Gov. Gavin Newsom: How to Destroy California in Less than 10 Years

The one thing Newsom is good at is destroying the Golden State

Governor Gavin Newsom at 2019 California Democratic Party State Convention at the George R. Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, June 1, 2019. (Photo: Gage Skidmore)

If I was a “progressive” governor and wanted to destabilize and destroy my state, there are certain policies I would impose, and orders I’d make, while insulating myself from my own policies:

Create a housing shortage.

Cut water off to rural areas in the state; remove dams and hydroelectric plants.

Limit water deliveries to farmers and ranchers.

Raise the minimum wage so high, restaurant owners are forced to lay off employees.

Pass policies killing manufacturing.

Pass policies bolstering a service economy.

Limit energy production to renewable energy only.

Limit gas and oil production creating a shortage, forcing people out of their cars and on to public transportation.

Order all internal combustion cars banned by 2035.

Mandate an all-electric state, including autos and trucks.

Install thousands of floating offshore wind turbines at a cost of $150 billion.

Legalize drugs.

Legalize sex with minors.

Legalize abortion up to baby’s birth.

Destroy the public education system by watering down actual disciplines of math and English, while sending your own children to private schools.

Promote affirmative action, racial preferences over merit.

Create fake crises – climate change, reparations.

Infringe on the people’s right to keep and bear arms by passing laws which nibble around the edges of the 2nd Amendment, creating defacto gun control.

Stop prosecuting crime.

Decriminalize certain crimes, resulting in emptying out state prisons.

Raise corporate taxes to discourage businesses from expanding.

Raise taxes and fees on public services and energy.

Raise income taxes on all income brackets.

Make it easier for local governments to raise taxes.

Impose a wealth tax.

Impose a death tax.

Force doctors to comply with state medical directives; punish those who refuse to comply.

Allow hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants into the state.

Provide free health care and welfare payments to illegal immigrants.

Allow illegal immigrants to vote in local elections.

Expand the size of government by hiring hundreds of thousands of state workers.

Create more labor unions jobs by expanding state government.

Encourage public schools to convince kids they are another gender; provide secret counseling to those kids; shelter kids from parents.

Limit media access in Capitol; reward compliant media.

Accept a gift of $3.7 million, 12,000 square foot mansion on 8 acres along the American River in Sacramento, then make $2.7 million tax-free for obtaining a cash-out refinance, and don’t report the gift on any financial disclosure forms.

Good job Gavin. You’ve outdone yourself.

Newsom’s policies have expedited the destruction of the most beautiful state; accelerated the declining population through outbound migration resulting in the loss of a congressional seat. He has irreparably harmed California’s businesses and once thriving economy starting with his 3 years of Covid lockdowns, which hurt mostly small business owners the most. Newsom more than quadrupled the drug-addicted homeless vagrants living on California streets making cities unlivable. He bolstered labor unions while crushing independent contractors and gig workers. Gavin Newsom increased poverty in California while growing state government.

It’s as if Gov. Newsom was very carefully and specifically trained on what it would take to destroy California – the one thing in which he actually excels – that, and feathering his own nest with ill-gotten gains.

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Katy Grimes: Katy Grimes, the Editor in Chief of the California Globe, is a long-time Investigative Journalist covering the California State Capitol, and the co-author of California's War Against Donald Trump: Who Wins? Who Loses?

View Comments (27)

  • I LOVE IT. This hits the nail on the head so hard. This is EXACTLY what Gavin Newsom has done. We knew it in a murkier way already, but the ironic perspective and black and white list helps us see it more clearly. Gavin has powered his way through the main checklist of what would definitely destroy California, and then, in his zeal to stick it to us, has added even more items --- for extra credit, apparently.
    And it's not as though the destruction has been mitigated or balanced out with positive, constructive, good governance that helped Californians in any way. NO. Navigating daily life has become increasingly difficult and burdensome and expensive and frustrating BECAUSE of this governor. Cannot think of ONE positive proposal or action for which Gov Gavin Newsom has been responsible. Which is really quite astonishing when you think about it.

  • Hair gel Hitler Newsom with assistance from the criminal Democrat mafia in the legislature and their appointed stooges in state agencies are destroying the state exactly as their paymasters have directed (i.e. WEF globalists, CCP, cartels, etc.)?

      KING OF KINGS LORD OF LORDS🙏🏼🙌👏📖⚔️🛡🎶✝️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸✝️

  • Great list of accomplishments by the worst governor in the history of our state. My only add would be his cozy relationship with China which I believe will be his undoing. Godly commonsense leadership will return to California is we all make it through next month's solar eclipse or another contrived event.

  • Hair-gel Hitler Newsom with assistance from the criminal Democrat mafia in the legislature and their appointed stooges in state agencies are destroying the state exactly as their paymasters have directed (i.e. WEF globalists, CCP, cartels, etc.)?

    • Spot on Katy!! Always enjoy your articles.
      Sadly, Newsom continues destroying California without remorse. Let’s pray this 2nd recall boots him right out of his cozy life he enjoys at taxpayers expense!!

  • 🙌🏻
    Hats off to my favorite reporter!
    I am sure his globalist overlords are very pleased. This is and will spread across this great country. All we have to look to is the chaos at the southern border and all major democrat run major cities.

  • As a physician, my question is where did Governor Newsom go to medical school? It is the outright responsibility of a licensed and board-certified physician or surgeon to obtain an informed consent from every patient before committing or omitting any and all therapies, before proceeding. It is criminal battery not to do so. I bring your attention to Medi-Cal assembly bill 2098 and signed by Dr. Newsom on October 2, 2022. Threatening punishment to physicians for supposed misinformation about his covid hoax was thankfully repealed. This is the problem with forcing doctors to comply with evil state medical directives. We the people need to privatize California medicine!

  • I love this list Katy! I can't wait to show it to my liberal - lefty cousin at Easter Dinner! I will enjoy watching her face turn red as she has a typical liberal meltdown. Thank you, great job as usual!

  • Don't worry, they will "signature cure" another Affirmation Action half wit to be Governor.
    Funny how if you treat ballots like junk, they get thought of that way.

  • In other words - EXECUTE THE MARCHING ORDERS OF HIS World Economic Forum sponsors/funders....
    RUIN the California economy so that his CCP "partners" can buy up much of the state's real estate and farmland on the CHEAP....
    There can be few other explanations for his WANTON & INTENTIONAL malevolence...

    • Exactly! This list is in his job description as written by the NWO elites that put him in power. Are there any fools left that think all this is innocent "mistakes"? There cannot be many left.

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