Happy California Cows. (Photo: Katy Grimes for California Globe)
Who and What is Behind Wrecking Our Food Supply?
Cows, chickens, prime agricultural land… are under attack
By Katy Grimes, January 5, 2025 2:55 am
What is happening to our food supply? Cows are under attack, meat packing and food processing plants have burned to the ground across the country, avian flu was unleashed and millions of chickens have been culled. California growers and ranchers are being starved of water and forced to fallow millions of acres of once abundant agriculture.
Bill Gates said in October, “Cows are about 5% of global emissions… If your goal is to get to Zero, you don’t get to skip the cows. One solution is to vaccinate the cows.” He argues that reaching zero emissions means addressing major sectors like agriculture, steel, and cement, and advocates for alternative solutions like lab-grown meat to reduce the carbon footprint.
“Vaccine shill Peter Hotez speaks of all the ‘viruses they have in the pipeline for the year’ speaking of the avianflu (notice the egg shortage) and how there’s a virus that can spread to cattle as well (beef shortage). They’re coming for our food supply next,” Merissa Hansen posted on X.
Dr. Peter McCullough wrote on Jan 2nd:
On September 19, 2011, Scientific American published an article titled What Will the Next Influenza Pandemic Look Like? As the authors noted:
Mysterious mutations
Topping the worst-case scenario list for most flu experts is a pandemic of H5N1, the “bird flu” which has killed about six in 10 people who have gotten it—a total of at least 550 people since 2003—and has laid to waste hundreds of millions of domestic fowl and wild birds.Fortunately, so far, it has not been transferred from human to human and has passed to us only via direct contact with animals. But any flu can change rapidly, mutating in each new host. So researchers wonder: Could the dreaded H5N1 ever morph into a disease that could spread among people, via a cough or sneeze, to attach to nasal or tracheal membranes, as the seasonal flu does every year?
To help answer this question, Ron Fouchier, also of Erasmus Medical Center, and his team “mutated the hell out of H5N1” and looked at how readily it would bind with cells in the respiratory tract. What they found is that with as few as five single mutations it gained the ability to latch onto cells in the nasal and tracheal passageways, which, Fouchier added as understated emphasis, “seemed to be very bad news.”
That was in 2011.
A hatchery in Monterey County, California, was recently forced to put down 13,000 ducks and geese as a result of the bird flu, Breitbart reported. Eggs now cost at much as $13 per dozen in some locations.
As the Globe recently reported:
Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake from Courageous Discourse™ are suspicious of the H5N1 and explain:
“Fatal influenza A infection in cattle is unprecedented. With California declaring a public health emergency, everyone should be asking where it came from.
“In spite of fatal influenza A infections in cattle being unprecedented, we are being told that—quite suddenly in the year 2024—Highly Pathogenic Influenza A subtype H5N1 (a form of Avian Influenza or “Bird Flu”) has been detected in dairy cattle herds in Texas and other states.
Strangely enough, I cannot find a single serious investigative report—conducted by large animal veterinarians—that attempts to answer how and why this particular virus (classified as HPAI H5N1 clade has so dramatically expanded its host range into a bovine animals with lethal effect.
The only report I can find is a fluff piece published by the American Veterinarian Medical Association (AVMA) titled Diligent detective work leads to discovery of HPAI in dairy cattle: A network of bovine and diagnostic veterinarians make the connection between cat and bird deaths and sick cows.
Not once in the report do the “diligent detectives” ask about the origin of this infection in cattle. Is it possible that this unprecedented and lethal influenza A infection in cattle came out of a lab?”
They say the public should be aware of the highly suspicious circumstances of this incident and Governor Newsom’s State of Emergency declaration.
So Bill Gates wants cows eradicated, the government is forcing hatcheries to mass cull chickens, yet eggs are one of the purest proteins we can eat. If we can’t get eggs or meat from cows, shouldn’t we be asking what’s really going on with our food supply?
Lawmakers and federal environmental regulators annually authorize billion gallons of California water to flow out to the ocean, instead of being used for human consumption. The state releases water out of reservoirs even during droughts. The water doesn’t go to farmers, growers, ranchers or for urban use. State environmental policy states that the water “flows” from reservoirs are necessary to produce a rebound of endangered Delta smelt and Chinook salmon. However, these policies have been an abject failure for both species. Notably, the environment, not agriculture, gets 80% of the water in California.
As Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh reports, the climate change industry is pushing anthropogenic global warming, a global economy and for our lives to be fundamentally altered by government fiat which forces green energy measures and excessive taxation of fossil fuels, changing every facet of our lives.
“The organization behind it all is the United Nations with its myriad of NGOs funded by U.S. taxpayer dollars, large corporations, billionaires, academia, large corporations, and international conglomerates.
The 1992 U.N. Agenda 21 was adopted in Rio by 178 countries and, within three decades, was written into local and state law in every country around the globe. The latest version of it, Agenda 2030, is nearing completion.
The lynchpin of Agenda 2030 is the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) which sound benign enough in their wording.
SDG number one is “no poverty.” It is noble to eradicate poverty, but no billionaire or large corporate conglomerates are rushing to disperse their wealth to the poor.
What it really means is that the world’s population will have to rely on the “welfare state” for survival and their governments will devise plans to “severely reduce population” by any means necessary.
SDG number two is “zero hunger.” What it really means is consuming GMOs, bugs, worms, and crickets, and severely reduce meat consumption as cows cause so much flatulence as to raise the CO2.”
The UN and WHO are attempting to create a natural “disaster” out of climate change. So far, most people have not bought into the climate change drivel, but as Dr. Paugh says, it is baked into federal, state and local law already. We are paying for its policies, even though we know it is not a real disaster.
Between 1958 and 1962, an estimated 65 million Chinese died as a result of Mao Zedong’s repeated, merciless attempts to create a new “socialist” China.
The Heritage Foundation reported that Mao ordered the collectivization of China’s agriculture under the ironic slogan, the “Great Leap Forward.”
“A deadly combination of lies about grain production, disastrous farming methods (profitable tea plantations, for example, were turned into rice fields), and misdistribution of food produced the worse famine in human history.”
“Deaths from hunger reached more than 50 percent in some Chinese villages. The total number of dead from 1959 to 1961 was between 30 million and 40 million—the population of California.”
As the peasants of China were starving to death, eating their pets, eating soil and dirt, eating leather and eventually each other, Mao was exporting grain.
Does Bill Gates think China’s famine was a success in depopulating the world of Chinese peasants?
Is this “bird flu” COVID 2.0?
Plenty of people around the country are paying attention and are concerned that whoever/whatever is behind this “want to kill 95% of the chickens and the cows, and any other meats that we eat, so that the prices go sky high, and they can force that chemical, plant-based crap down our throats.”
As the Globe reported last week, epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher who works and reports with Dr. Peter McCullough, and John Leake say the Bird Flu should be the subject of a criminal investigation:
“When Dr. Peter McCullough, Nicholas Hulscher, and I investigated reports of what is being represented to the public as a new clade of H5N1 bird flu, it became apparent to me that life sciences professionals—at least those outside the clique that is performing Gain-of-Function research on H5N1—are lacking sufficient information to ascertain the reality of this phenomenon.
“The proper why to get to the bottom of this story is to launch a criminal investigation, the rationale for which is the massive destruction of property that has already occurred—namely, the culling of millions of chickens and the purported deaths of hundreds of thousands of cattle in California.
“There is plenty of evidence that this virus is being manipulated in university and USDA laboratories. What exactly these bio-technicians have done and continue to do should be ascertained by law enforcement agencies with the power to subpoena documents and witnesses.”
In a Jan. 2nd post, Dr. McCullough reports “The current H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreak can be traced back the the USDA Poultry Research Center in Athens, Georgia, as the proximal origin. The strain that likely emerged through gain-of-function serial passage experiments in mallard ducks spread in the wild to sea mammals and then cattle. US government research most probably expanded the host range and created the problem we have now. Fortunately it is a mild strain when occasional human infection occurs which is usually from hand contact to the eye resulting in conjunctivitis. We have seen no human-to-human spread and there has never been a human US fatality due to H5N1.”
Eliminate global elitists and their government lackeys publicly.
Katy, I disagree that people are not buying into the climate scam. I have friends who are successful and well educated. A number of them act like they are members of a climate cult religion. In my field of work every single government mandate or edict cites climate change countless times in justifying the most draconian kind of restrictions on personal freedom and access to essential resources. It isn’t that Gates, Newsom and the rest of the elite could care less. It’s the opposite. The climate scam is their creation.
