President Donald J. Trump walks across the South Lawn of the White House Sunday, March 25, 2018, returning home from a trip to New York. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)
Battle Cry: A Fierce Warrior Against Disease and a Fierce Warrior Protecting a President
The mechanism to mediocrity in the secret service and the operating room is DEI
By Patrick Wagner, MD, July 24, 2024 9:11 am
Please be encouraged and unified. A similar and stark example of yet another blunder of our government when it comes to patient safety was demonstrated July 13,2024, when our beloved President Donald Trump “won one for the Gipper.” He selflessly took on a massive kinetic energy bullet in the auricle of his right ear, delivered from an “ArmaLite” Rifle (AR) semi-automatic target practice and sports hunting rifle. Trump got off the ground and roared out a stout battle cry to all of us. Did you raise your fist and yell it back? Did you cry?
It is time to let you know that your surgeons are fierce warriors against disease, whether it be for gunshot wounds, stab wounds, or blunt trauma. They are also fierce warriors against silent cancers that grow in your body cavities, including your heads, chests, and abdomens. They are fierce warriors in heart disease and vascular disease, including coronary artery bypass, valve surgery, cardiac transplant, abdominal aortic aneurysm resection and peripheral vascular reconstruction. Surgeons go all out, engaged in the battlefield of operating rooms, to help you live! They know exactly what they are doing at all times.
What is the similarity between a fierce warrior against disease and a fierce warrior protecting our commander in chief? They are both unrestricted and quick-thinking bold fighters in their respective battlefields, saving lives at all cost.
Let me give you a couple of examples. First is the true story of a pioneer pediatric cardiac surgeon from earlier days, with O negative blood type, tirelessly working on the heart of a youngster who “scrubs out,” donates a unit of his own blood, “scrubs back in” and has it infused into his precious subject, buying time.
The other example is a highly dedicated secret service agent who would gladly take a bullet for his or her country, including his or her commander in chief, or those around them just being patriots who die or are injured celebrating their country. It is our job to pray for these amazing people. What courage. Another true story.
Let’s examine the managers of these fierce warriors and see when it went wrong. In medicine, surgeons were handcuffed by ownership of their skills and judgment, thus reducing them to amoral mediocre robots or worse yet immoral killers, based on incompetence, prejudice, greed and hatred.
An example of such a monstrous manager and conqueror of our fierce surgical warriors of disease is Dan Crowley, who began his regime in Sacramento years ago as CEO of Foundation Health Plan, and who in conjunction with the progressive California government who Californians voted into place, sucked the spirit of battle right out of them. What a horrible monopoly this is, and worse yet, fueled by the mad power junkie Governor Newsom and his predecessors. Crowly and those like him tell Newsom just how much to regulate them to exponentially increase their profits and eliminate any competition from those in small businesses. They and the power junkies are self-serving evil jackals! This is an example of regulatory capture, how government and monopoly take control of all of us. Hopefully this reminds you of the covid era unmasked Newsom and other healthcare industry administrators dining at the infamous French Laundry in Yountville.
The mechanism to mediocrity in the secret service detail is DEI, where workers are taught that self-interest is all that is important, coupled with mainstream media and liberal arts educators telling lie after lie, denouncing meritocracy and promoting entitlement, victimhood, and prejudice. This is another example of regulatory capture, exactly like medicine and surgery. We will find that the weak link in the secret service is at the leadership level, rationing resources with deadly consequences.
So now we have more evidence and it’s our opportunity and responsibility to take back our surgeons and our secret service agents and truth bearing patriotic media. We need unity and Wisdom, and to call out our battle cry like Trump did, and calmly and powerfully do what we must do to gain back our independence and exceptionalism. We must vote ourselves into the position of Sovereignty of our state and country. Fight, fight, fight! Vote for Trump! He knows exactly what to do.
