Senator Wiener with fellow LGBT Legislative Caucus members Susan Eggman, Todd Gloria, Toni Atkins, Ricardo Lara, Cathleen Galgiani, Evan Low, and Sabrina Cervantes. (Sen. Wiener photo gallery)
CA Democrats Author Bill to Protect Sex Offenders Who Lure Minors
No sex offender registry if perpetrator within 10 years of age of the minor
By Katy Grimes, February 19, 2019 3:03 pm
State Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and Assemblywoman Susan Eggman (D-Stockton) introduced recent legislation “to end blatant discrimination against LGBT young people regarding California’s sex offender registry.”
However, under their bill, SB 145, the offenders would not have to automatically register as sex offenders if the offenders are within 10 years of age of the minor.

Wiener claims the current law “disproportionately targets LGBT young people for mandatory sex offender registration, since LGBT people usually cannot engage in vaginal intercourse.”
Existing law, the Sex Offender Registration Act, amended by Proposition 35 by voters in 2012 (Ban on Human Trafficking and Sex Slavery), requires a person convicted of a certain sex crime to register with law enforcement as a sex offender while residing in California or while attending school or working in California.
Wiener says, “Currently, for consensual yet illegal sexual relations between a teenager age 15 and over and a partner within 10 years of age, ‘sexual intercourse’ (i.e., vaginal intercourse) does not require the offender to go onto the sex offender registry; rather, the judge decides based on the facts of the case whether sex offender registration is warranted or unwarranted. By contrast, for other forms of intercourse — specifically, oral and anal intercourse — sex offender registration is mandated under all situations, with no judicial discretion.”
“This bill would authorize a person convicted of certain offenses involving minors to seek discretionary relief from the duty to register if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor,” SB 145 states.
Proposition 35 was created and passed to protect children from sexual exploitation and sex trafficking. Victims of sex trafficking are often vulnerable children, “afraid for their lives and abused—sexually, physically, and mentally,” the Proposition said.
What Does SB 145 Also Do?
Legislators Wiener and Eggman say they are trying to shield LGBT young people from having to automatically register as sex offenders for specified sex crimes. But their bill does much more.

SB 145 would allow a sex offender who lures a minor with the intent to commit a felony (i.e. a sex act) the ability to escape registering as a sex offender as long as the offender is within 10 years of age of the minor. No specification is made as to whether the sexual offender is straight or LGBT.
SB 145 would add a section to the state’s penal code (Section 290.55) stipulating that as long as the offender is “not more than 10 years older than the minor,” they are not automatically mandated to register as a sex offender. There is no age limit or range specified, except for existing law which already excludes lewd acts with children under 14.
SB 145 appears to allow adults to victimize minors by luring them with the intent to have sex, and then shields the predator from being automatically registered as a sex offender, as in the case of a 25 year old luring a 15 year old for sex, or a 22 year old luring a 12 year old.
SB 145, as currently written, appears to allow certain sexual predators to live among the population without anyone being aware.
Why is this bill needed?
Here is the text from SB 145:
This bill would authorize a person convicted of certain offenses involving minors to seek discretionary relief from the duty to register if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor.
Digest Key – Vote: MAJORITY Appropriation: NO Fiscal Committee: YES Local Program: NO
SECTION 1. Section 290.55 is added to the Penal Code, immediately following Section 290.5, to read:
290.55. (a) A person convicted of an offense specified in subdivision (b) may, by writ of mandate, seek discretionary relief from the duty, imposed as a result of that conviction, to register pursuant to the act if, at the time of the offense, the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor, as measured from the minor’s date of birth to the person’s date of birth.
Here is the current California Penal Code § 288.3 (2017)
(a) Every person who contacts or communicates with a minor, or attempts to contact or communicate with a minor, who knows or reasonably should know that the person is a minor, with intent to commit an offense specified in Section 207, 209, 261, 264.1, 273a, 286, 287, 288, 288.2, 289, 311.1, 311.2, 311.4 or 311.11, or former Section 288a, involving the minor shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for the term prescribed for an attempt to commit the intended offense.
(b) As used in this section, “contacts or communicates with” shall include direct and indirect contact or communication that may be achieved personally or by use of an agent or agency, any print medium, any postal service, a common carrier or communication common carrier, any electronic communications system, or any telecommunications, wire, computer, or radio communications device or system.
(c) A person convicted of a violation of subdivision (a) who has previously been convicted of a violation of subdivision (a) shall be punished by an additional and consecutive term of imprisonment in the state prison for five years.
Last week, California Globe reported on another sex crime bill introduced by California Democrats: “legislation to shield a person from the consequences of crimes they commit in California, even violent ones, as long as the person reports the crimes to authorities.The language of the proposed statute appears to immunize a person from ANY crime so long as they are reporting a violation of a sex crime law.” Sen. Scott Wiener is the author of California Senate Bill 233.
“SB 145, as currently written, appears to allow certain sexual predators to live among the population without anyone being aware.”
Exactly. And why the heck does Sen Scott Wiener care so much about protecting sexual predators and care so little about protecting California’s children? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?
About freaking time. Not only LGBT children/teens will benefit from common sense legislation such as this, but the entire community. See, e.g. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/03/14/when-kids-are-accused-of-sex-crimes. KUDOS to these legislators for coming up with common sense laws, rather than scare tactics.
Common sense? You are insane. Get some mental help.
Not everyone has maternal or paternal instincts. Trauma from sexual abuse does not go away even with forgiveness, therapy and a positive attitude. It cripples you emotionally. These people have no protective instincts. They are spiritually dead and that is sad.
Absolutely right! I was molested throughout my childhood, it stays with you and the memories pop up uninvited at random times. I’m 72 now and it’s still there.
Even 50 years later it can haunt
How about the teenage girl that sends an explicicit photo of herself to her boyfriend, and gets charged as a sex offender, has to register as the law is now. Should she be set on fire with gas, come on. The bill is to deter this type of injustice, a judge of the person’s peers will decide. If there’s mitigating factors, it shouldn’t be a one case fits all bases. Or, the 18 year old boy or girl having consensual sex with his underage girlfriend or boyfriend, that he or she went to high school with. I agree with punishing sicko’s, but not every case is the same. I also don’t believe in making sex offenders register, because once its legal to take away the constitutional rights of one group, you make laws that inadvertantly take away your own constitutional rights and freedoms as well.
There is a big difference between a girl sending a picture to her boyfriend and a 22 year old sending pictures to a 12 year old. I mean, seriously? Get out of here with that.
I couldn’t agree more. Wth is wrong with these people???
Kids aren’t fully developed physically, mentally, or psychologically! If a 22 yr. old were to rape a 12 yr. old, this child will have many types of issues as an adult. And HOW can this be consensual??? They are still babies!! They DO NOT know any better! What if the child does sense that something is wrong and says NO, they still get away with it?
These PERVERTS NEED to be in mental lock up facilities. Keys thrown away! Or better yet, shot. Wasting taxpayer dollars is foolish!
