QAnon Targets Democrat Author of Bill to Protect Child Sex Offenders

Bill still allows sex ‘when committed without force, where the minor was a willing participant and under the age of 14’

Senator Scott D. Wiener. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)

Last year California Globe reported that State Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and Assemblywoman Susan Eggman (D-Stockton) introduced legislation “to end blatant discrimination against LGBT young people regarding California’s sex offender registry.” Wiener and Eggman are members of the California Legislative LGBT Caucus.

However, under their bill, SB 145, the offenders would not have to automatically register as sex offenders if the offenders are within 10 years of age of the minor.

According to Wiener last year: “SB 145 ends blatant discrimination against young people engaged in voluntary sexual activity by providing courts the discretion to decide, at sentencing, if registering the defendant as a sex offenders is appropriate, regardless of the sex act they performed,” bill analysis reported in August 2019.

And then the bill was placed on the suspense file, which means Wiener could not get the bill passed.

However, the bill has been brought back, without any new analysis or new amendments, and was voted on Thursday in the Assembly Appropriations Committee, where it was passed 6-2.

What changed between last August 2019 and August 2020?

Of the 247 comments left on the California Globe, several say  Senator Wiener has been targeted by QAnon, the anti-child-sex-trafficking activist group.

Fox 2 KTVU reported:

“Wiener said believers in the conspiracy theory QAnon are accusing him of pushing to let gay men have sex with minors.”

“It started a few weeks ago on Instagram (with) a particular person who is part of the QAnon network, this cult-like pro-Trump network that runs around saying that there’s a big conspiracy to protect pedophiles and that prominent leaders are all pedophiles and it’s a big conspiracy,” he said. “It’s a very delusional kind of cult at this point.”

“They’ve identified this bill and started saying that this is about protecting pedophiles, which it is not, and even saying that I’m a pedophile. This kind of slander, not just against me but against my community, is outrageous, and we have to speak out against it,” he said.

“Currently, if a 14- to 17-year-old and a partner who is less than 10 years older have consensual sex, it is illegal, but the law does not require someone convicted in such a case to register as a sex offender if they had vaginal intercourse; it gives a judge discretion. If the case involves oral or anal intercourse, however, the offender must register.”

Bill analysis is more clear than Sen. Wiener:

“This bill states non-forcible sodomy, oral copulation, and sexual penetration with a minor do not require mandatory sex offender registration unless there is a ten-year gap between the minor and the other person. However, a court may still require registration if it deems appropriate. These offenses, when committed without force, where the minor was a willing participant and under the age of 14 are sometimes referred to as “Hofsheier offenses.” People v. Hofsheier (2006) 37 Cal.4th 1185 held that requiring mandatory sex offender registration for one such an offense – oral copulation – was unconstitutional if the state did not also require registration for a person convicted nonforcible sexual intercourse with a minor because it made an illegal distinction based on the sex act itself.”

NOQ Report said:

“Mainstream media is focused on the threats, but the effort is also shining a spotlight on the details of the bill itself.”

“Democrats are targeting our children. Look at this California legislation they’re trying to sneak through. The LGBTQ community should be outraged that their movement is being used as cover to justify child sex normalization.”

SB 145 bill language says:

SB 145, as amended, Wiener. Sex offenders: registration.

Existing law, the Sex Offender Registration Act, requires a person convicted of one of certain crimes, as specified, to register with law enforcement as a sex offender while residing in California or while attending school or working in California, as specified. A willful failure to register, as required by the act, is a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the underlying offense.

This bill would exempt from mandatory registration under the act a person convicted of certain offenses involving minors if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor and if that offense is the only one requiring the person to register.

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Katy Grimes: Katy Grimes, the Editor in Chief of the California Globe, is a long-time Investigative Journalist covering the California State Capitol, and the co-author of California's War Against Donald Trump: Who Wins? Who Loses?

