Home>Articles>Coddling Kamala is as Disastrous as Humoring Hillary

Vice President Kamala Harris, joined by President Joe Biden, delivers remarks on voting rights Tuesday, January 11, 2022, at Morehouse College in Atlanta. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

Coddling Kamala is as Disastrous as Humoring Hillary

Aides in her office had to endure a ‘constant amount of soul-destroying criticism’

By Katy Grimes, October 21, 2024 3:55 am

Coddling is defined as “treating someone in an indulgent or overprotective way.” And coddling a politician, particularly a female, ends up in disaster.

From stories of throwing books and ashtrays, to being wicked, mean, cruel and rude to Secret Service detail, Hillary Clinton has been coddled by staffers for decades. The stories are legendary, and not in a superhero way. Her “yes” people have always sheltered her from the bad news to bad press reviews, leading the former First Lady, former U.S. Senator, former Secretary of State, and two-time Presidential candidate to believing in her own mainstream media glorified headlines, feeding the unchallenged narcissism.

And when things don’t go Hillary’s way, duck.

The New York Post reported back in 2015:

“Good morning, ma’am,” a member of the uniformed Secret Service once greeted Hillary Clinton.

“F— off,” she replied.

That exchange is one among many that active and retired Secret Service agents shared with Ronald Kessler, author of “First Family Detail,”

Kessler writes flatteringly and critically about people in both parties. Regarding the Clintons, Kessler presents Chelsea as a model protectee who respected and appreciated her agents. He describes Bill as a difficult chief executive but an easygoing ex-president. And Kessler exposes Hillary as an epically abusive Arctic monster.

“When in public, Hillary smiles and acts graciously,” Kessler explains. “As soon as the cameras are gone, her angry personality, nastiness, and imperiousness become evident.”

He adds: “Hillary Clinton can make Richard Nixon look like Mahatma Gandhi.”

Coddling a politician is tricky because many of the staffers want so desperately to be around a rising or already established lawmaker, they will take a lot of abuse… until they no longer can. It’s a self-serving action, resulting in the padding on the resume. Thusly, they are feeding the dangerous behavior of the narcissist the way blood feeds the vampire.

Former agent Jeff Crane says, “Hillary would cuss at Secret Service drivers for going over bumps.” Another former member of her detail recollects, “Hillary never talked to us . . . Most all members of first families would talk to us and smile. She never did that.”

“We spent years with her,” yet another Secret Service agent notes. “She never said thank you.”

Take Kamala, please. Or at least her staffers say that.

The Washington Post reported in December 2021 about VP Harris:

The rumors started circulating in July: Vice President Harris’s staff was wilting in a dysfunctional and frustrated office, burned out just a few months after her historic swearing-in and pondering exit strategies. A few days later, Harris hosted an all-staff party at her official residence, where most of her office bit into hamburgers and posted pictures of smiling, congenial co-workers on Twitter, pixelated counterpoints to the narrative of an office in shambles.

“Let me tell you about these burgers at the VP’s residence!!” chief Harris spokesperson Symone Sanders gushed in a tweet. Five months later, Sanders is leaving the vice president’s office, the highest-profile member of an end-of-year exodus that includes communications chief Ashley Etienne and two other staffers who help shape the vice president’s public image.

Business Insider reported in December 2021:

A person who worked for Kamala Harris before she assumed the vice presidency told The Washington Post over the weekend that aides in her office had to endure a “constant amount of soul-destroying criticism.”

With last week’s announcement that Symone Sanders, Harris’ chief spokesperson, would soon depart, and with the expected exits of Peter Velz, the director of press operations, and Vince Evans, the deputy director of the Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, the turnover in the vice president’s office has some Democrats concerned about her potential as a presidential nominee.

Kamala Harris is not a nice person, nor is she any sort of talent.

I’ve covered Kamala Harris for many years. The rumors have always been active about her poor treatment of staff, until she needs to improve her public image, and then it’s all rainbows and unicorn farts – until they leave.

Other stories swirling around Kamala were always that she does not prepare for meetings, speeches, or press events. And when she does poorly, she blames staffers for not preparing her.

Those stories are true according to Business Insider:

Some said Harris would refuse to analyze briefing materials set forth by employees but then scold them if she appeared unprepared.

“It’s clear that you’re not working with somebody who is willing to do the prep and the work,” one former staffer told the newspaper. “With Kamala you have to put up with a constant amount of soul-destroying criticism and also her own lack of confidence. So you’re constantly sort of propping up a bully and it’s not really clear why.”

Unfortunately, this seems to be a trait prevalent in narcissistic female politicians (not all female politicians, by any stretch).

Kamala Harris’s 2020 presidential bid began with a bang – but died out rapidly as her radical Marxist ideology and weak policy positions inspired no one. And probably because she approached it as she does most things – brazen entitlement, the seat of her pants, and with a few timeworn tortured lines.

Harris’ 2020 campaign died in less than a year, having never received one vote. Even NBC reported this – “The freshman senator who announced her candidacy in January 2019 before 20,000 cheering supporters in Oakland, California, dropped out in December before a single vote had been cast,” NBC said in Kamala Harris’ 2020 campaign was a mess...

