Author: Marc Ang
Marc Ang ( is the President of the Chinese American Citizens Alliance in Orange County and founder of Asian Industry B2B. He is a community organizer in Southern California who has a heart for promoting quality education, Christian causes and law and order. Marc is also a freelance journalist who is featured regularly on the Washington Examiner, Newsweek, City Watch LA, RedState, Asian Journal and many more publications. He has made front page news on LA Times and New York Times for his activism and leadership in the Asian community. His book “Minority Retort” will be released in early 2022.
Overreach in Technology Regulation Carries Multiple Risks
Last year, former chair of the U.S. National Science Board Diane Souvaine, PhD, testified before the Congressional Committee on Science, Space, & Technology on U.S. competitiveness in critical technologies. After warning that other countries such as those in East and...