Home>Articles>Larry Elder Wins Election Lawsuit Against CA Secretary of State

Larry Elder speaking at FreedomFest at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas, July 13, 2016. (Photo by Gage Skidmore)

Larry Elder Wins Election Lawsuit Against CA Secretary of State

Judge orders Elder’s name on recall election ballot

By Katy Grimes, July 21, 2021 2:58 pm

Gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder just won his lawsuit against California Secretary of State Shirley Weber, who on Saturday released the list of the 41 candidates who she claimed filed the required paperwork to run in the September 14th recall election. However, Larry Elder‘s name was not on that list, the Globe reported Monday.

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Elder filed a lawsuit against the Secretary of State and the hearing was Wednesday. Elder won.

“Judge orders California to include Larry Elder on the ballot in California recall election. Says tax returns were never required in the first place for a recall as opposed to a primary election,” Attorney Harmeet Dhillon Tweeted immediately after the court win.

Attorney Steve Baric represented Elder in the court case. Attorneys Harmeet Dhillon and Mark Meuser filed a second lawsuit (embedded below) representing Betty Chu, taxpayers and the registered voters of the state of California, and also won their case.

Meuser said that the removal of candidates who did not properly redact their tax returns violates the voters constitutional right to vote. The judge agreed.

As Larry Elder Tweeted, “California judge rules that the election law Elder allegedly violated DID NOT EVEN APPLY to a recall election AND even if it did, Elder ‘SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIED.’ I will be on the ballot.”

“I don’t find Mr. Elder was required to file a tax return at all,” Superior Court Judge Laurie M. Earl said. “I would find he substantially complied.”

“I don’t find that the recall election is a direct primary election ballot,” Judge Earl said. “I don’t find that Mr. Elder was required to file tax returns at all.”

She then ordered the Secretary of State to qualify Larry Elder as a candidate and put his name on the ballot.

In 2019, Gov. Newsom signed a bill into law requiring presidential and state candidates to release five years of tax returns. Aimed at preventing President Donald Trump from being on the California ballot, the California Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional for only Presidential candidates. However Judge Earl together with the attorneys noted that the statute language does not apply to recall elections.

To read all of the Globe’s coverage of Elder vs. the Secretary of State, click HERE.

Article updated 6:30pm, 7/21/21.

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25 thoughts on “Larry Elder Wins Election Lawsuit Against CA Secretary of State

    1. Felix, even with Elder now in the recall, the voter support is still 43% YES to 48% NO. So not Elder, or anyone else, “will win” unless YES is 50%+.

  1. Crooked Democrats didn’t win this one! Why isn’t Shirley penalized, punished or FIRED for her blatant voter suppression attempt? Her outright intent to tamper with the election should be blasting on all local news networks but, you won’t hear a word! I sure hope Larry uses this stunt to upend Newsom and company! Thanks to Larry for not letting this go!

    1. That’s a good question, Stacy. Is there no penalty and what about the other 40 or so candidates who filed; what happens to them? Does the decision in favor of Larry Elder affect other candidates?

    2. As Stacy pointed out, Shirley Weber is either incompetent for her job or entirely politically motivated, either of which disqualifies her for the public trust and she needs to be removed ASAP from her position.
      Let’s face it, the Dem-RINO machine in California and beyond are terrified of an articulate and intelligent American who supports the basic tenants of civilized society. He appreciates and defends the freedoms we enjoy in the USA and add the fact that he is black, is from So. Central L.A. and already has a huge following as a talk show host and we can see why Shirley Webber was strong armed to leave him off the ballot! The Rothschild, Soros, Cushing, Getty, Newsom, Pelosi, Feinstein, etc. cabal will do everything they can to smear his name now. Watch for an insane amount of lying propaganda in the media to falsely trash our man from So. Central! Larry Elder can verbally hog tie any one of the Dems with facts and logic before they even know it…they have good reason to fear him. God speed Larry Elder!

      1. Hey Shirley- When a Governor is incompetent and unable to do his job he deserves to be recalled. Today Shirley says recalls are nonsense. I say surely they are not. And once again the Dems give us problems and no solutions.
        The Dems will not talk about the issues and Larry laid all the issues out. Unfortunately we are stuck with a lame Governor. Who you gonna call now Governor?

  2. The tide is turning. The old corrupt way of doing business in California is coming to an end. They have overplayed their hand!

  3. Love it —- glad to hear the judge’s ruling on what was done here!
    Full speed ahead with RECALL GAVIN.

  4. That’s awesome! I clapped out at home when I read that. Really excellent and powerful defeat of the CA bureaucracy!

  5. Best news in months. Look for the rivers of sweat pouring off Newsome’s brow to ease drought conditions in the Central Valley.

  6. Yes! Go man go!
    The People: 1 Corrupt California politicians: 0
    Next step is to get the tax return rule completely invalidated. The reasoning – that it gives people the information they need to be able to make an informed decision about the candidates – is bunk. The only thing that matters to is citizenship, felony status, and the issues.

  7. Yes…Yes…Yes. This ruling gives us a chance to effect change to the way things are done here. Let us first RECALL Newsom and then support Mr. Elder. We must not just send a message, we must help make the change, so that this state which has so much to offer this country, can again work for the benefit of its citizens.

  8. Am I the only one who did not know that Newsom created a law just to make sure Trump couldn’t be on a the Presidential ballot?

    In 2019, Gov. Newsom signed a bill into law requiring presidential and state candidates to release five years of tax returns. Aimed at preventing President Donald Trump from being on the California ballot, the California Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional for only Presidential candidates.

    1. Well, Lisa. I’m sure that you are NOT the only one who did not know about that law. If you follow the conservative or independent news media, you are more likely to have learned about it. If you follow CNN or MSNBC, they either ignored the story entirely or buried it. The left-wing media’s so-called “journalists” are nothing more than Democrat activists.

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