.
“We’re not going back to normal. It’s a new normal with adaptations and modifications, until we get to immunity and a vaccine,” Gov. Newsom said.
A vaccine? That’s what the World Health Organization wants — a global vaccine. Remember when Dr. Anthony Fauci said, “If back to normal means acting like there never was a coronavirus problem, I don’t think that’s going to happen until we do have a situation where you can completely protect the population.”
Fauci, the director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said that with “the therapies that will be coming online, and the fact that I feel confident that over a period of time we will get a good vaccine, that we will never have to get back to where we are right now.”
However, no vaccine has ever been approved for use against previous forms of coronavirus, Business Insider reported.
We don’t have a great flu vaccine now as it is. Expect a lot of pushback on a coronavirus vaccine.
Newsom said the state can begin to move into Stage 2 of modifying the stay at home order this Friday, May 8, with guidelines released Thursday, May 7.
He announced a Report Card listing the areas the state has made progress in fighting COVID-19:
The state “Report Card” shows how the state is doing in meeting key measures for moving into Stage 2. California is on track on the following statewide metrics:
- Stability of Hospitalizations
- Personal Protective Equipment Inventory
- Health Care Surge Capacity
- Testing Capacity
- Contact Tracing Capability
- Public Health Guidance in Place
Newsom said that the state will move into the next phase of its recovery plan by Friday, May 8, but the language is so wishy washy, allowing for plenty of restrictions:
Later this week the state will release public health guidance for certain Stage 2 sectors including some retail, manufacturing, and logistics businesses, which will outline modifications that lower the risk of transmission. Businesses and employers in those sectors will be able to reopen as soon as Friday – if they can meet the guidelines provided by the state. Not all Stage 2 businesses will be able to open Friday with modifications. Some examples of businesses that can open with modifications include bookstores, clothing stores, florists and sporting goods stores.
Other Stage 2 sectors, such as offices and dine-in restaurants, will be part of a later Stage 2 opening. The announcement for Friday does not include offices, seated dining at restaurants, shopping malls or schools. As the Governor noted last week, the state is working with school districts and the California education community to determine how best and safely to reopen. That continues to be the case – this May 8 announcement does not move up this timeline.
While the state will be moving from Stage 1 to Stage 2, counties can choose to continue more restrictive measures in place based on their local conditions, and the state expects some counties to keep their more robust stay at home orders in place beyond May 8.
The governor also announced he is beginning contact tracing. ABC 10 reported “Gov. Gavin Newsom said the state is hiring 10,000 workers to track down Californians who may have been exposed to COVID-19.”
“Contact tracing enables the state to suppress the spread of the virus to avoid outbreaks and allows us to maintain our health care capacity and confidently modify the stay at home order,” his announcement says. “To work toward these goals, the Governor announced a partnership with the University of California, San Francisco and University of California, Los Angeles to immediately begin training workers for a landmark contact tracing program that will help contain the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic while the state looks to modify the stay at home order. The partnership will include a virtual training academy for contact tracers. The first 20-hour training will begin Wednesday, May 6 with the goal of training 20,000 individuals in two months.”
The Governor’s announcement is here.
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I will NOT be getting a va**ine. For anyone who wants to know what is really going on, just go to plandemicmovie.com. Remember last year, when California passed legislation giving them the authority to enact martial law and literally remove you, your pets, and belongings from your home? This was in 2019. None of this is a coincidence. Open your eyes. We are all being FOOLED and Newsom is nothing more than a puppet.
Evil never takes a day off.
plandemicmovie.com this is very eye opening and scary, everyone should see it. Thanks for posting it.
What you have is called paranoid schizophrenia
Benny go back to your closet. Grown ups are talking.
This Newsom character really believes he is untouchable, doesn’t he? He also seems much more stupid than we previously thought, and that’s saying something. What are he and his minions planning to do when this gets really really ugly? Mow down citizens?
Not only will I never accept a vaccine, I will not be giving personal information, names or contact info on family, friends or colleagues to any Newsome trained brown shirts. Stay off of my property.
What about weddings? Which phase do they fall into? My daughter is getting married on 10/24/2020 with 200 guests? And I am sure there are so many people awaiting to here about wedding venues please get back to me, thank you! A frontline Nurse….
Ecc 10:4 If the spirit of the ruler rises against you, Do not leave your post; For conciliation pacifies great offenses.
Hell t No on any vaccine- I got two. damaged kids at home, and 1 is quite severe! This state needs to go Red!
Look up how many people died of cancer last year! Or the flu! This is something that will and continue to occur within the Human race. I was laid off and I’m a part of this like EVERYONE ELSE! But we do need to move on and live! We shouldn’t have OUR GIVEN FREEDOM TAKIN AWAY ANY LONGER! We have been very obedient and I see the sickness on a decline. COME ON PEOPLE!! BE REAL!
You all talk big but you will do as you are told in the end
Resist the psychopath tyrant!
He’s doing this because Aunt Nancy says he will be rewarded when the dems take back the whitehouse. That’s not gonna happen though. TRUMP/PENCE 2020 or kiss your freedom goodbye.
Gov. Hairgel *does* realize that not every infection has a vaccine for it, right? And that WUHAN-19 may *never* get a vaccine? What is his plan, then? I’m not paranoid enough to assume he wants to extend the “emergency” indefinitely to maintain even more centralized control than Sacramento exercises now, but…