Dust-Up as Assembly Passes Bill to Prohibit Schools from Notifying Parents about ‘Gender Confused’ Kids
Some in the Capitol press are reflexively taking the side of the supermajority silencing dissent
By Katy Grimes, June 27, 2024 12:22 pm
There was a serious dust up Thursday in the Assembly over Assembly Bill 1955 by Assemblyman Chris Ward (D-San Diego), the bill to prohibit schools from notifying parents if their child is “gender confused.” During floor debate, Assemblyman Bill Essayli (R-Riverside) spoke about how morally and legally wrong it is to cut parents out of the discussions over a gender confused child. He also brought up his bill from last year which would have addressed this, but Assembly Speaker pro Tempore Jim Wood interrupted him, and when Essayli challenged the interruption, and noted that he is always interrupted by Speaker Wood when he speaks on the Assembly Floor, Wood cut his mic off.
Essayli said the Democrat leadership was like “the Chinese Communist Party.”
A vote to allow Essayli to continue with floor debate failed. Assemblyman Rick Chavez Zbur (D-Hollywood) was called to speak on the bill, and started talking about his own coming out as LGBT. Essayli raised a point of order because Zbur was talking about his personal life. Essayli said he had a second from Assemblywoman Kate Sanchez, and Assemblyman Dr. Corey Jackson (D-Los Angeles) challenged it. Essayli said something inaudible, and then Assemblyman Dr. Jackson aggressively got out of his seat toward Essayli, when he was restrained by Assembly colleagues, as this video shows.
KCRA’s Ashley Zavala caught this video.
Calmatters’ Alexei Koseff posted this:
What a hot mess. This could have been avoided if Speaker Wood had just let Assemblyman Essayli speak. But dissent is not allowed anymore.
Calmatters’ reporter Alexei Koseff posted this on X/Twitter.
The question Koseff posed to Assemblyman Essayli was flagrant.
“Do you work for the Democrat Party?” is an appropriate question for many in the Capitol press corps, especially as some in the Capitol press reflexively took the side of the supermajority silencing dissent. Essayli said he did not plan on causing a big disruption.
The Assembly took a recess for the caucuses to meet. When they returned, Essayli was restored three minutes to finish his floor speech. He said the bill presumes that school boards want to “out” trans kids to parents. But that’s not at all what school boards are passing, he said.
Essayli explained that school boards are merely saying that parents are to be notified within three days when a child is changing their personal information on school records – a name, gender, etc… Essayli said the child is already “out” at school, so this is not an actual “outing.”
He reiterated, “nobody cares more for kids than the parents.” And “schools are a mandated reporter.”
“School districts have no right to withhold this information from parents.” And he noted that courts across the country have upheld this legal right.
So how do schools get around the mandatory reporting, or even involving parents when a child appears “gender confused?” The opportunity for predatory abuse of said child is wide open.
Here is what AB 1955 Assembly Floor Analysis says:
“Requires the California Department of Education (CDE) to develop resources and strategies to support Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning (LGBTQ+) students and their families; prohibits an employee or contractor from being required to disclose any information related to a student’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression to any other person without the student’s consent; prohibits public schools from enacting or enforcing any policy requiring an employee or contractor to disclose any information related to a student’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, without the student’s consent; and requires that any such policy be invalid.
Laws across the country state that a parent must meet a child’s basic needs and parent in a way that serves the child’s best interests. Parents also have a financial duty to raise and support their children, as well as their children’s basic needs of food, clothing, housing, medical care, and education. This usually continues until each child reaches the age of 18.
A parent must also serve a child’s emotional and physical needs and protect the child from abuse. Most parents are pretty clear on all of this.
Yet the California Legislature continues to try to replace parents with school counselors, teachers, mental health providers, abortion providers, “gender-affirming” trans care specialists, or any number of adults willing to give vaccines, feed kids drugs, provide opposite-sex hormones, authorize gender surgeries, and get them treatment for sexual violence and rape – without a parent being any the wiser.
The California Senate already passed AB 1955 the Globe reported.
Thursday, the Assembly passed AB 1955 on party lines, 60-15, and is headed to the governor’s desk.
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Not doubt Hairdo will sign this and it will be yet another California law that is eventually struck down in courts since everyone can see that this is a flagrant undermining of the relationship between parents and their children which the courts have upheld over and over again. Also note that the law says districts can’t “require” employees to disclose this information, but there is nothing that says employees couldn’t volunteer this information on their own. This is the sort of law that should cause political careers to end, but being this is California where the majority of voters are braindead, who knows if anyone will even notice until the wonder why little Johnny’s friends are starting to call him Sally. All I can say is if you have kids in public schools, GET THEM OUT NOW!
Really love Essayli – he is showing what Jerks the Democrats are in CA!! Keep pushing them.
Good grief, with all the major problems that California faces including a record budget deficit and Assembly Democrats are focused on to prohibiting schools from notifying parents if their child is “gender confused?” Legislative Democrat are probably getting paid to focus on gender issues from nefarious sources? All of their focus on “gender confusion” is probably really about advancing transhumanism with the ultimate goal of fusing human beings with artificial intelligence and robotics? It’s a satanic agenda?
CalMatters’ website claims that they are dedicated to explaining California politics and policy through award-winning, nonpartisan journalism. So much for Calmatters’ reporter Alexei Koseff practicing nonpartisan journalism? CalMatters’ website also states that it’s a 501(c)(3) organization which is funded through foundations, advertisers, major donors, sponsorships and members. Maybe one or more of Calmatters’ funders are connected with the Democrat party and/or there are strings attached to their funding which dictates how CalMatter’s slants their reporting?
Definitely LOVE and support Asm Bill Essayli. Too much truth coming out of him for the Dem Marxist Koffee Klatch to withstand, I guess. Oh well, they know what to do when someone who has excellent points to make speaks —– just turn his microphone off, of course! That’s not childish or telling about how light they are holding and how wrong they are —- right?
Sure hope that Otakuan is correct about this bill going down in the courts because it is an OUTRAGEOUS one.
Interesting and rather ironic that “reporter” Alexei Koseff from Calmatters asked Asm Bill Essayli if “his outburst was planned,” because from where some of us are sitting —- and knowing Asm Corey Jackson’s reputation —- Jackson’s overly-dramatic and scenery-chewing rush at Bill Essayli seemed like the one that was a planned theatrical presentation.
Also – no kidding, if you don’t know by now, many reporters seem to “audition” for jobs as Dem politician aides by backing up their nonsense and writing puff pieces to help Dem politicians and their ruinous legislative nonsense. I’ve seen it myself in my own town where I got to know reporters for the local paper only to then see them get cushy jobs as aides for the Dem politician they “helped” and whose reputation and “causes” they propped up. So I’m confident what I witnessed happens WAY MORE OFTEN in the Sacramento state legislature swamp.
Democrats want and crave all power over each and everyone. Cradle to Grave politics.
The children are a hot commodity to them. Democrats are evil. I do not say this lightly but their actions point to darkness whether it be mutilating children’s bodies, preventing parents from protecting their children or allowing the murder of viable babies outside of the womb(looking at you dead eyes Buffy Wicks).
Free speech is dying in the California Chambers and not allowing dissent on the Assembly Floor is not democracy in action, it is tyranny.
This is precisely why you don’t want to put your kids in California public schools. They are run by Communists, and are indoctrination camps, not schools. Democrats have made California schools are among the worst in the nation. Everything the Democrats touch turns to sh*t.