I could go on and on about this, but will stop right there.
David L Stokes, Your Whole Mindset Is Alarming, Frightening & Disgusting
If The Age Of Consent Is 18 Years Old In This State, THAN THATS THE LINE. Being In The Same High School Has Absolutely NO Grounds For Whether Or Not Someone Is Abusing A Minor. For Instance, In My Highschool We Had A 20 Year Old Senior At One Point At The Same Time There Was A 14 Year Old Freshman, By Your Standards And Morals That Senior Could Have Had Sex With This Freshman And Face Absolutely No Consequences…
I Truly Pray You Have No Children Now Or Ever… I Pray Your Family Never Allow Their Children Around You Because Your Dangerous To Every Minors Innocence.
Anyone Who Is Shocked By This Are Either Living In A Cave Or Have Been So Indoctrinated That They Couldn’t See This Coming. This Is What Happens When A Society Of People Become So Ungodly And Sexually Perverted They Can’t Help Their Deviant Unnatural Urges To Ruin Future Generations.
Would Anyone Be Surprised If These Nasty AMoral Leftists Sexually Abused An Angel? I Sure Wouldn’t Be… Its Whats Happening To Our Young Children All Over The Place. In The Schools With The Trans Education, It’s Happening On Our Televisions With These Horrifying Children Exploitation Flixs, It’s Happening All Over Social Media Right In Front Of Your Eyes But Your So Lost And Corrupted To See It.
America Has Become Sodom& Gammorah And God Have Mercy On Us All.
In 100 Years People Will Look Back At What Caused Americas Fall… It Started In The 50s 60s Taking God Out Of Everything… Not Long After We Have The Sexual Revolution Of The 70s… Then Lesbianism And Sodomy Of Homosexuality Of The 80s… God Tried Curbing This With Aids In The Late 80s Early 90s…Bisexuality Promoted All Over Television/Media/Movies… While All During This Abortions Skyrocketed Murdering Nearly 70 Million American Babies.
Who Could Be Surprised By Radical Democrats Pushing Pedophilia And Sexual Abuse When They Promote With All Their Might ABORTION? You Think They Care Anymore About A Baby Girl Whether She’s New Born And They Squash The Life Out Of Her Or 12 Years Old When They Let Her Rapist Walk Away…And Then They Turn Around And Trick The Girl To Have An Abortion Because Thats Their Whole Agenda
Americans don’t support the Registries. Clueless, big government lovers do.
Says who? What makes you think that you’re qualified to speak for over 350 million Americans? What records do you have?
Joevabart (February 21, 2019 at 9:04 pm):
Ummm, there are not 350 million Americans. There are about that many people living in the U.S. but absolutely most of them are not Americans at all. They have no idea what actual freedom is. No American could possibly even BEGIN to support the Registries. It only takes a very casual look at them to know that. Quite clear.
People who support Registries need to go F themselves and move to some piece of sh*t, third world cesspool of a country where they’d fit in better. People who do not zealously support the freedom of other people deserve no freedom.
I can’t tell you right now that I’m American and I support registries. Due to the fact of I want to know if there are sex offenders in my area and you want to sit here and say that everyone who supports it is a piece of shit? Imagine having a daughter and having her get raped by a multiple time sex offender that live around the corner from your house. But he doesn’t have to register because he says he’s LGBT. Yeah.
Will is a perv. He wants protection for his crimes.
Molesters need to have a tire out around them, lighter fluid applied, lighter ignited, and burned in the streets for all to see! Then maybe these mentally fucked up people might think twice before committing a crime!! Registering is a slap on the wrist compared to what really should happen to them!!!
Then why do liberals want a registry of my guns?
It’s to protect themselves when they get caught sodomizing children.
Are you a Traditional rapist or a pedophile rapist… just curious…
I am an American. I don’t believe in registries. I believe sex offenders and all pedophiles should be exterminated after first offence. Problem solved on the registries issue huh Will?
Will Allen, why are you defending sexual predators?
Over 50 years ago I was victimized by someone 8 years older than me. It haunts me every day. I’m an American who fights against big government and I am highly in favor of the sex offender registry.
I am an American who fights big government and I am totally in favor of sex offender registries. Over 50 years ago I was molested by someone 8 years older than me. It haunts me every day. If the offender is 18, put them on the registry because that child victim will never fully recover. Others need to be warned so hopefully no other child has that terrible life sentence.
CA we the people support the registry overwhelmingly! It’s the pedifiles who don’t support it! Clueless Democrat’s don’t want the registry or maybe their not clueless at all! Just a sicko!
If you sexually molest a child then you know longer have your freedom. You’re a sick fuck.
This American and many others do support the registries! What world are you living in? Pedophilia????
I think most americans and non americans would support a sex offender registery. The solution to this is to make every sex offender register, no matter what hole they put it in. You don’t make it easier for sex offenders to stay off the registry because they assault children of the same sex. The LGBT community should not be allowing pedophiles to hitch their car to their train.
Mike, in all cases a judge decides the sex offender status. Under the old law if a 18 year old girl gets caught giving her 17 year old boyfriend a blow job she would automatically be registered as a sex offender for the rest of her life. The type of sex was the determining factor. If she risked pregnancy and had vaginal sex then a judge would decide if she was a sex offender. Judges should weigh in for all cases. That makes common sense.
I agree, so why give the predators rights to prey on the innocent when a judge can easily resolve the 17 to 18 years of age cases? They don’t obey the laws anyway, this is their dream ticket to molesting and getting away with it!!!
Finally. Someone else who actually read the article. Now a judge has descretionary oversight regardless if the type of sex. That’s the only change. As a victim myself and having 2 other family members go through this a generation later I want all predators removed from society so they won’t hurt anyone else. This article is very inflammatory considering it just makes all sex acts treated the same way.
All child molesters should be put to death. Period.
I guess you think its alright for a 12 year old to give Oral Sex to a 22 year old?
Yea yeah, that is highly unlikely. And the law said if the person is 10 years younger than them. Come on! Don’t defend pedophilia! Sick as all hell! Democrats have ruined America! Liberalism is a disease!!!!!
Thank you , Mike. I am wondering what has happened to common sense.
The only reason someone would be ok with this is if they themselves are a child Molester!
Agreed. A 10 year gap? Are you people nuts?
did you actually read and understand the proposed legislation? it does not NEGATE registry. it offers a an appeal process SPECIFIC TO THE CASE for someone to not HAVE TO register. one of my best friends was forced to register as a sex offender for urinating at a concert. he committed suicide less than three years later. this proposition doesn’t NOT require sex offenders to register. it allows for a judge to make a ruling on a specific case like ny friend’s. learn how to read and get a dictionary. moron.