- The Stifled Doctor and Freedom of Medical Enterprise - March 1, 2025
- The Standard of Care in Medicine - February 13, 2025
- Is Healthcare a Human Right? - February 5, 2025
While I want to believe Dr. Wagner’s favorable description of surgeons and general practitioners, I would be more inclined to believe those claims of nobility if more of them had stood up in opposition to the CDC, WHO and greedy hospital and healthcare “administrators” during the C19 plandemic.
Had more of them stood in opposition and told the powers that be to pound sand on jab mandates, these lionized claims would hold, but many of them sold out to the jab rebates and managed care payouts…
I wish it were so, and we had advocates, but that was proven otherwise….
Student loans or second vacation homes probably took precedence over patient safety and advocacy…
So far, I’ve willingly consumed three COVID-vaccine injections and usually take the annual influenza vaccine because I basically believe the mainstream science behind them. However, I’m also cautious of blindly buying into (what I call) speculative science.
Due to increasingly common privatized research for corporate profit aims, sometimes even ‘science’ can be for sale.
Notably, questionable research results are sometimes publicly amplified if they favor the corporate product; and, conversely, accurate research results can be suppressed or ignored if they are unfavorable to business interests, even when involving human health.
Also, mega-corporation lobbyists — especially those representing the huge and very powerful/influential pharmaceutical industry — tend to pull corpocratically orientated Western governments [especially those of Canada and the U.S.] by the nose.
Once in power, established political parties will kowtow to big business’s threats of transferring or eliminating jobs and capital investment, thus economic stability, if corporate ‘requests’ aren’t accommodated.
In any event, such lobbyist manipulation does not belong in any government body, such as Health Canada or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, that was established to protect consumers’ safety and health rather than big businesses’ insatiable profit goals.
Appreciated Dr. Wagner’s inspirational column.
On the topic raised by CD9, however, having spent an inordinate amount of time researching possibilities for physicians to replace my-now-not-so-trustworthy medical group that pushed vaccines and masks and were generally all wrong about Everything Covid, I think I am not alone in wishing we had a go-to list of honest physicians with integrity who are also well-regarded and good at their jobs. Physicians who are independent and who said “no” to the nonsense. I even called the stand-up doctors who sued the state (and won). I was willing to consider concierge physicians. I called a lot of offices, and asked my own trusted eye doctor for a referral. But for various reasons, either the lengthy travel time or the Telehealth-Only practice, or concierge fees up front when you hadn’t yet even met the doctor, etc., I kept running into dead ends and the most promising candidates were rejected.
I know there must be excellent sensible doctors out there who stuck to their guns during Covid and who practice in the general vicinity, but how to find them and ferret the good ones out, even if we all had the patience to call every single office in the area and give the front office the third degree on this topic?
The usual sources for referrals simply don’t work in the unusual times we’re in now.
Even the “stand-up” anti-Covid-vax and Covid treatment physician organizations (e.g. America’s Frontline Doctors) did not —- or could not —- provide viable lists of doctors.
I know I’m not alone in thinking the kind of physician list I described is needed in California.
Wondering if Dr. Wagner has considered this idea.
Many of Donald [I Wanna Blow Job] Trump’s faithful followers, including Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and VP-running-mate J.D. Vance, still claim he’s a genius robbed of full presidential glory and that he challenges the Deep State.
And then there’s “the swamp” he still claims he’ll drain if re-elected — although he himself was and will again be a part of it.
A revelatory review (by Geoff Olson, 01/10/2018) of the book The American Deep State: Wall Street, Big Oil and the Attack on U.S. Democracy notes that the book’s author describes big oil CEOs and lobbyists in the U.S. as being a notably large part of the American Deep State.
Therefore, it would be a large part of the national Capitol’s swamp that Trump claims has corrupted DC and, ergo, was supposedly seeking to destroy him and his presidency.
However, considering the Trump administration’s kowtowing to big fossil fuel, mostly via the recklessly significant loosening of environmental protections, he, far from genuinely trying to “drain the swamp”, actually wallowed in it.