California’s Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is one of the few state agencies that is established in the state’s constitution. Article 12 was added by Proposition 12 at the November 5, 1974 election. This article of the constitution contains the following...
The Milton Marks Little Hoover Commission (LHC) is a bipartisan, independent state oversight agency created in 1962. It is comprised of 13 appointed Commissioners, four of whom are state legislators and nine of whom are public members. Its mission is...
GO-Biz is the name for the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development. It is established in Title 2, Division 3, Part 2, Chapter 1.6 of the California Government Code. GO-Biz can be found in Gov’t Code Sections 12096 to...
Every ten years, or once-a-decade, the geographic boundaries of legislative districts are redrawn based upon the results of the United States Census. Redistricting affects the districts for candidates to the State Senate, State Assembly, Board of Equalization, and U.S. House...
Article XI of California’s Constitution, as well as the Government Code, provide for local governments. There are 58 counties, 482 cities, more than 3,500 special districts, and numerous regional entities. In California, there are local governments and regional entities, often...
The California Law Revision Commission was established almost seventy years ago as an independent agency. It exists in law for the purpose of assisting the Legislature and Governor in reviewing and making reform suggestions to state laws. The Commission conducts...
California’s Constitution provides a number of voting rights for its residents, which are found in Article II. Article 2 was most recently amended by Proposition 14 on the June 9, 1976 ballot and it includes a number of provisions related...