The constant refrain is that persons of color are victims of society. But it often seems that people speaking on their behalf do the real victimizing–besmirching others with bogus charges of racism. Last year, two teenagers expelled from a California...
It sounds like the University of California at Berkeley has devolved into a cesspool of anti-Semitism, where even the police cower in the face of Hamasnik hooliganism. The school is already being sued for “inaction” over rampant Jew hatred on...
Allowing mob rule on campus suddenly has repercussions now that Donald Trump is president. In its latest crack down on campus anti-Semitism, the Trump Justice Department this week filed court papers supporting the Jewish students and professor suing the school...
Former Navy diver Jason Murchison wants to give paid surfing lessons on the City of Newport Beach public beaches. But it seems that City officials are on some kind of power trip to turn the beaches into their own private...
Whites need not apply. But now they can. In the face of a lawsuit by the Californians for Equal Rights Foundation, the San Diego Housing Commission is no longer limiting its financial assistance program for first-time home buyers to blacks...
Leftist anti-Semitism has clearly infested the California education system. And now the Brandeis Center has filed federal discrimination complaints against two California universities and one school system for an astounding amount of anti-Semitic harassment of students that school administrators allowed...
Racial tribalism is under legal assault in Fresno. The Californians for Equal Rights Foundation last week filed a lawsuit that says the Fresno Unified School District’s special remedial program for black students is illegally discriminating against the non-black students it...