In the California Public Contract Code, Division 2, Part 2, Chapter 1, Article 9, there are specified offenses under the State Contract Act. Section 10280 provides that any officer or employee of the department who corruptly performs any official act...
California Code of Civil Procedure, in Part 1, Title 4, Chapter 2, provides the Levying Officer Electronic Transactions Act. Section 263 names the Act and provides legislative findings and declarations that modern technologies offer alternatives to paper-based systems and provide...
In reviewing the recently-completed 2023-24 California Legislative Session, the following chart provides five major actions on all regular session bills during the 2-year session: Assembly Bills Percentage of Introduced Bills Action Senate Bills Percentage of Introduced Bills 3,291 n/a INTRODUCTIONS...
The Public Contract Code, in Division 2, Part 3, Chapter 1, Article 1.3, deals with the award of contract under the Local Agency Public Construction Act. Section 20103.8 allows a local agency to require a bid for a public works...
California’s Public Contract Code, in Division 2, Part 3, Chapter 1, Article 1.7 requires certain payments be made by local public agencies in construction contracting. Section 20104.50 provides legislative intent to require all local governments to pay their contractors on...
After surveying legislation during the 2024 Legislative Session, I have a couple of observations and would like to suggest some bill drafting changes I have. So, here they are: Legislative drafters strive for clarity and consistency, and they try to...
California’s Public Contract Code, in Division 2, Part 3, Chapter 2, Article 2, provides for the California Uniform Construction Cost Accounting Commission. Section 22010 created the California Uniform Construction Cost Accounting Commission, which is comprised of 14 members, thirteen of...