CA Gov. Gavin Newsom presenting 2024-25 budget. (Photo: gov.ca.gov)
Gov. Gavin Newsom Disappears $30 Billion of the Deficit in New Budget
Newsom claims LAO was wrong about size of budget deficit
By Katy Grimes, January 10, 2024 1:47 pm
Where did $30 billion of California’s budget deficit go?
California Governor Gavin Newsom put on quite a budget show this morning, feigning indignation over the Legislative Analyst’s Office’s recent update on the state’s actual budget deficit, which the LAO put at $68 billion. Newsom’s $330 billion budget has been whittled down to a svelte $291.5 billion.
“This is a story of correction and normalcy,” Gov. Newsom said, downplaying the swing from the $100 billion surplus to a $68 billion deficit.
“During the last few surpluses, a lot of money went to new programs rather than to the state reserve, and now look where we are. Now we have to make cuts to things that we shouldn’t have made in the first place,” Lee Greenman, a California-based accountant who helps city and other regional entities fix budget problems, told the Globe.
“The Governor is minimizing the true size of California’s budget deficit,” Assemblyman Josh Hoover (R-Folsom) said. “Meanwhile, the Legislature is debating a new ‘wealth tax’ to solve a budgetary problem they created with years of waste and overspending. No matter how high taxes get, it never seems to be enough. Raising taxes again will only increase costs on hardworking Californians and continue to drive taxpayers out of our state.”
Gov. Newsom denies a wealth tax and took a few pot shots at the Wall Street Journal editorial board for the (actual) proposed wealth tax on California’s highest earners and the wealthy:
“Progressive ideas that originate in California have a habit of spreading. So it’s worth paying attention to legislation moving in Sacramento to establish a wealth tax on high earners and a bounty-hunter scheme for plaintiff attorneys to target alleged tax dodgers.”
“The damage you intentionally do – there I said that,” the Governor said Wednesday, addressing their WSJ editorial board. ”
“I love this damn state,” he said dramatizing his indignation at the negative reporting over his leadership and ruinous economic policies.
I Tweeted:
@GavinNewsom slammed the @WSJEditorials board for writing about the proposed wealth tax in CA. "The damage you intentionally do… there I said that."
"These are not truth seekers – it's ideological."
Called the board "a broken clock."
Newsom denied a wealth tax… except it is… pic.twitter.com/B6SEgqapNE— Katy Grimes (@KATYSaccitizen) January 10, 2024
“A wealth tax will accelerate an exodus already in progress, as the wealthy will flee to more hospitable states, joining California’s small businesspeople, its vanishing middle class, aspiring youth, skilled workers, honest tradesmen and contractors, fixed-income retirees, and everyone else who can no longer afford to live here,” Edward Ring wrote for the Globe about Assemblyman Lee’s Wealth Tax legislation, Assembly Bill 259, which will impose an annual “worldwide net worth” tax of 1 percent on net worth above $50 million, rising to 1.5 percent on net worth over $1.0 billion.
“Democrats introduced the bill last winter, and it will get a hearing Wednesday in the state Assembly as lawmakers scrounge for revenue to fill a projected $68 billion budget hole,” the WSJ said.
Are they telling a fib to readers?
Nope. Assemblyman Alex Lee bragged on Twitter Tuesday Jan 9th: “Our wealth tax on billionaires will be up for a vote tomorrow. Let’s #taxtherich and protect our progress #AB259“:
Our wealth tax on billionaires will be up for a vote tomorrow. Let’s #taxtherich and protect our progress #AB259 pic.twitter.com/SoCLomQhoE
— Alex Lee 李天明 (@alex_lee) January 9, 2024
The Globe fancies that Gavin Newsom, who still insists he is not running for President in 2024, is very concerned that the most read and widely circulated national newspaper in the country is poking at his economic policies, and wincing over how unpopular a wealth tax would be on the campaign trail.
Newsom referred to media reports about California’s deficit as “distortions,” and said he was bring back normalcy. His $330 billion budget has been whittled down to a svelte $291.5 billion.
“We have been pretty damn transparent with you about that number,” he said.