Agriculture has been starved (water reduced to a trickle over the years, hello), agricultural lands have been fallowed because of it, farms have gone belly up, dairy and cattle weakened and attacked without end, and it all certainly looks purposefully done by our Dear Leaders. How BIZARRE it is, once you stop and think and look at it cold? Why on earth would ANYONE want to do that? If it is being done so that China can eventually buy all the farm land for pennies on the dollar, or whatever the reason is, we need to pay attention to what used to be central to our state. Agricultural enterprise must come back full force to the State of California. It is fundamental; it must be turned around. Will we see it this coming year?
I think that for most people food comes from the store, electricity and natural gas comes out of the wall, and there is a cognitive disconnect between pumping oil and pumping gasoline. Probably next to none have any idea of what the globalists are doing to them. They’re busy living their lives the best they can under their individual circumstances, and getting their entertainment wherever they can.
Thank you Katy Grimes for reporting the demonic players who are behind the destruction of our food supply. Hopefully the incoming Trump administration can get the U.S. out of the UN, stop any further involvement the WHO, and neutralize WEF globalist stooges like Gavin “Hair-gel Hitler” Newsom, Bill Gates, Fauci, etc. by bringing them to justice for their crimes against humanity? Maybe RFK Jr. can assist on cleaning up out of control government agencies like the USDA that perform gain-of-function serial passage experiments?
Thanks for reporting on a subject that has been mostly ignored by the conservative media. Add to you list the endless destruction of massive amounts of food (mostly meat) by orders of the government alleging that someone, somewhere got sick from eating it. Then there is the government purchasing and hoarding millions of pounds of food in underground salt mines.
It really is frightening, we also have so much farmland being converted to solar factories…I refuse to call them farms. it is awful. I was at the store yesterday in Virginia, few eggs and little chicken on the shelves, and the price of beef was absurd! How can we stop this?
It’s ALWAYS the same ones who like to control things from the shadows, the power behind the power so to speak. They believe that those not of their group exist only to serve them and to be their slaves by divine decree. They have publicly stated their plan to eliminate 6 billion “useless eaters” by: “small, intensity (high body count) wars and conflicts, rapid acting fatal viruses and diseases (plus the so-called cure vaccines), and famines (starvation), and genocide by immigration”. They state that they will start with the most advanced countries and adjust their planned depopulation efforts with 3rd would countries. For the moment, the truth is still out there for those who want to put forth the effort to look; but act quickly because that information is being quickly scrubbed.
If I’m not mistaken, I believe that the Norovirus is a fecal matter issue that is on everything including our cell phones? RSV while challenging is survivable (our son came down with it when he was 3 months old and almost 30 years later, he is still functioning in a normal manner employed in the medical industry treating patients), the flu has always been with us and COVID while it started out in a nefarious manner has mutated into a weaker strain.
Katy has eloquently pointed out in this article and others is that we have a problem with some of the elite and our governments Our food has been genetically altered with cash infusions from Big Pharma. Our governments have been altered with cash infusions from foreign governments and some power-hungry elites and lastly our way of life has been under attack for decades and the attacks are reaching a crescendo. The power hungry believe that they can use the current scare to push us into total submission to them. The choice is up to us. I for one and going to continue to stand against this assault and pray that by God’s mercy we will prevail and secure a better society for the next generation.
Bill Gates…..
How much CO2 does Gates emanate with all of his histrionics about bovine flatulence and all of his other money-making schemes that coincidentally reduce the population somehow???
Yes, this is a concerted effort to reduce the food supply under the “green agenda” that mindless idiots have bought into…..
The fascist response to covid has destroyed much of the restaurant industry, at least locally to me. Restaurants that were local icons that served traditional American dinner fare are now breakfast joints that close at 2:00pm, with so called “mexican” tex-mex restaurants popping up everywhere – and how many of them serve to launder money for mexican cartels? It seems now that almost all you can get anymore in the evening is tacos and chilaquiles. As for steaks, it’s hard to find a good one in restaurants now. The size has shrunk and tends to be substandard to supermarket select grade meat, with all the fat trimmed, no marbling but all the siverskin and cartilage you can pack into what used to be good. I had such a steak and egg breakfast at one of the icons the other day: it was advertised as ribeye, but looked like chuck and was so tough I had to use my pocket knife to cut it, the restaurant serrated knife was useless with such a poor specimen of beef. Another gripe: the mexicans (from mexico) who have taken over the back house labor in restaurants (like was done in construction, with similar effects), don’t seem to have a clue what medium rare is, I would wager that one could order a steak raw and chances are it will come out well done.
5 percent of global emissions are produced by the gas from Bill Gates mouth.