She was rewarded with the Vice Presidential slot on the Democrat Party ticket with Joe Biden because Democrats thought they needed a token Diversity, Equity and Inclusion member of the presidential team.

That’s why the recent Tucker Carlson – Harmeet Dhillon interview is such an important one to listen to. As I posted to X, “@TuckerCarlson‘s long form interview with Harmeet Dhillon @pnjaban about the real Kamala Harris is as instructive as it is alarming. It also demonstrates just how toxic San Francisco politics have been for decades.”

“Dhillon is a San Francisco lawyer who’s known Kamala Harris for more than 20 years. Her verdict: Kamala Harris is a criminal.”

Dhillon reveals the many political law violations Harris engaged in. And it’s the early days with Harris that California media neglected to report when Kamala decided to run for State Attorney General.

The first surprise is that there’s no record of Kamala Harris having registered to vote until she was almost 30. “It’s kind of an important thing,” Dhillon says. “So. Well, after she became an attorney, well after she became a prosecutor, she hadn’t registered to vote.”

The other important issue is how many/few cases Kamala Harris actually tried as a prosecutor:

Harmeet Dhillon: For somebody who’s claimed today in all of her public appearances to have been a, you know, lifelong law enforcement officer and prosecutor. And when she ran for district attorney claim to have tried hundreds of cases, she actually, according to what I’ve been able to dig up and what her opposition dug up on her in 2003, which she never refuted. Two cases in San Francisco during the two years that she worked at the DA’s office before quitting and then planning her run against her boss, eight, in the Alameda County District Attorney’s office.

She gives much more detail about Kamala’s affair with former California Assembly Speaker, then-San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown. I won’t rehash that again, other than to say Willie was Kamala’s entree’ into San Francisco society, politics, and to the San Francisco power brokers.

Dhillon concludes:

“I don’t think it’s disputable that the extra income and more importantly, the patronage that she enjoyed in her 20s and early 30s made her the person who is, you know, the vice president of United States today and seeking the top job not on merit but influence peddling and using her female wiles.”

Dhillon explains that Willie Brown and his cronies were being investigated by the SF District Attorney at the time, and to put a stop to those investigations, he raised a lot of money for Kamala to run for DA. She won, and the “pesky” corruption investigations went away:

“Willie Brown was able to put an end to a pesky investigations into corruption in San Francisco and misconduct by the police department by getting Kamala Harris installed over there. So everything became smooth again when she became the district attorney and stayed that way under control for many years while she was a district attorney until she ran for attorney general.”

Tucker and Harmeet discuss the pronunciation of Kamala’s name – Harmeet remembers as I do – she’s used both Kamala like “Obama”, and Kamala like Kama-la (, la). I was actually corrected by one of her staffers at Kamala’s AG swearing-in in 2011 who told me, “her name is pronounced like Obama’s – Ka-mal-a.”

Ka-mal-a. Whatever. My name is Katy and it is pronounced Katy.

But really, her varying name pronunciations is the least of it. Kamala is a shapeshifter as Harmeet Dhillon said, and always has been nakedly ambitious. And she’s been coddled every step of the way starting with Willie Brown and his favors, and cars, and desire clothes, and big money commission appointments, and the Opera, and art gallery openings, and obtaining the office of the San Francisco District Attorney, and on and on. She, as with so many who attach themselves to government, has failed up. She never succeeded at anything. And those around her coddled her while allowing for her incompetence.

But she kept looking up at higher office.

It makes one curious about the promises to the Party, or special interest groups. Because that is how it is done when the upwardly mobile “success” is not because of intellect, brilliance, hard work, diligence or political savvy.

And we saw this lack of talent/intellect on full display again last week.

Kamala Harris couldn’t even deliver a cogent answer to Fox News host Bret Baier when he asked her about her administration’s open border immigration policies, and how many illegal migrants were in the U.S. having breached that open border. Or when she knew of President Biden’s cognitive decline.

It is astonishing she wasn’t even prepared to answer these anticipated questions, with a reasonable statement, while not implicating herself. This is a skill most talented politicians excel at.

Harris did not answer any of Baier’s questions, but she did manage to name and blame Donald Trump more than 20 times in the brief interview she was 17 minutes late to. And then offered up a time-killing trivial screed to Baier about our what a threat Trump is “to our Democracy.”

I know high school seniors who could have answered Bret Baier’s questions intelligently.

And Kamala Harris thinks she deserves the highest office in America.

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16 thoughts on “Coddling Kamala is as Disastrous as Humoring Hillary

  1. I did watch Tucker’s interview with Harmeet, and I am familiar with Kamala’s “rise.” She is no frontline prosecutor. She has not tried “hundreds of cases” or personally prosecuted “trans-national gangs.” Like much of California politics- she was “selected” not elected, and only won the State AG race over Cooley by 2,000 votes (they just kept counting until Harris won) Harris couldn’t have been a worse choice for VP, and a disastrous choice for President. Her path represents everything bad in California politics based not on ability, but skin color, gender, and progressive talking points, while pretending to be effective. My hope is that her decisive defeat in the presidential election will put an end to the strange and toxic brew that resulted in her rise.

