Author: California Globe
An independent, professional news website obsessively chronicling everything political throughout the state of California.
California Water Alliance: Recent Claims About California Water Operations
Weekly Talking Points Memo from the California Water Alliance on Recent Claims About California Water Operations The loss of life and property suffered by the residents of southern California because of the wildfires is tragic. CalWA is hopeful that the...
Did Hunter Biden Also Fail to Pay California Taxes?
Last week a public Whistleblower Complaint was successfully filed with the California State Auditor to investigate the Franchise Tax Board and whether Hunter Biden filed tax returns and paid taxes due California on time in the same period of 2014-2019...
Klamath Dams Down: Will Ranches Survive?
This is the second article in a series about the Klamath Dam Removal project in Siskiyou County. By Theodora Johnson The largest, most devastating dam removal experiment in modern history has reached the point of no return. As of January...
SPECIAL: We Can End California’s Homeless Crisis in One Year – These Blue States Show Us How
Special uncut op ed by: Jeff Reisig, DA Yolo County; Jim Cooper, Sheriff, Sacramento County; Anne Marie Schubert, Retired DA, Sacramento County; Greg Totten, CEO California District Attorneys Association and Retired DA, Ventura County It is time for new thinking...
Editorial: Rob Bonta Is Right About Amazon
The California Globe has not found much opportunity to praise elected California Democrats. But Attorney General Rob Bonta is right to sue Amazon for its anti-competitive, unfair, and just plain piggish policies. Conservatives ought to join liberals who are finally...
Preferred Pronouns and More: What I Saw at Teachers Union Convention
By Brenda Lebsack As a teacher, I attended the National Education Association convention last week, and my worst fears were confirmed. Public schools are no longer a safe place for families who hold traditional values or for families who believe...