Thank you! People have no freaking idea what they’re posting most of the time. The people that I thought were the smartest in school are usually the idiots posting. I want to screem (do your research).????????
is it common sense to convict a twenty year old of a crime and be forced to register as a sex offender for urinating behind a portapotty at a concert? because it happened to a friend of mine who committed suicide less than three years later. did you even read or understand the proposed legislation? it’s to protect someone getting a blow job by their girlfriend from registering as a sex offender, moron. it doesn’t DO AWAY with registration. it offers a determination by a judge on a case specific basis. it doesn’t erase any existing statute. jesus no wonder this country is going to hell. either illiterate or sp cognitively incapable that you can’t understand it even if they COULD read it
This is beautifully said and you are so right on people need to really read things before they state them on the internet I almost flipped when I saw the headlines someone posted regarding this they totally jumped to conclusions and misconstrued the whole thing. Being a parent of a 7 year old child who was abused by a teacher you can imagine how I was ready to freak out but I read it for myself after taking a breath and realizing what it meant I calmed down. But you are right things definitely need to be looked at case by case. Sorry to here about your friend.
Yeah you’re right it’s going to hell. Due to the Godless people and their new laws allowing perverts to hurt children not excluding parents who push children to be confused about their own gender. SAD.
did you read or understand the proposed legislation? it doesn’t negate current registry. it only allows for case specific rulings by a judge. like how, if a friend of mine had had that option, he wouldn’t have had to register as a sex offender for urinating behind a port a potty at a concert, and then commit suicide less than three years later as the result of a beer buzzed piss ruining his entire present AND future. instead of going off on anyone that dares disagree with an article you (let’s face it) WANTED to he true, why don’t you just… learn how to read and decipher written words?
God, no wonder this country is going to hell. illiterate or cognitively impaired or both
That’s fine to let the judge have description but that is NIT the only change. If that was the case they wouldn’t have to say “as long as there isn’t more than 10 years between them”
So it’s ok for a 24 year old to have sex with a 14 year old as long as it’s consensual?
A 14 year old CHILD can’t consent!! They are a child. I could care less what type of intercourse it is.
10 years is ridiculous!! 1 year, maybe 2 like in the case of an 18 yr old and 17 yr old.
I agree the judge should have discretion in this case whether gay, straight, or trans.
Pedophiles (or MAP’s as they’ve tried to rename themselves) are not part of LGBT.
They are only hurting this community with their predatory behavior.
This is a unspeakable act against children, a act that scares them for life. I was molested as a child and was robbed of my innocence an that horrible act has affected me up to this day. All I can say is California deserves to burn with this new law! It’s a chapter right out of Sodom and Gomorrah in the bible. Slow I can say is may California continue to burn to ground!!!
Definitely not about freaking time. If someone is abused and their families know that the perpetrator won’t be labeled for life as they SHOULD be, now they’ll likely, as they should, take the matter into their own hands. Then the perpetrator won’t have to worry about being labeled for life because theirs will be over.
that isn’t even remotely what the bill says or does. the pain suffered by survivors of one of the worst imaginable traumas does not negate the need to protect young kods’ presents and futures ruined for giving their boyfriend oral. you either are not understanding the actual text of the proposed legislation, are allowing your opinion to be formed by the author of the article’s obtuse and misleading synopsis of the legislation, or allowing your own pain to cause a knee jerk reaction to the idea of overhauling the current laws. read the proposed legislation somewhere other than this article. i can assure you it does not mean that sex offenders and child molesters do not have to register as such. it protects people who are currently being forced to register, on a CASE SPECIFIC basis, who AREN’T sex offenders or child molesters
So your 22 year old male neighbor can have anal sex with your 12 year old son and you are good with that? That’s kinda sick!
22 year old male neighbor having sex with my 12 year old son? You mean, right before his body is lost forever?
This law is to protect pedophilia is California and say it’s for LGBTQ so that the brainwashed liberals go along with it all.
Why would you even…what’s your motive in supporting this?
If a 17 year old is having sex with a 10 year old, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that their sexual orientation really doesn’t matter here. Pedophilia is Pedophilia, it doesn’t matter how many acronyms you throw at it.
You are ABSOLUTELY INSANE!!!! How is protecting an adult from taking advantage of a minor (and no, a minor does NOT have the right to consent to have sex with an adult, 18 or over) get to get away with this shit? You must not have children. I mean even people without children know better. You do understand that this allows someone as young as 8….EIGHT YEARS OLD, to be sexually assaulted, again no such thing as consent from an EIGHT year old either, AND NOT BE REGISTERED AS A SEX OFFENDER?????????????? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU??????? WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?????????
That is the opinion of theDems and the supporters. They do not think it is sick.
Jim, the law simply allows judges to evaluate the case before deciding if sex offender registration is required. If a 18 year old girl gives a 17 year old boy a blue job, she would have been automatically required to register as a sex offender for life. Now a judge will decide if that is appropriate.
Sounds good in theory but if it is written the way it is a 20 year old can sex up a 10 year old with zero registration. The 10 year span is too wide. Just move the consent age to15 and go from there!
This goes far beyond that example you gave though !!! They are giving the possibility of a 10 year difference. That’s just not right ! Children need to be protected!
No if that what it was meant for then the law would have been written that judges can decide case by case if it’s considered sexual assault. In this bill it says anyone that’s within 10 years of age do not have to commit as a sex offender if they sexually assault someone. It doesn’t say within 10 years of age if they were a couple or doesn’t say within 10 years of age if the child is 14 are above it simply says within 10 years. So that means a 18 year old can hook up with an 8 year old without any consequences as long as the 8 year says it’s consensual. Lol anyone that don’t see how that is sick shouldn’t be a member of society
These people are mentally sick in the head and spiritually dead inside with no morals at all
You do know that this bill passed by a vote of 26-2, right? That means it is not a DEMOCRATS bill. 9 Republicans also voted for it. Are ALL of them sick? Or just the Libtards? Read more about what the bill actually is for. Stop reading this crap website that’s brainwashing you.
You said it all for me!!! Thank you!!!????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
and just think, “we” elect these people… way to go, 2019. great start…
Wow this is common sense allow wig children to be sexually abused?
You must be insane… so if a 23 year old male sexually assualts my 13 year old daughter the shouldn’t have to register… so i shouldn’t register my gun…
No it still illegal for an adult have sex with a minor
You’re an idiot. There is nothing common sense coming out of Sacramento. LGBT groups shut the hell up. You get these people (and I use that term loosely) to author weird bills and since the majority of the senate and house are idiot Democrats that know nothing normal, they cater to the fringe. Tired of this shit. This has nothing to do with gay rights moron.
Do you have children? Apparently NOT!!!????
What does this have to do with LGBT community? Is the bill insinuating that mostly LGBT people lure children?
Your an idiot
Have you read the bill? If not stop showing your ignorance and read it.
18 to 25 year olds are not kids and should know not to prey upon children. This law update should not exist. Just because someone is lgbt does not mean they should be permitted to lure minor children into sex, without full registration under the law and consequential criminal penalties. Minors should be protected from any and alluring by nonminors and anyone who thinks otherwise should be checked for rabies or mental illness. Includibg both Legislators Wiener and Eggman. They should be impeached for reckless endangerment of minors. They are jxxxaxxxes!!