  2. It is frankly shocking that an inept phony like Harris became Vice President. It will be a catastrophic disaster if she is elected president. Imagine if she is elected and Chinese General Secretary Xi Jinping tells her he intends to invade Taiwan the next day. Is Harris going to respond by saying “What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been”???

    Harris supporters brag that she is “brat.” Not a brat, just brat. What if Vladimir Putin has his fill of US weapons support for Ukraine and tells her if the US sends any more medium range missiles to that country he will drop a hydrogen bomb on New York. Will one of Harris’ aides say “Vladimir, you better not mess with her. She’s brat.” This is a brutal world and no place for a dingbat leader.

  3. It’s amazing, isn’t it? And not in a good way. Who can even believe that we are now in a place where Americans would be cursed with such a preposterous “Democrat” presidential candidate as Kamala Harris, who slept her way into politics, who is not only corrupt and thoroughly untalented, but who as a politician has ZERO charm, is explosively angry, phony, and untruthful at every turn, even with her own staff. Etc.

    In the realm of arrogant, delusional, empty, lying, nonsense-spewing horse’s-ass California politicians, a good case could be made that Kamala is even worse than Gavin Newsom, and that is really saying something.

  4. I hope the good democrat voters take into account that their current candidate for president was imposed upon them. She did not have to battle in a primary for the position. If the democrats are so concerned about the “threat to democracy” then look no further than Kamala’s candidacy for president! Joe is forced to step down and she steps in weeks ahead of the election! She has been assisted at every step to get where she is. She would not have survived a primary race! The more she goes off script the more is revealed that she would be a disaster for this country. She does not respect our Constitutional Republic or the documents and values of the Judea Christian foundation of the United States of America.
    Two young men out of the University of Wisconsin reminded Ms.Harris during her promotion of killing babies, that Jesus is Lord. She essentially told them they are not welcome there as they were physically attacked by an older woman for shouting that.
    Ms. Harris has essentially conveyed, to people of Christian faith you are not welcome in her version of America.
    As far as I can see she mocks, berates the hard working, everyday person trying to take care of their families. She is an out of touch, soulless, elitist, politician.
    No thanks!

    1. Oh yes, Cali Girl, very good of you to mention “the coup” in all of this; i.e., Joe Biden unceremoniously tossed out of the presidency the way it’s done in corrupt, backward, totalitarian countries that we once thought we could NEVER become. Also that Kamala hates Christians —- which she demonstrated brazenly and unashamedly at the rally podium, no less! —– unafraid of being filmed. But don’t worry, she LOVES abortion! What a scary, scary, SCARY woman.

  5. As you stated ShowandTell, it is hard to fathom that this scary woman who runs on a platform of death and mutilation is a candidate for POTUS. Her “joy” seems to be in hurting her fellow citizens.
    I believe God will have the last laugh, after all it is not the government that has given us are personal freedoms, it is God almighty!

  6. Not only is Kamala Harris a mean and nasty person, she’s also a pathological liar who will say and do anything for power and control?

    Black conservative Candace Owens has investigated Kamala Harris’ family history in a series of podcasts on her Rumble and YouTube channels. Candace uncovered that Kamala has lied about her family history on her father’s side of the family. While Kamala’s father Donald Harris has previously admitted that his wealthy Jamaican ancestors once owned slaves, it turns out that his family was a mixture of Irish and East Indian and not black as Kamala has often tried to claim. Candace found a photo of Kamala’s real grandmother who was a White woman in contrast to the photos that Kamala had included in her autobiography of her with a Black woman who she claimed was her grandmother. Candace theorized that the woman that Kamala claimed was her Black grandmother was instead probably the hired help.

    Candace concluded that if Kamala would purposely lie about her family history to gain favor with Black voters, then she’d lie about everything else in her quest for more political power and control?


      1. Kamala is a flagrant plagiarizer as well.

        Kamala Harris was busted earlier this month for plagiarizing sections of her book on crime, after Austrian “plagiarism hunter” Dr. Stefan Weber found numerous sections lifted from Wikipedia, news reports, and other sources. Now, it’s been revealed that Harris also plagiarized pages of Congressional testimony from a Republican colleague in 2007. In 2012, she plagiarized a fictionalized story about sex trafficking and presented it as a real case, according to Free Beacon journalist Aaron Sibarium. She also lifted roughly 80% of her testimony before the House Judiciary Committee in support of a student loan repayment program.


  7. Lizzo the Hutt says Kackala will make all of the US just like Detroit. Maybe that is a good thing. I hear Detroit is so bad you can buy a house for a dollar. 😉

  8. This is clearly a grimey piece of work weak in substantive facts. I particularly resent the the focus on coddling females. Shame on you Katy. Looking forward to the inside story on Trump and other narcissistic male politicians. I am looking forward to a Harris/Walz victory on November 5th!!! 🎉

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