California School Walkout: Thousands of Parents, Students, Teachers Protest Newsom’s School Mandates

Huge State Capitol protest surprises many

Statewide School Walkout State Capitol protest. (Photo: Katy Grimes for California Globe)

Thousands of California parents, students and teachers opposed to school vaccine mandates took part in a statewide walkout Monday. And thousands of these parents, teachers and students took their protest to the State Capitol.

Estimates of as many as 5,000+ attended the protest on the State Capitol grounds, but spilled over onto Capitol Mall, L Street, N Street and 10th Street.

Press play to hear a narrated version of this story, presented by AudioHopper.

The crowd was pumped up, determined but respectful. And diverse. When asked why they were there, every parent interviewed said “no mandates.” Many moms said they were not okay with the government telling them how to parent.

Statewide School Walkout State Capitol protest. (Photo: Katy Grimes for California Globe)

California Gov. Gavin Newsom is the first governor to mandate vaccinations for children to public and private schools. Students who don’t comply will be sent home to do online learning.

The Governor also ordered school staff and teachers to get the vaccine.

At the Capitol protest, moms with infants, toddlers and school aged kids carried homemade signs.

Statewide School Walkout State Capitol protest. (Photo: Katy Grimes for California Globe)

School choice advocates with Fix California passed out flyers promoting a ballot initiative to create education savings accounts that follow the students to an accredited school or homeschool of their choice. Students would be able to opt into a K-12 savings account with $13,000 a year in state education funds to be used for tuition or other eligible education expenses.

Statewide School Walkout State Capitol protest. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)

Speakers told their own stories of wrestling with the vaccine mandate, as well as stories of their children.

The mandate has already led to a spike in parents withdrawing their students in favor of homeschooling.

Walkouts were planned from Redding in far Northern California to a large Capitol protest in Sacramento, to numerous cities in Orange County and San Diego County in Southern California, the Globe reported. Spearheaded by social media groups and parent-led organizations, goal is to get the attention of the Governor and school officials by showing the sheer number of people in the state oppose the mandate.

Mom at Statewide School Walkout State Capitol protest. (Photo: Katy Grimes for California Globe)
Mom of three at Statewide School Walkout State Capitol protest. (Photo: Katy Grimes for California Globe)
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Katy Grimes: Katy Grimes, the Editor in Chief of the California Globe, is a long-time Investigative Journalist covering the California State Capitol, and the co-author of California's War Against Donald Trump: Who Wins? Who Loses?

View Comments (43)

  • How is Gav and the CTA going to save face?
    CREATE a loophole big enough to drive a carload of test packets through.
    You know the test packets that came from Gav's testing lab in So Cal, that we generous taxpayers paid for!!

    • Okay parents don’t wear mask and don’t get vaxxed - just don’t send your little Petrie dish to school. Is your choice to suffer from Covid-19 and die or get vaxx and wear a f

      • If your vaccine works why do you need anyone else to get it ? If you think it doesn't protect your little petri dish why are you taking an unnecessary risk with your child's life? You should know that you cannot sue anyone shoukd your child have an adverse event from the vaccine,, not even if it kills your child. So If that's what is motivating you,, you should do your homework. And just because your child seems okay today doesn't mean your child won't suffer or die Yeats down the road. I'm praying for your poor children and all the children of idiot parents who are allowing them to be guinea pigs to help elite billionaires depopulate the planet of all us peons.

      • Iris sounds quite hostile. If you are vaxed , and supposedly protected, why would you worry about getting sick from someone that isn’t?

  • Oh yeah, how about the loop hole created for the prison guard union?
    You know the union that gave Gav 1.7 million dollars. The union that is now exempt from the jab!

    • Thousands of clowns with false information and traitors to this country who just want to prolong this deadly disease what a farse on their part kick them out and ban them from all schools Public services and federal money let's see how far they get then asshes!

      • laughable. how could anyone believe anything these days. with the daily barrage of covid deceit for over a year i can understand the hesitance to believe any authority. did it flatten the curve?

      • You’re an ignorant ass! Probably benefitting from government handouts. Politics has no business being involved in someone’s health care. The flu kills thousands of people annually but it is not mandated. There have been other viral pandemics, of which our government has never reacted to such an extreme as they did Covid. All a bunch of political bullshit, where the desire to have power n greed is more important than the lives of the people in what used to be a great country, now a joke to the world because of fools like you

      • I’d say you are the traitor asshat!! Take your judgmental opinions of hate and anti-freedoms and go suck dick in China where your communist ass belongs!!! ????????????????????????

      • I’d say you are the traitor asshat!! Take your judgmental opinions of hate and anti-freedoms and go suck dick in China where your communist ass belongs!!! ????????????????????????

        • And take off the headphones FTrump or you won't be able to hear your mom calling you for breakfast. She made waffles, yum...

      • Wow you are so beyond dumb... You need to ware 6 masks, have 45 shots... and drop a rock on your head... Shoot up your own kid and leave ours alone

      • I believe gullible fools like yourself are beginning to sense a horrendous case of “vaxxer’s remorse.” Aren’t you frightened?
        You got jabbed and can still get COVID, AND your spike proteins can infect others. Boosters for life. The people you trusted, financially supported the virus research and the vaccines that have killed millions and will kill millions more. Nice going.
        All of them as well as yourself should rot in h€||

  • Thanks Katy for being there and providing us updates and pictures as I doubt we will see much on MSM! I am so happy there was a great turn out. Keep on fighting CA!

  • This makes my heart sing!
    I have great confidence in the California Mama and Papa bears to fight for their children’s health and welfare. This shot will do more harm to their healthy children than the virus itself.
    There is no coming back from a shot that does harm.
    Thank you Katy for the reporting and awesome pictures of these beautiful families.
    Say no to medical tyranny.

  • I am so happy to see this huge turnout. It's wonderful!
    Thanks as always for covering this stuff so well Katy!

  • Is it too late to unvaccinate all those kids who have had inoculations for a dozen other diseases? Because they are mandated and mandates are bad.

    It's a public health issue. If you don't want to have your child in public schools, then make whatever choice you want. These vaccines are safe and effective. COVID will be shown to have had a long term impact on kids with MIS-C being a preview. The brain damage stuff is going to be sad.

  • In 1986 when vaccine manufacturers were given immunity from any all damages their vaccine could and did cause, every public school in every state parents were given 3 opt out of vaccine forms. They are/were personal, religious and medical. Personal and religious was taken away from California about 6 years ago. I guess you didn't know you went to school with unvaccinated children. Did you die??? MIS-C has been around for a very long time, here are some of the causes until covid appeared... high fever, pharmaceuticals and vaccines.

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