Senator Scott Wiener is the same person who sponsored the law that makes is no longer a felony to INTENTIONALLY INFECT SOMEONE WITH HIV!
The brain of an 18 to 25 year old is not finished just like a 12 year old is not finished, you know that you can not get a lone for college at the age of 18 to 24 and 364 day without your parents co signing it. Because they know your are not an adult yet.
But they can drink, smoke, join the military, buy a gun, go to prison and now they can also rape 8 y/o children and not have to register!!
You Virginia are an actual idiot. So an 18 year old could lure an 8 year old under this legislation and no crime? . Seriously….go drink acid. You are evil.
You are one sick puppy.
You are absolutely part of the problem then., Virginia…
Virginia hmm guess you missed the point where a 22 year old could mess with a 12 year old you sick fuck.
If some 23 year old molests my 13 year old granddaughter he isn’t going to be labeled a sexual predator!! WTF is wrong with you!! Oh I forgot you are libturds. Liberalism is a mental disorder! Stay in Cali perverts!!
Well said ! Consider , under this law, passed by brain dead Democrats and dirty minded homosexuals
in our State legislature , an 18 year old could violate an 8 year old and not have to register as a sex offender !
I mean how perverted are our elected officials , anyway ?
You’re a sick person as are these idiot legislators.
Are you nuts? This lets a predator off without registering as an offender. When is it ever okay to engage in sex with a minor? You are part of what’s wrong with your warped state!
I’m curious, Virginia. What do you personally believe the age of sexual consent should be? Also, if a 20 year old has sex with a 10 year old, do you believe that’s consensual?
Common sense for pedophiles maybe. Seek help you need it, perv.
Within 2-4 years, maybe, and only for those over the age of consent. When kids play doctor, that’s something for parents to talk with them about. Children should not be sexually active with any partners until they’re emotionally and mentally capable of engaging as adults. Sexuality should be private, not plastered all over the place, on media, and in homes via the media. Children get the wrong messages about their intrinsic value, and many end up having it wrapped up in their ability to please others at their own expense. This is especially true for the growing number of people now developing high functioning autism, as well as other autoimmune, inflammatory disorders, diseases, and responses. We live in an entirely too toxic world. And it shows.
This is not common sense, common sense would involve absolving young adults who may be in close in age and in consensual relationships, not adult praying on young people. Epstine is prime example.
Virginia Hall, if you really believe this is anything approaching “common sense”, you need to be locked up!
You must be a sexual predator…..you like to violate kids….. I’m keeping my eyes on you faggot, lisbo, queer, or whatever the fuck you are, confused Mfer.
Are you insane? Sexual deviants!
You are totally wrong.
What kind of sick f*ck are you? People like you are why people like me carry a piece every day.
I spotted the pedo
get help, you are seriously mentally ill
A 14 year old raping a 4 year old is okay??? or what about a 12 year old raping a baby? This okay too? All these laws are doing is making rape of extremely young children okay for young paedophile rapists.
You’re a perv.
But the Children that are being Used and Abused are left unprotected! If Anyone is Molesting Children, Regardless of Sexual Preference, Must be held Accountable! They must register. If you don’t like the consequences, Don’t Force yourself on Children.
Virginia, first let me say you my dear are going straight to hell. Good riddance. This “common sense” law you are talking about is an affront to mankind and has no place in these United States.
Disgusting, perversion! To even think this out and waste tax payers money! To protect pedifile, exploitation of minors; rape is rape!! You are are the most corrupted trash can for a brain human!!
With no social moral, heartless and criminal to even allow this to be a thought!
You are completely off your rocker Virginia Hall. Please seek some competent help before you hurt somebody.
So your ok with a nineteen year old raping a nine year old! What kind of sick pervert are you?
Bitch, WTF are you talking about? This protects THE ADULT PREDATOR. Children do not go to jail for having sex with adults, THE ADULTS DO, as well they should. Are you a fucking pedo? Kill yourself now.
I think a whole lot of you people are acting crazy. I get being upset ,but attacking Virginia and saying she should die and crap like that is horrible. She sounds confused like all the rest of the Godless people, but we are no better then them. We should pray for each other and our country. ????
You sick bitch! What the fuck is wrong with you? How the hell does this protect LGBTQ? This is horrid! The Democrats want to turn America to a communist country! WTF HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?
You are sick. No sexual orientation should be engaging or even TOUCHING A MINOR! THIS IS UBSERD! WTF
You are either insane or a child molester
What common sense are you talking about?! The one that you are using to rape minors????
you are sick ! and it is clear those who ar ” of the LBGTQ community are into sex with kids YET want us all to accept your sexual preference as normal between to consenting Adults? YOU are sick perverted and child trafficking animals.
I’m sure you and your 13 year old partner are overjoyed
Obviously you don’t have Any kids.
Me as a father, would want to know what creep lives around my kids, Where my kids walk, what school they go to. Just over all who what negative person lives around me. I don’t see how this bill would benefit a group of individuals. I don’t see the point and benefits on why stop protect kids, and protect the pedophiles
Are you fucking kidding me, here let me just give up my children’s future to you insane people. The lgbt community have made their choice that’s fine, UT when you tell us that our children no longer have protection and our communities no longer have a right to know who these people are you have stepped over the line.
Get out of office because this tells me you have some serious skeletons in your lost and at this point I want an investigation into all of you..
You’re a sic puppy
This is completely wrong. Children that age can be easily manipulated, and tricked into doing such acts. They typically don’t understand what’s happening. It truly changes them, and they’ll never quite be the same again. I can vouch for that. It’s wrong, and always will be wrong. I don’t care what anyone says.
Your a fucking pedophil dumbass if this is common sense to you. Go to hell
I have a friend whose twin brother started sexually abusing her at age 6 because the older brother and his older friends told him what to do – this would be horrible for sexual abuse victims
So, a 14 year old can have sex with a 4 year old without consequences??
Common sense? What’s wrong with you? Since when is pedophilia and rape of a minor acceptable?
Common sense would be a 5 to 10 year prison sentence for a first offense. Surgical castration for a second offense. And capital punishment for a third offense.
You are crazy! Go see a psychiatrist and get on med’s. My own law is, you touch my child and you will have a .45cal in your mouth and you will swallow that bullet! You are a POS by definition if you’re protecting sex offenders and child molesters!
Just having that thought process should land you on Megan’s Law. You’re sick in the head. I’ll be damned if my daughter hooks up with a 23 year old when she is 14. You’re going to burn in hell.
I take it you’re one of those people that likes to commit sex crimes and use children in perverted ways they should hang you along with the so-called senator that is writing this bill
Wow! So you support pedophiles and not children? You’re a disgusting human being!
