Gavin Goes Shopping… at Target?

If Gavin Newsom shops at Target, I dine at the French Laundry

Mayor's Zoom meeting with Gov. Newsom.

Picture this: Gavin Newsom shopping at Target… like he’s just a dad who shops for school clothes at Target.

If Gavin Newsom shops at Target, I dine at the French Laundry.

The California Governor claims he was shopping at a Target and he saw someone walk out the door without paying. When he pointed this out to the clerk, she told him, “oh he’s just walking out. He didn’t pay for that.”  Newsom asked, “why didn’t you stop him?”  She told him “Oh. It’s the governor [fault].

“Swear to God. True Story,” Newsom says.

Newsom says “She said, ‘the governor lowered the threshold – there’s no accountability.'”

Newsom says he replied, “it’s $950 – the 10th toughest in America. She didn’t know what I was talking about. By the way – it’s the 10th toughest in America.”

He adds, “She says ‘we still don’t stop them.'”

Then the clerk recognized him. “Then she freaks out and invites everyone over for a photo. And I’m like, ‘no, I’m not taking a photo. I want a conversation with your manager. Why are you blaming the governor?'” (Thin skinned, isn’t he?)

One of two scenarios is true:

  1. He’s lying about ever shopping in a Target store;
  2. He is such an elitist that he has no idea how the bills he signs into law, the executive orders he issues, and the policies he supports affect crime in our state.
  3. Bonus scenario: Newsom is turning into a Joe Biden Mini-Me – “Swear to God. True Story.”

Watching the Zoom video of this Mayor’s meeting was odd. The Mayor from Riverside was laughing like a clapping seal, in hysterics at Newsom’s story as if it was funny.

This didn’t go unnoticed:

Gov. Newsom was a little thin-skinned given how many bad bills he has signed undermining law enforcement in California; how many prison felons he has ordered released before they finished their sentences; and his support for Propositions 47 and 57, which have upended criminal prosecutions in California.

Here is what Prop. 47 did to California:

Proposition 47, was passed by tragically misinformed voters in 2014, and flagrantly titled “The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act” by then Attorney General Kamala Harris, which reduced a host of serious felonies to misdemeanors, including drug crimes, date rape, and all thefts under $950, even for repeat offenders who steal every day.

Prop. 47 also decriminalized drug possession from a felony to a misdemeanor, removed law enforcement’s ability to make an arrest in most circumstances, as well as removing judges’ ability to order drug rehabilitation programs rather than incarceration.

Which crimes were affected?

The measure required misdemeanor sentencing instead of felony for the following crimes:[16][17]

  • Shoplifting, where the value of property stolen does not exceed $950
  • Grand theft, where the value of the stolen property does not exceed $950
  • Receiving stolen property, where the value of the property does not exceed $950
  • Forgery, where the value of forged check, bond or bill does not exceed $950
  • Fraud, where the value of the fraudulent check, draft or order does not exceed $950
  • Writing a bad check, where the value of the check does not exceed $950
  • Personal use of most illegal drugs

Gov. Newsom owns California’s serious crime wave. These are and were his policies – always benefitting the criminals.

Ten years of increased drug and serial theft crimes across California has taken its toll on the state’s residents and businesses. Because of Proposition 47, there is no accountability when it comes to these crimes, theft is underreported and some stores are even told not to report theft crimes. But help is on the way – a proposed ballot initiative to amend Prop. 47 is currently collecting signatures for the November 2024 ballot.

Proposition 57, shamelessly titled “the Public Safety and Rehabilitation Act,” now allows nonviolent felons to qualify for early release, and parole boards can now only consider an inmate’s most recent charge, and not their entire history because of this proposition.

Notably, both Prop. 47 and 57 were given their ballot titles by then-Attorney General Kamala Harris.

Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher is spot on:

If Gavin Newsom shops at Target, I dine at the French Laundry.

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Katy Grimes: Katy Grimes, the Editor in Chief of the California Globe, is a long-time Investigative Journalist covering the California State Capitol, and the co-author of California's War Against Donald Trump: Who Wins? Who Loses?

