The Secretary of State is an important player as a political institution because the office is where all of the campaign and lobbying filings are made. As a result, campaign contributions to campaign expenditures to reports by lobbyists and lobbyist...
The Attorney General is the chief law enforcement officer of the state. The California Constitution establishes the Attorney General as the state’s chief law officer and is responsible for ensuring that the laws of the state are enforced. The Attorney...
If a recall of the Governor is initiated, the recall duties must be performed by the Lt. Gov. California’s Lieutenant Governor (LG) has a largely ceremonial role in this state. He or she runs separately (i.e., the Lt. Governor...
Like other professions, particularly in the service sector, the field of lobbying is a business. Lobbying is a professional services business and state law requires transparency in the activities of those in the lobbying business (i.e., public disclosure of information)....
An important, but often over-looked, component of lobbying for or against legislative changes is working with the relevant state agencies or departments to secure a favorable recommendation on the bill that you are lobbying. There are both policy and fiscal...
The California Constitution, one of the longest of the fifty states, has 32 articles (even though the last one is numbered 35), and three articles contain subparts (Articles 10, 13 and 19). There are approximately 365 sections contained in those...
The California Constitution, one of the longest of the fifty states, has 32 articles (even though the last one is numbered 35), and three articles contain subparts (Articles 10, 13 and 19). There are approximately 365 sections contained in those...