Since when would Weiner care whether or not a girl had ill consequences from sexting! Does he have a family member that was caught up in something like that, which would explain his motives??? Nope!!! This is what they call a “Gateway Bill” people!!!!! They introduce a bill that isn’t an obvious, blatant infraction to some people’s sensitivities. (Even thought it should!!)
Then bam, next thing you know, sex with a minor, slowly becomes acceptable…because anyone that fights it is, racist, homophobic….we know the routine.
This woman has lost her god-damned mind
to begin with the reason why they call the children label them as pronouns is because it’s a boy it’s a girl an American child according to the Constitution there’s no way around it so they leave the children as pronoun that’s for starters
second these are illegitimate tasks look them up that’s what it is called now illegitimate tasks and it is against the law today what they are doing today is aggravated Mayhem penal code 205 California all day long read it
a person is guilty of aggravated Mayhem when he or she
unlawfully under circumstances
manifesting extreme indifference to the physical or psychological well-being of another person, intentionally causing permanent disability or disfigurement
of another human being or deprives a human being of a limb organ or member of his or her body
we have many laws that are barriers protected around children under inalienable rights
they’re drugging our children putting them under the knife and sterilizing the future these are heinous crimes they are a threat these are terrorist threats is exactly what this is terrorist threats
Harris weiner Newsome and the rest of like-minded
sickos because that’s what they are playing sick there’s no other word for it but playing sick they’re sickos
Are messing with the territory of sacred sacred ground sacred bonds The spirit of childhood Absolutely not is this appropriate We teach our children Nobody touches your privacy This is an invasion of privacy There’s a whole lot of touching going on Inappropriate conversations It is What it is here Pedophiles
so what I’m getting at is the laws that they’re changing their illegitimate tasks and they have no grounding not with the phony policies that they make because policies have to stand on a ground Solid Ground
so these laws that they’re changing things to they’re not legitimate of the truth on principle on health health and safety we know how the body works it’s against the natural law and oh by the way Nature has a mother
a threat to the teachers is just bizarre because the teachers can go on strike the doctors can go on strike this is just not going to happen they don’t belong around the transgender children the transgender children have been through enough the youth they’ve been through enough their brainwashed and brainwashing is a life sentence
absolutely not and that’s what Harris has been doing this whole time inappropriately unethical which is a rule of law by the way making it a legal step in the due process of law and that is the guarantee due process due procedural process they don’t just get to take ethics out and if they take ethics out well then they’re disingenuous on their own unfortunately anyone can raise their right hand but we don’t have an unethical oath and and our Earth is under God so what Harris AKA Cruella Deville is pulling is making her disingenuous it can’t be both ways either she’s ethical or she’s not and the way the 10 sways depends ways with the Constitution there’s misuse of the pen there’s apocracy she’s a danger to society all of them are look what they’ve already done and they’ve done it when it’s not legal today so why are they free they should be ripped right off the stage of life and be lawyering up about right now because these laws are supposed to go into effect when it doesn’t matter if it’s tomorrow they’re not in effect today so that means they’re breaking the law today and they have them for the last 15 20 years day in and day out took it upon themselves to put children under the knife to experiment on children American children any child they can get their hands on it’s unacceptable it’s just not legal it’s against the law today they don’t just get to pass any law they want to pass America doesn’t work like that the curriculum is the b o r n mother(s) the boring father(s)
business in fact in the matter of baby
mothers are important to childhood fathers are important to childhood if no place else in this world to Childhood we are the most important and it is our business with that child goes for the top of their head to the very Soleof their feet
the law of reads someone cannot so much just give your child a Flintstone vitamin without parental consent children cannot go on a field trip without parents signing the form what the hell do these people think they’re getting away with they haven’t changed any law yet they’re in the process of changing them they’re in the process of them going into effect and I don’t believe that the police the teachers the doctors are we all going to be on board with this they can go on strike and not only that if these legislates ordered the police the teachers the doctors or even the military to jump off the bridge does that mean they would do it no they wouldn’t do it children can also walk out of school together and Riot they have rights and they can stop this from happening to other students and themselves that’s what needs to happen because none of this is legal they’re breaking the law today put them in jail book them Dano
Cute word game you are attempting to play, but let’s refer to the actual wording.
It specifies “may, by writ of mandate, seek discretionary relief from the duty …. to register …” So the relief would not be automatic – it would be at a judge’s discretion.
Secondly, you don’t seem bothered by the existing law that allows the same discretionary relief so long as it involves vaginal intercourse – it’s only when the law is expanded to include oral or anal intercourse that you become upset. Anti-LGBT much???
You got a great point, the law should be changed to read “all convictions of any sexual act at any age must register as a sex offender” It is bad enough these young people are scared to come forward when these acts happen and know they will not have the fear of registering as a sex offender for life. My 20+ year marriage ended do this very issue age difference was only about 6 years. These acts scars victims and future families for life. Thier is more than the only the LGBT community this applies. Wish people would stop to think about the majority not the minority!
This opens the door for a payoff. So the rich pedophiles can buy their way out. Yup, only California could come up with something like this!
why they protect sex offenders?
Pedophilia is wrong whether your gay or straight. A judge to make a “decision “ whether to “protect” a person who molested a 10 year old?? Are you freaking kidding me dude? There should be no decision making at all! It should be straight punishment! It goes against moral decency. It absolutely baffles me beyond my mind that a person would think it’s okay that their 10 year old child gets molested by someone who’s also gay and think “oh that’s okay, he’s gay, he doesn’t know any better, no punishment for him” For someone who’s absolutely okay with this bill is an idiot
Anti-children much??? Any decent person would be more concerned with protecting childrens safety than protecting a bunch of adults with mental problems and screwed up morals!!!
What are you going to do when they come for your children or grandchildren you bunch of sadistic perverts
Here it is: the very rich and powerful LGBT caucus in the Democrat dominated state of California is working to protect pedophiles, those who would harm and abuse children. This bill would protect an 19 year old man that molests an 9 year old. The nation needs to see this. This is abhorrent.
California is very evil. The “big one” will solve all this.
Here it is: the very rich and powerful LGBT caucus in the Democrat dominated state of California is working to protect pedophiles, those who would harm and abuse children. This bill would protect a 19 year old man that molests an 9 year old. The nation needs to see this. This is abhorrent.
What this new law does is allow equal treatment with a judge weighing in on sex offender status for all cases. Previously, if a man and a woman were caught in the act, and they were 17 and 18 years of age, a judge might rule that life time sex offender status was not appropriate. However, if two young men of 17 and 18 years age were caught doing something similar. The 18 year old would automatically be a sex offender for life. Basically, the previous law gave special status to penis/vagina sex, and everything else was automatic sex offender for life status. Now a judge can decide. It is much more reasonable now.