@GavinNewsom: "We've been pretty damn transparent with you about that number…" the budget deficit of $37.86. pic.twitter.com/Qfkq3Z4n9O
— Katy Grimes (@KATYSaccitizen) January 10, 2024
It is important to remember that when Gov. Jerry Brown was (re)elected in 2011, the state budget was $98 billion. The state’s population was a little over 38 million. Brown doubled the budget to $199.3 billion in 8 years – with no measurable increase in population. Gov. Newsom inherited Brown’s $199.3 billion budget, and has grown it to $330 billion in 5 years – while losing population. Where is all of that new spending going?
Several times Newsom talked longingly about the budget surplus, and made as if the budget swing is no big deal.
Here are a few slides from his presentation with some budget details:

As we asked, Governor @GavinNewsom 2024-25 budget: $109.1 Billion “TK-16” spending. “TK-16?” Pushing the cradle to grave government with “transitional kindergarten” through 4 years of college?
What happened to K-12 education spending?
A few more slides of budget spending:

This was a truly strange comment from Newsom: “Extreme weather patterns led to extreme budgeting.”

Yah, that last slide gave me a headache too.
Gov. Newsom addressed the difference between the Legislative Analyst’s budget deficit and his – “it’s a difference of opinion in the short run versus the long run,” Newsom said. “We are just a little less pessimistic than they are.”

The most preposterous statement Gov. Newsom made may be, “Belt tightening – “we did what you do at home.”
Belt tightening – "we did what you do at home"@GavinNewsom pic.twitter.com/V8yOLJw5N2
— Katy Grimes (@KATYSaccitizen) January 10, 2024
Lastly, the Globe questioned Newsom’s getting the state into the immunology business:
@GavinNewsom is all excited to work with Google – 700K square feet on quantum and immunology.
Why is the state government in the immunology business? pic.twitter.com/8RPa0nB7IC
— Katy Grimes (@KATYSaccitizen) January 10, 2024
The Globe will drill down on specific budget areas.
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As always, I can rely on Katy Grimes to bring the unvarnished truth.
I have to laugh at Newsom’s quote on belt tightening like,” people do at home”!
If people lived like Newsom leads our state, many of us would be homeless, penniless, easily corrupted and with no moral compass!
God help us and I mean that!
I’m glad that you asked for God’s assistance in this mess that we find ourselves in. I do believe that God’s help is on the way. We will all watch as “Gov. Gavin Newsom” disappears from politics sooner than later.
Good post, as this ‘Elitist Gov. and his Wife, along with Aunt Nancy Pelosi, have BIG investments in their winery business, and have Lived Like Aristocrats while they Mismanaged our Once Great State of Ca. He feeds his face in fancy restaurants w/the lock downs, along with the Elitst Wife, and 10 Others at the “French Laundry” (VERY expensive restaurant) and WHEN CAUGHT DOING SO, the wife said for us: “GET A LIFE”….Well Ours’ was put in lockdowns, but this stunt, and Pelosi getting her hair done, while Others could NOT, shows the Truth about these ‘Globalists/Elitists who think the rules ONLY apply to WE THE PEOPLE, but NOT THEM! He’s a Fraud/Lying/Pig!!!
Ugh, he’s so obnoxious! Newsom needs to be hauled before a tribunal and be held accountable for his many crimes against humanity that includes locking healthy Californians and small businesses down (while excluding himself and his cronies) during the Covid scamdemic and for mandating experimental mRNA shots that have injured and killed thousands of innocent Californians. He and his soul have a lot to atone for!
When Noisome talks about correction and normalcy he is talking about normalizing lies and magic math (look up normalizing).
You peasants must believe me, not that lying math. Signed Noisome his Supreme Greasiness.
The Immunology, Climate Commitment and Water slides are the ones that are most troublesome; actually ALL of them are troublesome, but those are the ones that really make one question the underlying implications for all of our livelihoods….
Seems like a World Economic Forum Agenda 2030 playbook to me….
Day by day, the slimewad looks more and more like “The Joker” out of the old “Batman” moves/series….
He DOES, CD9, you’re right! Which is downright creepy.
He looks just like him. And sounds like him. I thought I heard a demonic growl when I was listening and no watching. No joke.
Groucho Marx accounting.
“These are our numbers. If you don’t like them, we have others.”
The usual wealth of super-annoying obnoxiousness and B.S. from Gov Thin-Skin Hair-Trigger. So many riches to pick from, so little time. What a performance! He unpacks all the dirty tricks in his filthy bag. Meanwhile we all look on (again) in amazement at his utter shamelessness.