View Comments (74)

    • Omg California's have lost their minds. I was born and raised there, California was a great place to live but the politics have detroyed it. These people that think this bill is OK They need to rotten h*** Gotta have no mercy for their soul Just sick!!!!!????

    • I totally agree. For California to allow homosexual deviants to have sex with children is the most disgusting thing they've done yet. So glad I moved out of that cesspool five years ago.

    • This is absolutely discusting and shows we have pedophiles making laws this is B.S. what the hell is going on with mankind

  • All I can say, is do the math! Within 10 years. So it is okay for a 20 year old to have relations with a minor between the ages of 10 and 14? Even if it were a 27 year old with a 17 year old it is not still considered pedophilia? What the Hell?
    This is not about a couple of 16 year olds getting into trouble and then have to register as sex offenders!
    No sane society would think this bill protects minors! None!
    It passed the committee! Sick

    • It specifically says ages 14 to 17. So worst case scenario is 14 and 23. Still not ideal, but no, they are not saying 19 year olds can have sex with 10 year olds.
      For that matter, it's not even saying that the sex is legal. It's saying that if somebody is charged with that offense (so it is an offense) they don't have to register as a sex offender.

        • The purpose was supposedly to stop unfairness to homosexuals because if intercourse-vagina & penis- the judge had discretion to not order registration, however if a anal, oral, or other penetration it was automatic registration. So an 18 y/o and his 17 y/o of having sex wouldn't automatically mandate registration but a 18m with 17m would since it obviously wasn't vagina penis sex.

      • Read it again. “These offenses, when committed without force, where the minor was a willing participant and under the age of 14 are sometimes referred to as “Hofsheier offenses.” People v. Hofsheier (2006) 37 Cal.4th 1185 held that requiring mandatory sex offender registration for one such an offense – oral copulation – was unconstitutional if the state did not also require registration for a person convicted nonforcible sexual intercourse with a minor because it made an illegal distinction based on the sex act itself.”

        • So is SB 145 taking away the already established law that sex crimes against minors 14 and under are not applicable via non sex offender registration?

      • What do you think prevents this pervert from amending the age in the law later? This is a push to normalize pedophilia which has always ben the aim of some in the homosexual community

          • God, please judge CA. The COVID shutdown, massive fires for the past 20 years, the bankruptcies, crime,
            illegal immigration, high cost of everything, and massive over-regulation, have not been enough.

        • Absolutely right. Once you let this get enacted as law, anything can be added, taken away, or changed, and unless we stop it a door is opened!

      • Srill stupid regardless of age if you abuse the child you damage the child. Its saying that they dont have ro registered i want to know who lives in the area to protect my kids

      • But that’s wrong! So if I have a 14 year old and one of these pediphiles lives in my neighborhood I would never know because this law protects them.

  • I resent that I even have to THINK ABOUT why it is that Sen Scott Wiener and his friends have been unable to accept defeat regarding a depraved bill like this one. Apparently the "special interest groups" they represent have a deranged but fierce desire to fly under the radar undetected as they enlarge their circle of sexual targets, victims, however you want to characterize the vulnerable group of young people that sane adults must ALWAYS seek to protect from mentally unstable but powerful legislators who wish to legalize sick and abusive practices with minor children, all while pretending to protect them.

    • Exactly Show and Tell,
      After I commented here, I contacted my State Senator. I encourage all to email, call write to your State Senator on SB 145!

        • This bill will give me my life back, I was 19 and I was with a girl I went to high school with and I got caught on prom night and it has ruined the last 18 years of my life, you can’t live anywhere can’t get a job. This is a second chance for people like my self that got grouped in with this madness.

          • While I do agree some cases deserve a second look, I don't believe this is the way to accomplish that.

          • Basically you want to risk the life of hella innocent children because you fucked up your own? This bill is disgusting and only mentqlly ill people would want this passed.

          • You’re lying. They don’t make you register as a sex offender for this with other the same age gap of high school. Did she go to the same school but 12 years before you? Romeo and Juliet laws protect that. Nice try though.

