California’s Public Contract Code, in Division 2, Part 3, Chapter 2, Article 2, provides for the California Uniform Construction Cost Accounting Commission. Section 22010 created the California Uniform Construction Cost Accounting Commission, which is comprised of 14 members, thirteen of...
In California’s Code of Civil Procedure, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 1, there are provided specified ministerial officers of justice courts. CCP Section 262 provides that the direction or authority of a party or attorney to a sheriff, in respect...
Article 11 deals with fines and imprisonment. Section 11145 prohibits a state agency from adopting or enforcing any rule or regulation a violation of which can result in the imposition of a fine or imprisonment, unless a statute specifically authorizes...
Article 1 deals with civil fees generally. Section 70600 expresses legislative intent to establish a uniform schedule of filing fees and other civil fees for the superior courts throughout the state. This chapter may be called the Uniform Civil Fees...
Section 68750 provides that, in the conduct of investigations and formal proceedings, the commission or the masters may (a) administer oaths; (b) order and otherwise provide for the inspection of books and records; and (c) issue subpoenas for the attendance...
The California Public Contract Code, in Division 2, Part 3, Chapter 2, addresses bidding on public contracts. Article 1 contains legislative intent and definitions. Section 22000 provides that this chapter is known and may be cited as the “Uniform Public...
Section 11100 allows the Controller or other State disbursing officers to secure and use a facsimile signature machine and sign or countersign all warrants or checks issued in pursuance of his or her duties by placing a facsimile signature thereon...