An area that is rarely talked about in California’s Capitol community concerns the infrequent lobbying of bill referrals. In other words, how does someone get a bill referred to a favorable committee? Or an unfavorable committee? Or maybe multiple committees?...
The California Legislature operates during two-year legislative sessions. At the commencement of the 2-year Session, the Legislature must organize itself. In that regard, there are several provisions related to organizing the Legislature that are found in the California Constitution and...
Ethics in the California Legislature is an important topic. As such, both houses of the Legislature have their own ethics committees. The Senate has adopted an official Code of Conduct for its members, while the Assembly has not. Nonetheless, both...
The Governor has the authority to appoint several thousand individuals to serve in his or her Administration during his or her four-year term. Some of these positions require the “advice and consent” of the State Senate. There are two aspects...
The California Constitution grants the Governor, subject to approval by the Legislature, the authority to “assign and reorganize functions among executive officers and agencies and their employees.” A reorganization of the executive branch of government is called a “Governor’s Reorganization...
There are four legislative leaders representing the two political parties in the two houses of the California Legislature. These four individuals are elected by the members of their respective caucuses. In addition, for the Assembly Speaker and Senate President pro...
In both the California State Assembly and the State Senate, there are designated officers and elected leaders of these two bodies. The following is a listing of the officers and leadership positions in the Assembly and the Senate: Assembly Officers...