          • Won't help you at all!! Wait and see...its for The Weiners of the abuse world! Make child rape a dodgeable offense for the "well heeled crowd"

          • That Guy, I sympathize with you because unfortunately you got bamboozled! Nevertheless this new bill is going to ruin a lot of lives! Your case should be looked at separately and fairly because I'm sure your prom date was 17yrs old. You were treated unfairly point blank!????

          • This isn’t fair to people like you, I understand that. It happened to my brother as well . He was 19 and. Girl lied to him about her age. They didn’t even have sex, but in the state of Texas..ANY contact with a minor int his case (a hickey) requires lifetime registry as a sex offender. It isn’t fair.

          • If that is true that's one thing. High school shit. But this is much farther. This just gives predators a pass. 18 -16 in school I mean that's mostly at the judges discretion. but 23 and 14. Damn you are a struggling individual if that's your go to. 23 year old would have a bad day coming around alot father's 14 year old. Us dads tell our kids we'll protect them and then shit like this starts. as if 2020 hasn't done enough

          • But this allows a 23-year-old to have sex with a 14-year-old. Not a 19-year-old to have sex with a 16-year-old. This bill would protect the madness and expand it.

        • This bill will give me my life back, I was 19 and I was with a girl I went to high school with and I got caught on prom night and it has ruined the last 18 years of my life, you can’t live anywhere can’t get a job. This is a second chance for people like my self that got grouped in with this madness.

    • EXACTLY! These SATANIC people are giving us so much stuff to think about that shouldn’t even be an issue.
      I can not wait for Yeshua to return and do His Justice on all these creeps. They better repent or the hottest place in hell is reserved for their souls and they are gonna want to die but they are gonna burn forever... FULLY AWARE.

  • These people are so disturbed and disturbing that they are not only not protecting citizens and even more so children, but are creating laws to exploit and abuse them.

    I’m starting to believe they are WAY past immoral and have gone straight to amoral. Either way right and wrong doesn’t ever seem to hit their radar, and if it does they ignore it for their own sick desires. They pass these laws as if they are a good thing? Can someone please explain that to me? I guess that possibly they believe the sick behavior of others is ok as long as there is a law that says it’s legal? Is this how their sick minds work? These people are moving towards full-bore depraved and seem to be going full steam ahead to create a new city of sodom for the entire state.

    Or maybe this is actually weiner’s lifestyle, and the laws he passes will protect him.

    Regardless, this is their view of others and even worse children. But then how much love and humanity can you expect from people who slaughter the unborn at will and completely ignore it. Human life or any kind means NOTHING to these evil monsters.

  • Hey, type up a one page handout to put on porches in your neighborhood. Most people don't even know that this crap exists. Wake them up!! We need more good actions by good people!!

  • This should go out to the people to vote on. Wiener has a sick mind that cannot be fixed. His mind is immoral. If someone is 8 and the other person is 18 and rapes that child they are not required to register no no way...he has out children at risk.
    I will be moving due to these sick minded politicians in California..

    • The number of idiots that can’t read and shouldn’t be allowed to vote amaze me. What part of rape is non-forcible, J? And, existing law states that consensual intercourse isn’t required to register (judge’s discretion) even between an 8 and 18 year old - so does anyone have a problem with the existing law, or do you all think that’s fine?
      Perhaps changing existing law to have a lower age limit would be a good idea, but that is a different fight, and one where your collective outrage may be justified.

      • This is the dumbest response I’ve ever seen. If he felt this law unfairly targeted LGBTQ community- which it arguably does- you don’t LOWER the standards, you bring up the standards to make it equal! Instead of this absolute NONSENSE, they should have strengthened the penalties for underage vaginal intercourse, not made it okay for a 23 year to have “consensual” sex with a 13 year old!

  • What the hell??!!
    California has lost their friggin' minds!!
    This is disgusting!!
    What is wrong with people??!!
    I'm ashamed I was even born in California if this is the kind of acts they legalize!!

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