California’s Constitution provides a number of voting rights for its residents, which are found in Article II. Article 2 was most recently amended by Proposition 14 on the June 9, 1976 ballot and it includes a number of provisions related...
The Governor’s Department of Finance (DOF), similar to the federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB), serves as the Governor’s chief fiscal policy advisor, and their employees work on issues and programs that are of concern to the Governor, the...
The California Legislative Analyst Office (LAO), similar to the federal Congressional Budget Office (CBO), serves as the fiscal and policy advisor to the Legislature. It has done so for more than 75 years and the LAO is known for its...
For those who need to research the legislative history of a bill that was enacted into law in the State of California, there are a number of options to use. This article briefly describes some of those avenues for the...
When drafting bills and amendments in California, a number of key reminders are worth reviewing. At a most basic level, every bill draft should clearly describe who is required or allowed to do what; what is required or allowed to...
The judicial branch of state government in California engages in policy making through the Judicial Council. The Council makes policy for the courts in this state, including the Supreme Court, Courts of Appeal, and Superior Courts. Article VI of the...
California’s judiciary branch of government is supported by several important entities that assist the judicial branch in operating efficiently. Commission on Judicial Appointments (CJA) This commission is charged with reviewing gubernatorial appointments to the appellate courts in this state. CJA...