In California state government is the Commission on State Mandates. It is established in Title 2, Division 4, Part 7 on State-Mandated Local Costs. Chapter 1 contains the following statement of legislative intent in Section 17500: The Legislature finds and...
The Fair Political Practices Commission was created by Proposition 9 as part of the Political Reform Act of 1974 that was adopted by the statewide electorate in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal at the federal level. The FPPC is...
The courts in California, as well as across the country, utilize certain canons or rules of statutory construction. Essentially, statutory construction is how the courts interpret and ultimately apply the statutes or laws enacted by the state and federal legislatures....
California’s statutes, California Codes of which there are more than half a million, are contained in 29 separate codes. In an effort to provide guidance to those needing to interpret these statutes, each Code begins with a “General Provisions” section....
In California government, there is the State Public Works Board (SPWB), which is set forth in the Government Code. The SPWB is found in Title 2 (Government of the State of California), Division 3 (Executive Department), Part 10.5, Chapter 2,...
An important entity within the Governor’s Office is the Office of Planning and Research (OPR), which plays multiple roles in California state government. It is established in the California Government Code, Chapter 1.5, which sets forth Sections 65025 through 65059.3....
California’s Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is one of the few state agencies that is established in the state’s constitution. Article 12 was added by Proposition 12 at the November 5, 1974 election. This article of the constitution contains the following...