As many are aware, Assembly Bill 2257, by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego), was signed by Governor Gavin Newsom on September 4 as Chapter 38. As an urgency measure, the statute took effect immediately. AB 2257 repealed Labor Code Section...
California has three historical-related entities: State Historical Resources Commission, California Historical Records Advisory Board, and State Historical Building Safety Board. What’s the difference? State Historical Resources Commission Public Resources Code Division 5, Chapter 1, Article 2 concerns historical resources. Section...
We sometimes hear statements around the California State Capitol about codified versus uncodified laws. What’s the difference? Essentially, codified laws are those that are contained in the Codes for the State of California. There are 29 codes in California, beginning...
All measures in the California Legislature prominently display the “Legislative Counsel’s Digest.” What is it? According to the Glossary provided by the Office of Legislative Counsel, the “Digest is prepared by the Legislative Counsel and it summarizes the effect of...
California has two debt-related entities: California Debt Limit Allocation Committee and California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission. What’s the difference? California Debt Limit Allocation Committee Government Code Title 2, Division 1, Chapter 11.8 sets forth the California Debt Limit Allocation...
California has four water-related entities: California Water Commission, California Water Quality Monitoring Council, Department of Water Resources, State Water Resources Control Board. What are the differences? California Water Commission In Water Code Division 1, Chapter 2, Article 2, Section 150,...
California has two aging-related entities: California Commission on Aging and Department of Aging. What’s the difference? California Commission on Aging Welfare and Institutions Code Division 8.5, Chapter 3 concerns the California Commission on Aging in Sections 9200 to 9205. Section...