Colleges and universities are, theoretically, places where rigorous intellectual debate can flourish. But these days, it seems that every time a professor even gently reproaches pro-Hamas students he or she is accused of harassment and bullying and railroaded by school...
It is established case law from the Supreme Court on down that the government cannot make services or funding contingent on political beliefs or withhold services based on them. In other words, there are not supposed to be loyalty oaths...
Jewish parents and teachers fighting a pitched legal battle to keep an anti-Semitism ridden ethnic studies curriculum out of the Los Angeles public schools, are vowing to appeal a federal judge’s snide ruling dismissing their lawsuit against the Los Angeles...
Trying to turn a physically healthy girl into a boy is arguably an abnegation of nature. So it is not surprising that doctors, psychologists and school officials resort to chicanery and badgering to foist irreversible medical procedures on confused kids...
Diversity, equity and inclusion proponents are not very inclusive of anybody who disagrees with them. In a harrowing Wall Street Journal opinion piece published earlier this week, University of California at Riverside Professor Perry Link recounted how he was hounded,...
California Attorney General Rob Bonta wants to turn shoppers into spies. In his consumer advisory issued late last month on how to avoid holiday shopping scams Bonta urged consumers to report stores that lack gender neutral toy and child care...
Trump derangement syndrome clearly took hold in the San Gabriel Unified School District where a teacher’s aide was badgered, harassed and then fired for bringing her Trump-themed knapsack and water bottle to school. Now, Alyssa Esquivel, a sign language interpreter...