Senator Shannon Grove gives speech on April 25, 2023 (Photo: sen.ca.gov)
Will CA Legislature Pass SB 14 to Make Sex Trafficking a Felony Once Again?
Sen. Grove’s bill will make ‘non-serious’ sex trafficking children a felony and a strike
By Katy Grimes, September 1, 2023 7:53 am
A bill to make sex trafficking a felony once again in California was blocked in the Assembly Public Safety Committee by Democrats in July, after passing unanimously in the Senate. Eventually and two days later, the committee was pressured by the public and lawmakers to reconsider their vote, and passed SB 14.
What should have been an easy vote for the safety and security of children should not have taken public outrage for passage. When and how did California’s Democrat lawmakers become so indifferent and callous to the people?
As Senator Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) said in July in an op ed, “the grim reality is that California is one of the largest sites of human trafficking in the United States.”
As the Globe reported in July, Currently human trafficking is defined as a “non-serious” crime which means the act of human trafficking cannot be considered a strike under California’s Three Strikes law.
While most people do not encounter the sex trafficking industry, the horrific stories of survivors are out there for anyone willing to listen. “Trafficking victims must meet daily sex or labor quotas before they’re permitted to sleep, eat or rest. In many instances, traffickers will brand their victims with facial or body tattoos to signify their ownership over the victim and the victim’s status as mere property,” Grove said.
The California Attorney General explains the magnitude of sex trafficking:
Human trafficking is among the world’s fastest growing criminal enterprises and is estimated to be a $150 billion-a-year global industry. It is a form of modern day slavery that profits from the exploitation of our most vulnerable populations. One common misperception is that human trafficking requires movement across borders. In reality, it involves controlling a person or group through force, fraud, or coercion to exploit the victims for forced labor, sexual exploitation, or both. This can occur entirely within a single country or it can cross borders.
The International Labor Organization estimates that there are more than 24.9 million human trafficking victims worldwide at any time. This includes 16 million victims of labor exploitation, 4.8 million victims of sexual exploitation, and 4.1 million victims of state imposed forced labor. The victims of human trafficking are often young girls and women. Young girls and women are 57.6% of forced labor victims and 99.4% of sex trafficking victims.
In the past, the U.S. Department of State has estimated that 14,500 to 17,500 victims are trafficked into the United States each year.
Six proposed bills in 2018-19 would have corrected unclear language and serious flaws in Proposition 57, passed in 2016 by voters, which reclassified many serious heinous crimes as “non-serious.” The initiative specified early parole for persons who committed non-violent offenses. However, the initiative never specified what is considered a non-violent felony.
But all 6 bills were killed by Democrats. Ironically, most of the bills were killed in Assembly or Senate Public Safety committees, just as SB 14 was.
Human trafficking involving a minor, assault with a deadly weapon, solicitation of murder, rape under various specified circumstances, grand theft of a firearm, elder and dependent adult abuse, were considered “non-violent” crimes under Prop. 57.
Senate Bill 14 by Senator Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) was voted down in the Assembly Public Safety Committee with 6 Democrats abstaining and 2 Republicans voting “aye”… that means Democrats wouldn’t even commit to a “no” vote lest it look bad during reelection time.
SB 14 will included sex trafficking of minors in the lists of crimes that are defined as serious under California law, making the crime a strike under the Three Strikes law, and would help strengthen protections for the millions of victims of sex trafficking.
As of today, Senator Grove says she has 64 co-authors which is more than half of the California State Legislature, including 46 Assembly members and 9 members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee who have signed on as co-authors. She has done a monumental job winning supporters and co-authors of SB 14,, and it’s taken a lot of heavy lifting.
Her bill is on the suspense file in the Assembly Appropriations Committee, awaiting passage or another killing by Democrats. Voters need to ask will the California Legislature pass this bill to make sex trafficking a felony once again – and why didn’t it sail through the Legislature? Spend a few minutes to look at the votes cast on SB 14, and remember the names who did not support it.
The nay voters need to step down today. Just go home and stay there. What are they good for except following the orders of criminals? They are not innocent.
Truck driver hailed as a hero for rescuing more than a dozen children from human trafficking
“The order-follower always bears more moral culpability than the order-giver, because the order-follower is the one who actually performed the action, and in taking such action, actually brought the resultant harm into physical manifestation.
Order-following is the pathway to every form of evil and chaos in our world. It should never be seen as a ‘virtue’ by anyone who considers themselves a moral human being.
Order followers have ultimately been personally responsible an morally culpable for every form of slavery and every single totalitarian regime that has ever existed upon the face of the earth.”
― Mark Passio
I agree with Laura. Legislators who voted “NO” on this obvious no-brainer should RESIGN NOW and “just go home and stay there.” How on earth can these people sleep at night? Never mind look themselves in the mirror. There’s probably no reflection anyway. Get OUT and STAY OUT and California will immediately and significantly begin to improve.
The “nays” should be locked up in chamber and made to watch “Sound of Freedom”, and then vote on Senator Grove’s bill AGAIN. If they are STILL “nays”, throw them out of the legislature on their STUPID ears.
Agree, Raymond.
Also thank you for the spot-on statistical work you provided elsewhere.
Those voting against this bill are signaling that they are either a part of this trafficking or they are sympathetic to it. There is no middle ground. If your senator or assembly person votes no, you need to work very hard to defeat them in the next election. If we fail to do that, we are complicit.