You cannot site 17 and 18 years old examples when it clearly states a 10 year difference. Come on man! Why ten years? Seriously! Why ten years? There is a huge difference between 20 and 30 and 20 and 10 – Mentally, emotionally, physically! It is to ambiguous as written. To much room for error at the discretion of one judge. Come on man! Recently a man that raped a baby, A BABY, broke the baby ribs, BROKE THE BABIES RIBS, got 4 years, 4 YEARS, at the discretion of a judge! Come on man! Write a better law. This one is to generalized and it sucks. Lazy, lazy, lazy, and biased, biased, biased. Come in man! There is a difference between two kids in high school – yes! Defending this as written leaves the door wide open and YOU KNOW IT!
Maybe hes one of them
Why place the Democratic party ahead in the headline? Just because they are Democrats it doesn’t mean all Democrats are in agreement over this proposal. As a Democrat myself I am totally against it.
These Democrats in California are sick demonic evil sick people
They are sick and demonic , alright . Evil , as in Hollyweird, TV , pornography business , Jeffrey Epstein Harvey and so many others
God will judge them for their pedophilic evilness and none too soon . I hear the Corona virus has come to
CA .
All I can say is I hope his children are next to be violently attacked by one of these disgusting pieces of human trash because there no fixing this type of illness they convict them they let them out and they do it again and again till they are caught. history has proven that but I guess they think they are safe behind ther gates and wall so the rest of have to live with in our nabour hoods
All true. They follow in the steps of their Hollywood and Pornography brethren . Jesus said, if someone offends a child, it would be better for that person to have a millstone
around his neck and he is drowned in the ocean.
You are worst then sex offender.. All I hope that you all have children and pray that one of these sex offender that you let free won’t be one that will attack one of your kids or family members and see how you going to feel that pain because I believe in karma and it going to bite you in the ass..parasite that what you all are..????????????????????
California lawmakers gone amock. Just more signs the state is in serious trouble. Our children are at risk. Does anyone in Sacramento care?
this is called post birth abortion, aborting minds and souls of humans even if they are born
I guess all of the above are Gay and think it’s okay to lure children into a sexual situation
**** are degenerate pedophiles , pure and simple . Why else would they pass this bill and the current pornographic
sex ed curriculum? Think about it . Under this bill , an eighteen year old could legally have sex with an eight year old
and not be forced to register as a sex offender ! Are you kidding me ? The curriculum was generated by homosexuals in the Department of Education, the
Senate Education Department and radical gays in GLAAD, who don’t have any children and leftists in Planned
Parenthood NO PARENTAL IMPUT ? The CA State Legislature is totally sick . Vote the Democrats out of
office .
I really think this is wrong. They need some kind of help. Look at Ted Bundy and others like him. Is started young and continued into adulthood. Theb he raped abd killed women. No these people need help before they endup with a record for life. This bill is not good unless they seek medical attention.
Looks like some law makers have been lobbied by some devout Muslims.
How can anyone trust someone with the last name Wiener to have a reasonable say about sex? Gay or not, sexual abuse is sexual abuse and if its unwarrented then no matter what you claim to be. Wrong is wrong. If its illegal, you Should be punished by the legal system and branded a pervert. These organizations are only protecting criminals!
Most likely because they are perverts the likes of Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton, etc.
This is ABHORRENT. Pedophiles will burn in the depths of hell unless they ask Christ into their hearts and FULLY change their ways. They under no circumstances need bills pass to allow them to traumatize children. Death penalty for the pedos!
I am absolutely disgusted by the people who are even considering this bill, and what it means for innocent children. I don’t care if you’re gay, straight or just plain confused. It’s a great way to further prove that the Democratic Party is completely nuts. And I’m a Democrat-shame on these legistators. Take this Bill OFF THE TABLE now!
I am absolutely disgusted by the people who are even considering this bill, and what it means for innocent children. I don’t care if you’re gay, straight or just plain confused. It’s a great way to further prove that the Democratic Party is completely nuts. And I’m a Democrat – shame on these legistators. Take this Bill OFF THE TABLE now!
Are you people morons? Sex Offenders ALL should be Registered & held to the utmost Law. Children are being used as Sex Trafficking & abused in every sexual way & you want tie offender to be protected. You all have lost your damn minds. WTH is this world coming to? Would you support this if one of your Children was a victim of sexual abuse. I think not if you say yes you are a damn LIAR. Get yourself in your right minds. God help Us & Our blessed Children. This is ludicrous.
100% correct protect the children!
No! Absolutely not!
It breaks every law that protects children from being abused and in most cases facing a lifetime of emotional damage! It’s an act that is putrid and devastating to it’s victims!
Hillary clinton and Jeffrey Epstein look them up.they ste all in this togethet
Yall are sick twisted and need to get on your knees and beg for forgiveness because hell is a gonna be a terrible terrible place. I will be praying for everyone of you. We have got to give this country back to God.
wow Lord help these people that think this is okay. What a sick and twisted bunch of people. I am so angry about this can you not protect our children ??? Ive got something that can and I will you can believe that. Why do you put us in that position ?? But you also need to think about this, when Jesus Christ returns and asks you about this what are you going to say?? You cant take it back and hell is a terrible place. If i were you I would get on my knees and beg dor forgiveness and resign !!!! Because you and the rest that passed this bill are going to regret this decision when it possibly happens to one if your family members. I will be praying for you.
pedophile protectors
So… in addition to fleeing the highest taxes in the nation all Californians with kids under the age of 18, gay or straight, must flee the state to protect their children from sexual predators. No adult, gay or straight, should be having sexual encounters with a minor. Period. #protecthechildren #downwithhumantrafficking #pedophiliaiswrongwhether you are gayorstraight #unconscianable #wtfCalifornia?!!!
So an 18 year old who has sex with his 16 year old girlfriend should be branded a sex offender for the rest of his life? Is that what you suggest?
If I caught some 18 year old S.O.B. with my 16 year old daughter he would not live long enough to face any charges! Period!
I think the issue is…why did they stop there? Of course common sense is needed in those cases. So why did they not simply specify THAT, vs allowing a ten year age gap? Seems to me that if they really cared about kids they’d have made ALL sexual acts punishable and not left a loophole for genuine pedophilia/assault. It’s not that bloody hard. And yeah, I get that it’s a discretionary decision by a judge. Our judges have turned out to be so honorable and upstanding, right?
In Kalifornia, I believe it would be if she’s 15 or below.
It would be refreshing if leftist activists would disclose up front that they see irrelevant and unnecessary legislation such as this trivia not as “common sense laws” or seeking “justice,” but instead as one more opportunity to create confusion and to undermine an otherwise functioning society.
I’m thankful that not all LGBT folks consider themselves to be members of an identity group but would prefer to be seen as individuals…. as most people do.