View Comments (25)

  • I wonder if you can dine and dash at the French Laundry? It might be risky as I'm sure the prices will quickly get you over the $950 threshold. A quick check of the menu shows that a half of bottle of French Burgundy from 2021 going for $1,775.00. From my experience those that have to "swear to God" in order to establish the truth to others generally have a problem with telling the truth. Keep exposing more and more truth about Newsom and his "God-awful" policies.

  • Somebody roll the tape…
    I do believe in a recent press conference up in San Francisco before the Asian Pacific conference standing next to Mayor Breed, Newsom declared that he owned this!!!
    Guess what thin skinned dictator, YOU AND YOUR SUPERMAJORITY LEGISLATOR OWN THIS!

    He reveals once again what a small minded man he is! He takes his embarrassment out on the Target employee and management to save face! How utterly disgusting.
    If he really wanted true change, he could highly promote a repeal of both prop 47 and 57 and when it passes, SIGN IT! Instead being the egomaniac he is, he will point the finger at someone else and never admit the passage and enforcement of these propositions have been an utter failure for California and cost lives and livelihoods!!

  • Keep voting for useful idiot assholes...this is how our civilization is being destroyed. Just think about what Newsom will do on a national level.

  • Too bad the employee or store manager did not pull up the text to [Senate Bill 553
    introduced by State Sen. Dave Cortese (D-Cupertino), focuses on strengthening occupational safety by addressing workplace violence and expanding the scope of protection and prevention measures. The bill was approved by the California State Assembly and subsequently signed into law by the Democrat governor Newsom. It will come into effect on July 1, 2024.] per Gateway Pundit.

    If his story is even true, and he claims he is upset he had to pay 380.00 while others are just walking out with merchandise, he should now know how we all feel! Did reality really bite him in the butt and then he defends the bills that have put employees lives at risk?
    Honestly, what a horse’s arse!


  • Katy, do you know where I can buy one of those red clown noses? You know the foam type that sticks on your nose?
    I would like to send one to his house in Fair Oaks, along with a little fairy wand for his wife.

    • Try one of those big red noses you see on the front of cars during Christmas! It would be perfect!

  • There is no way that hairgel Hitler Newsom would have schlepped into a Target to do some shopping unnoticed without arriving in a limousine and his usual entourage of armed security guards, publicist, personal attendants, etc.? Katy Grimes and California Globe have amply documented that Propositions 47 and 57 were promulgated by Democrats, that Democrats in the legislature killed Assembly Bill 1599 to repeal Proposition 47, and that Newsom has continually praised Propositions 47 and 57 despite overwhelming evidence of rampant crime throughout the state. As Katy Grimes pointed out, Newsom owns California’s serious crime wave!

  • Flashbacks of George H.W. Bush staring in amazement at barcode readers. Burn in hell Newsom. We live it every damn day, swear to God - like the gigantic human piles of waste at the corner by my house, near the dripping RV's full of drug addicts, thieves, prostitutes, and permanent victims. To hell with the entire incompetent "elite".

  • One more thought on this subject. If Newsom actually saw something like this take place, why didn't he intercede to stop the thief. I'm sure that he has armed security around him. This doesn't make sense. It sounds like Newsom is blowing smoke.

    • No Hal. he's LYING!!!

      Just like he does every time he speaks, he LIES!!!

      And this lying slimewad is being set up to take over for BuyedIn this Summer at the DNC....

      God help us....

  • Instead of pushing his latest taxpayer funded scam and lying about shopping at Target, Newsom needs to be hauled before a tribunal and be held accountable for his many crimes against humanity that includes locking healthy Californians and small businesses down (while excluding himself and his cronies) during the Covid scamdemic which were undemocratic, authoritarian, autocratic, oppressive and tyrannical. Newsom needs to be held accountable for mandating experimental mRNA shots that have injured and killed thousands of innocent Californians. He and his evil wretched soul have a lot to atone for!

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