California has a new low: Sen. Maria Elena Durazo, a Democrat state lawmaker, wants to nullify Limited Liability Companies (LLC) and similar corporations, and force business owners and landlords to disclose their identities. Her bill, SB 1201, “would require a...
California Democrats have 14 reparations-related bills introduced this session. They are the first bills to come following the California Reparations Task Force’s final list of recommendations which are an attempt to legalize racial discrimination. The latest is a bill to...
You read that headline right. California State Senator Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) authored Senate Bill 1414 – a bipartisan measure to strengthen protections for minor victims by making the act of soliciting, agreeing to engage in or engaging in any form...
One of my favorite state rankings publications is out, and unfortunately, California does not have good news… again. The American Legislative Exchange Council, ALEC, publishes the annual Rich States, Poor States report, authored by economists Art Gaffer, Stephen Moore and...
“What happens when climate change and the mental-health crisis collide?” That actual headline in triggered my BS meter. What does climate change have to do with mental health? “The warming planet is worsening mental illness and distress. Researchers need...
Even after badly losing Proposition 16 in 2020, the referendum to bring back racial preferences, the professional class of race hustlers are at it again – this time with a constitutional amendment of their own. As the Globe reported in...
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Insanity is also knowing that Democrats created a statewide crisis and allowing them to claim they can fix it. It’s also stupid. State Democrats are disturbed...