This is more “fake” (or at the very least inaccurate) news. The byline states “No crime if the person is within 10 years of age of the minor,” yet this is not at all what this bill seeks to accomplish. Neither is “luring” minors involved. The bill, as proposed, would not decriminalize the unlawful sexual activity. Instead, it would give discretionary (not mandatory) authority to a judge to not require the convicted to register as a sex offender. The bill does nothing to impact the unlawfulness of the underlying criminal activity. This act is designed to give judges the option to not require sex offender registration in cases where the individuals involved are close in age (example: 22 and 17), where there was no violence or coercion, and where requiring the defendant to register as a sex offender would be unduly harsh. Since when is over-punishing non-violent, non-predatory conduct considered a “conservative” virtue?
I agree with what your statement says…I looked at the old bill and the revised bill and I see what it is intended to do.I read other people comments and I see a lot of overreaction and misunderstanding of facts.Hopefully,they won’t all be quick to jump out there with protests and shit…They will look very dumb.
You pervert . An 18 year old can have sex with an 8 year old and have it be perfectly legal ? ?
This bill is crafted by the same people who brought you the pornographic sex ed curriculum . They are pedophiles ,
pure and simple. Death to all of them
If this is true , then why didn’t Mr. Low , or Mr. Weiner , make the age difference 2- 3 years instead of
10 ? They knew what they were doing
I’m confused as to how the author claims the bill “protects sex offenders who lure minors.” I don’t see where such crimes will not be prosecuted or terms of imprisonment avoided. All I see is where it gives judges discretion whether or not mandate registration. Even if the bill passes, it won’t affect anything – judicial discretion very rarely swings in favor of those accused of sex offenses.
Over 95% of sex crime is committed by those not on the registry. That rate is virtually unchanged from before the registry went public. Despite popular opinion, those convicted of sex offenses are among the least likely recidivists (second only to murderers) and always have been. Even among the very small handful of registrants that do sexually re-offend, the registry plays no role in investigation or arrest. I defy anyone to find one case anywhere where a current registrant committed another sex crime that would not have been solved but for the registry.
Seems like the author disagrees with most courts’ contention that the registry is not punishment because legislatures never intended them to be, a rather idiotic claim. That’s like saying the Rams won the Super Bowl because they didn’t intend to lose. At least the author got one thing right in this inane clickbait posting.
That is the truth. Sexual abuse is a wound that stays with you for life. These people should be executed like they used to. They are scum. A grooming relationship between a 14-year-old heterosexual or homosexual and a 24-year-old adult is evil. These same people brought you the Sexxx Ed curriculum. Look it up and be appalled
Protect your innocent little ones from Hollywood, pornography business, Sexx Ed curriculum in school and now this! Leave CA and disconnect from Hollywood connected filth and violence. Go back to healthy, loving relationships
Once again the state of California and especially the liberal democrats prove that they would sell their children to gain votes. Parents with small children should know who are the criminals in their neighborhood. California democrats have and are giving away the few protections left to American citizens. They are surrendering everything to gain votes from mentally unstable people.
I assume that people who want a sex offender registry also want a registry that shows everything anyone has been convicted of. This is, after all, the only way to make sure that parents know where the dangerous people are. Arsonists, burglars, drunk drivers, etc, are far more likely to be dangerous to children that those who have committed sex offenses. Therefor, shouldn’t there be a felon database available to everyone?
(This has been a sarcastic post, intended to point out the stupidity of the sex offender registry.)
You pervert loving idiot. Sex registries show parents were NOT to move, as many pedophiles are repeat offenders All the ” legislators ” who back this bill were Left-wing homosexual ethnic Jews. Enough said.
They also run Hollywood and the pornography business ( 90% ).
The $EX Offender Registries ($ORs) serve no legitimate public safety or law enforcement purpose. The purpose of the $ORs is for gossip, to grow Nanny Big Government (NBG) bigger, help politicians, fuel the outrage media, and enable and promote punishment/harassment/restrictions, including by private businesses, throughout all of Amerika. THAT is the use of the $ORs.
People who think the $ORs “work” or do anything beneficial, are completely uninformed. Today, there are no people who are actually serious about public safety or protecting children who support the $ORs. None.
Empirical evidence from actual reality, and not Registry Fantasyland, proves that the $ORs have not been useful. But it can be shown by simple examples as well. Say that you have two neighbors – one is listed on the $ORs and one is not. Which one has committed more $EX crimes? Which one is more dangerous today? You don’t have the first clue. Can you treat either of them any differently and still be protecting you and/or your family? Clearly not. So what has your $OR knowledge done for you? Nothing. All it will do is allow immoral people to gossip and ostracize the Registered person and his/her family. Obviously the $ORs are not something that moral people need.
Yet while the $ORs are not needed or significantly beneficial, they are gravely harming all of Amerika. They are responsible for widespread hate. Everyone needs to embrace and love that.
Remember that “if you see something, say something” nonsense? Forget it. The NBG criminal regimes have proven that they are immoral. They are not the solution. F them and their harassment “databases”.
It only points out your pedophile preference for gay/ child relationships , as registries for felons do exist .
You people are mentally and morally ill.
Under no circumstances is it acceptable for an adult to have relations with a minor. Man-girl, man-boy, woman-boy, woman-girl: all are equally repugnant. (A 24 year old having sex wuth a 14 year old? Just no)! Only a nut would be okay with that. As a parent and grandparent, I would be livid if an adult tried anything with one of my kids.
Oh so you think Germany’s crazy? Cause there that’s legal. What about most of South America? Are they crazy too? Doubt it.
Yes Jack, we immigrated from germany and they are crazy….crazier by the day. And with the huge influx or so-called “refugees” making a shambles of the country we knew, along with the rest of Europe, will be a memory. And yes…South America is crazy as well, and with the invasion taking place, the US soon will be as well
But your own children are grown now (since you have grandchildren.) So you would be upset if a grown adult expressed interest in one of your own grown adult children? I mean, that’s what you said, right? That you’d be livid if an adult tried anything with one of [your] kids (who are now adults)?
David, that is a stupid comment. How old are you? 14?
David you are giving out the impression that you are either gay, a sex offender or one who has no morals at all. To put a person on a sex offender list definitely makes that person very aware of what they have done and that usually means they will never do it again. Giving them any kind of lee way to commit the crime again and not having to worry about anyone knowing about it will not stop them from doing it over and over. It is insane to even think of older people using children for their sexual pleasure, and the idea of passing laws to lessen this as a crime is senseless. We are seeing a lot of this in the states these days and that is very sad. Morals have been thrown out the window and anything seems to be OK, as you are sounding like one who thinks that way. Now if you are not intending to make people think of you as this kind of person…maybe you should either stop writing anything or change what you are saying.
So a 18 year old and a 9 year old is OK for these sick politicians!
Not what the article said, at all. Made it abundantly clear it would only apply to offenses involving minors aged 15 and up.
Leo…Thanks for the example that would be a registering offense. Any judge that said otherwise would be headed down the Aaron Persky trail I don’t think you’re reading the article correctly. First off, this is leveling the playing field in cases of oral/anal sex verses vaginal sex. A 21 year old male meets a 17 year old female (with a fake ID) in a bar. They go back to his place and have vaginal sex. He can be prosecuted by law, Ignorance is no excuse, but he may not have to register as a sex offender (Discretion), But if they have oral sex he will have to register. This will allow the judge to decide whether he is a threat to society or not. What do you think?
