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Solano County. (Photo: solanocountyrecovers.org)

The Big Green of Money Against the Farmers and Ranchers of Solano

The plan will transform rural Solano County—62 percent of its land is devoted to agriculture—into something quite different

By Kevin Nelson, May 31, 2024 2:55 am

“Money,” said Jesse Unruh famously, “is the mother’s milk of politics,” and if you doubt the truth of this axiom just take a look at the biggest, most contentious land use fight now occurring in California.

This agriculture versus development battle is being waged in the placid farmlands and ranch lands of eastern Solano County near the little Sacramento River town of Rio Vista, about a forty-five minute drive from the corridors of power in our state capital. Sheep and cattle lazily graze in these grasslands now turning brown under the sun. Wind turbines dot the hillsides.

Currently Solano County election officials are in the midst of certifying whether or not the pro-development group, known as California Forever, has gathered enough legitimate signatures to qualify its initiative for the Nov. 5 ballot. The results are expected to be announced sometime around June 12. If the bid is successful, county voters will have a chance to say yea or nay to the proposal come fall.

The scope and size of California Forever’s plans are nothing short of breathtaking. If the East Solano Plan as it is now called comes to pass it will transform rural Solano County—62 percent of its land is devoted to agriculture—into something quite different. At build-out some 400,000 people will live there, almost doubling Solano’s current population. Nearly 18,000 acres of pasture land will become urban or suburban; up will rise a small city of many thousands of new homes, office parks, office buildings, solar installations, new streets, widened highways, and all the infrastructure required to support all that.

Travis Air Force Base is in the neighborhood of this proposed new city-to-be, and many concerns have been raised on how the development will affect it.

Opinion polls suggest that the majority of Solano County residents appear not too keen on all this grand envisioning. Democratic Congressmen John Garamendi and Mike Thompson, whose districts jointly cover the area, oppose it. So does Republican Rudy Recile, who is running against Garamendi in the fall election. The county’s usual political divisions – growth v. no-growth, liberal v. conservative, business v. environmentalists—seem to have largely been set aside for this issue. Organized by the coalition group Solano Together, resistance to California Forever is coming from all sides.

One reason for this unusual harmony among traditional political opponents has to do with that creamy rich mother’s milk beloved by Unruh in his time, and so many others like him in our time. California Forever is putting a ton of money on the table, and much of it is being pushed in from outside the county. Here is a list of a few of the big-time money people who are behind the development plan and its operational business arm, Flannery Associates.

• Reid Hoffman. $2.5 billion net worth. Cofounder Linked In.

• Laurene Powell Jobs. $13.5 billion. Philanthropist and widow of Apple cofounder Steve Jobs.

• Marc Andressen. $1.8 billion. Venture capitalist. Cofounder Netscape, seed investor Facebook.

• John Doerr. $3.3 billion. Kleiner Perkins VC.

• Michael Moritz. $6 billion. Former Sequoia Capital VC.

Given an investor A-Team such as this, it is fascinating to see where these deep pocket Silicon Valley billionaires put their money. Powell Jobs, for example, has given $3 billion to “organizations addressing climate change through innovative solutions and environmental justice,” according to Forbes. Doerr is another in the group concerned about the environment. lHis $1.1 billion gift to Stanford set up a new school at the university “focused on climate change and sustainability.”

It does seem a logical disconnect, doesn’t it? How do people evidently concerned about climate change and the environment bankroll the building of a city nearly the size of Oakland in open space lands mainly populated by livestock and wind turbines? It is puzzling unless, of course, the logic at work here has to do with simply making more money, at which point everything becomes clear.

Powell Jobs and others in the group give lavishly to political causes and candidates across California and the country, largely favoring Democrats. They are also friends and allies with Gavin Newsom, and Silicon Valley as a whole will surely pour millions into his inevitable bid for the presidency, whenever that comes. When it looked as if for a time that Newsom’s opponents had an actual shot at ousting him as governor three years ago, Jobs alone gave $400,000 to his successful stop-the-recall campaign.

Compare this with the financial clout of Solano Together and its allies. Recently it held a “Sheepdog Trial” fundraiser at a ranch near the proposed development zone. In this competition border collies and their handlers are given a series of tests and are judged on how well they herd sheep in a pasture. A few hundred ranchers and others from around the state showed up to watch the event, paying $35 a head.

Here in this little out-of-the way place where even in Solano County many people have never been, it is the Big Green of Money against the green of the environment, not to mention the continuing widespread attack against the traditions and livelihoods of small farmers and ranchers in California and around the U.S. So many vital issues are involved here. This local fight with big implications will continue through November and beyond.

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7 thoughts on “The Big Green of Money Against the Farmers and Ranchers of Solano

  1. Rio Vista is a nice small town. Have been there several times fishing the Sacramento River. The leftists appear to have targeted this area to build a city where they can house the thousands of illegal aliens they are letting into California. Meanwhile, they could not care less about the rest of California.

  2. Our rural Dixon City community does not support this childish pipe-dream city fantasy. Stay in Santa Clara and keep you monopoly money in your own pockets. Farmers need to farm and feed the local communities. No one needs elitist ill-gotten spoils. Just let them enjoy their m.eTa headsets or a.pPle goggles and melt away on a couch in their mansions. Keep out of the good people’s yards.

  3. Santa Clara County where these tech elites made their money and then proceeded to change the culture was once an agricultural area as well. Growing up in the bay area there were apricot, cherry and plum orchards near and in the suburbs. It was nicknamed the Valley of The Hearts Delight.
    [The valley, named after the Spanish Mission Santa Clara, was for a time known as the Valley of Heart’s Delight for its high concentration of orchards, flowering trees, and plants.]~wikipedia
    I remember the Libby packing facility in Sunnyvale.
    All of that has given way to stack and pack cement apartments to house their tech workers. The ugliest buildings I have seen!

    They give a catchy nostalgic title to their PAC, “California Forever”.
    How ironic, they want to convert open space into a utopian city of their creation and ruin another area of the outer bay area.
    If they want to live in fantasy land then they should just walk around with their VR headsets. I for one do not want to live in their grandiose, self gratifying, experiment!
    Their money would be better spent feeding the poor!

  4. It is incredibly foolish to convert prime farm and ranch land to cities. This trend has been out of control for decades.

  5. California, The U.S. and the world would all be a better off without the likes of shady globalists like Reid Hoffman, Laurene Powell Jobs, Marc Andressen, John Doerr, and Michael Moritz who throw their billions around trying to limit freedoms and steal elections under the guise of “climate change” while they live lavish lifestyles behind walled estates and jetting around the world in private jets?

  6. More billionaires engaged in the destructive class war YOU KNOW all this development will be to SMART CITY PRISON STANDARDS and they will bring in mostly Chinese to populate it

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