“it’s a difference of opinion in the short run versus the long run,” Newsom said. “We are just a little less pessimistic than they [the Legislative Analyst] are.”
So in other words, you’re lying, you deceitful little weasel. As usual.
This appearance seemed reminiscent of the embarrassing hissy-fit meltdown in front of CA reporters before the Recall because they weren’t being Gavin Cheerleaders enough. You know, the one with all the indignant “damns” and desk slapping where everyone wondered what drug he was on. Did he slap the podium this time too? Just wondering.
I agree with Katy that the national WSJ criticism gets under his skin because of his still-present Oval Office Dreams, but man! — he is so allergic to ANY kind of discouraging word he does this stuff even when he knows the election fix is in! As in the Recall! So why doesn’t he just chill the heck out? But he can’t help himself, can he, what with that pesky Narcissistic Personality Disorder and all.
“The damage you intentionally do,” said Gov Thin-Skin in a huff, referring to the WSJ’s accurate take. That’s really rich coming from someone who intentionally destroyed the State of California, isn’t it? I think it’s called “psychological projection.”
He really is a living example of a megalomaniac. His words and mannerisms solidify my unprofessional diagnosis!
He and the supermajority create this mess and then try’s to sell us on more reckless spending to “fix” homelessness,safety and aid the mentally ill!
He just like the slimy snake oil salesman that he is, is repackaging a nice steamy pile of crap and telling you it is chocolate mousse that will change your world! In reality, it is just the same old bullsh*t. with an expensive price tag.
Will his legislative simps take a bite?
It’s an old story, isn’t it, Cali Girl —— and Gavin is especially obnoxious and annoying in playing it out.
Yes, causing a problem and coming to the rescue, and bonus points for all the slush funds and controlling rules and laws the Dem/Marxist scoundrels can create from whatever “crisis” —- we’ve seen them do it all before. Are they now heading for implosion or “moving in for the kill” is the question, or so it seems. I guess we’ll see. And yes, “megalomaniac,” “slimy snake oil salesman” —- that’s our governor for sure, and no conscience. People like this are very useful to install in powerful positions, to do the skunks’ dirty work, aren’t they. As you know..
Well said, Show and Tell!
Yes, we have seen this horror show before.
He has a speaking habit. Every time he swears he is covering up lying…
“I love this damn state”
“We’ve been pretty damn transparent”
Yep! Great observation, Rod!
Katy Grimes noted that the Newsom regime has grown the state’s budget to $330 billion in 5 years while the state has lost population and she asked where is all of that new spending going? No doubt a lot of that spending has been siphoned off by Democrats and to Democrat connected nonprofits and NGOs?
Contrary to what Hairgel Hitler Newsom said, the reality is that ideas that originate in California from the Democrat criminal gang have a habit of spreading like deathly terminal cancer! Only a goofy WEF globalist stooge like him would proclaim that “Extreme weather patterns led to extreme budgeting.” LOL!
If he really loved this “damned” state, then he quit trying to destroy it and immediately resign?
Was it Barnum Bailey that said: “you can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time?”
Gavin and his handlers still believe that we are all fools!
Mr. Slick and Greasy
How much would a moratorium on all government employee longevity increments reduce the state budget?
It is a given when choosing to work for any taxpayer-funded government entity, there are fat years and lean years. When the entity is running a tax revenue deficit, it should be automatic that taxpayer funded employees take a cut in their own compensation. And work harder next time, building the state economy up, instead of tearing it down.
You make too much sense Jaye.
Government is so bloated that I cannot imagine a state employee whom many are represented by a union would be so willing to “help” by taking a pay cut.
I do recall that was an option in the past as being a civil servant meant just that!
Sadly, times have changed and government employee paychecks outpace the private sector especially when you add in all the benefits and retirement packages. They will look to raise taxes on us all before they lay off or even suggest a reduction in pay.
I’m glad I’m not the only one to see Newsom’s resemblance to the Batman Joker of old. He also comes off like a sleazy used car salesman. Greasy, sleazy, narcissistic Newsom. He’s as determined as Mayorkas to destroy the whole country. God, please help us!
When the sleazeball says “damn,” it means he’s lying. “I love this damn state!” Not. His actions speak so loudly I can’t hear what the sleazeball is saying.
Damn he sure likes to say damn a lot. And hell. Wonder why.