Some laws just seem illogical to me. Years ago I read about a 23 yr. old police officer in Indiana who was living with his girlfriend who was seventeen. That’s legal in that state. They also had sex which is legal there. But, he crossed the line when he took naked pictures of her with his cell phone. Federal child pornography laws. Go figure?
Clear definition of GROSS NEGLIGENCE. You reprobates come near my grandchildren and I will not call 911!!!!
My, my such a stark warning, Mr. Allen. You understand, don’t you, that this media is read nationwide. And the remarks added by people could come from anywhere. … even Russia, China
Germany, etc. How in the world would you imagine that anyone posting a comment to this website would ever happen to cross paths with one of your children??? That said, I hope you now feel very self-satisfied that your have verbally protected your loved one.
Am I reading this right? A 26 year old having sex with a 16 year old high school Sophomore should not have to register as a sex offender? That adult is the very DEFINITION of a sex predator, and any adult who indulges in such behavior BELONGS on the registry. Parents should know who this person is so they can protect their child and keep the predator away from them. This is such one step in the normalization of child abuse. Sickening!
You’re not reading it right. The law makes it so a judge would decide.
Previously a judge would already decide if a registration was made, in cases involving vaginal intercourse. A 26yo having sex with a 16yo would not imply automatic registration, a judge would decide. However, if it was just a blowjob, the registration would be automatic. Same goes for anal intercourse. The new law would make it so that a judge also decides in those cases.
So nothing changes on that front, as a judge would rule to register the perpetrator as a sex offender. What does change is that in a case where a judge would rule against a registration, e.g. a 17yo male and an 18yo female having consensual vaginal intercourse, the judge gets the ability to do so for two males involving anal intercourse as well.
This is good as it keeps the registry clean of people who really shouldn’t be in it and makes sure those that should be in it still are. That way there is more trust in the registry.
Seems as though you think you are patiently explaining why this proposed law is fine but actually you are digging a deeper hole for yourself as well as possibly reminding people why the law as it stands should require mandatory sex offender registration for all adults who can’t keep their mitts off of minors.
Special rules for Hollywood.
It’s about time this could save a lot of kids in high school 15 and up so there whole life isn’t taken away from them for life for being young a stupid l
I have friends and family in the LBGT community. Thankfully they are good humans. And I hardly see where this bill would make or break your sanctuary cities. You are not going to know who the hell they are anyway or where to find them.
You sickos should be proud
Yall are some sick f*cks, Keep bending the rules, U already have a state that sends foster children to live with registered pedophiles,, I have to give it to you ,, YOUre open with your vile behavior, Itll be easier for us to take u down in the SC-
Every piece of legislation Scott Weiner proposes seems to always deal with protection of those who would/want to sexually abuse minors.
LGBTQs get ‘turned’ by an older adult when they are 14/15. This is a fact. part of the dark history of LGBTQs. They are only protecting themselves.
That would explain the hyper-energetic nastiness and bullying we’re seeing from some of the Pro-Wiener Bill commenters on this article. They’re desperate for this bill, they must have it! And apparently by any means necessary
If they want it so much the bill must not be as benign as they claim it is.
Reeks of a Deep State free pass to carry out their wicked habits.
Perverts. All.
This is why the kids who were murdered during/after the Fox Island sexual/child molestation scandal in the Midwest broke the news have never been caught or charged.. because of loose laws like these being on the books allowing people to be serial child molesters or child murderers.. so very very sick! These politicians need to have their families turned upside down by a horrible policy they implemented onto the American people to benefit themselves in a position of power against them! Only way they change is when their own laws backfire on them!
May all of these sicko “legislators” roast in Hell for pushing and protecting pedophilia. Shame on you for helping perverts abuse children.
This is an attempt to legalize child perversion and molestation at its core. These people should not only be exposed as registered sex offenders, they should be required to consent to psychiatric care and counseling on a regular basis by a professional. Age difference between individuals doesn’t mean anything. A pervert or child molester generally has a preference for a particular type and age group of victims. With time this may regress to a younger version but not likely. A person of say 22 who molested a 12 year old, will in general always prefer 12 year olds not someone 10 years younger.
“…under their bill, SB 145, the offenders would not have to automatically register as sex offenders if the offenders are within 10 years of age of the minor.”
Just think about that for a minute. If the predator is 21 he/she can prey upon children that are 11 years old. In my book, that should get them a smoker to the brain pan.
Who the hell is supporting this ??????????!! Pedophiles that’s who – wtf people really??!!! ????
Your stupid laws are putting people at risk..you think your protecting..your exposing them…I’m sick of you throwing the LGBT agenda at everyone..as if that’s who you are trying to protect…you don’t seem to know what your really legislationing..
California has lost its mind, and, naturally, the mentally ill homos are leading the way. God, these people were so much bearable when they TOO knew there was something grossly wrong with them. Now, with all their “civil rights” and bona fides of an actual victim group, they are unbearable. Gee thanks, California.
Missing one “tiny” bit: “provided the minor is above legal sexual consent’s age”!!!! And it’s NOT 12 year old…No matter how grown up they think thez are now days at that age.
How appropriate for someone named WEINER to push for this. Who’s the co-sponsor, Buster Hyman? Peter Long? .ime Hunt?
Can we build a huge wall around californication too? I’ll donate money…
Exteding the welcome mat of sexual volvement with kids to the adults within 11 years of age does not seem to be a wise thing to do here. Does it not effectively say, “Crime-free child molesting available here. Inquire within”? Even with it only applying to offenders of 15-17-year-olds, you are putting the responibility on a teenagers. Where is the wisdom there? SHOULD that same age be allowed to buy guns? Buy cars? Vote? Join the military? Divorce his parents? Brothers and sisers?
Nice fake news headline.
1. Now. If a 20 yo does 17 yo vaginally, older participant may or may not be registered as a pedo depending on judgment on the case (so presumably if they are dating for longer time etc judge will not add register on top of conviction. But any other orifice is haram, straight to register even if this the most benign case.
2. After it’s passed. Same judgment applies to every orifice.
This is clearly a protect the pedophile bill. The next thing that will happen is a 24 year old pedophile will claim they thought their victim was 14 when they were actually 11 and should get off because the victim looked older. You get the government you deserve. It’s time to start recalling these pedophile enablers.
Revolution time Americans have gone weak !!!
Look, the GOP is a pack of weak betas, but anyone still voting Democrat is an enemy of civilization and humanity.
I don’t care what your array of personal political issues are, voting for Democrats is voting for the ultimate destruction of the system that lets you have those personal political views. They are the party of death and filth and hate.
Pull your heads out of your ignorant ássès, stop gobbling down the mainstream media propaganda, and wake up before it’s too late.
Wow. Such a great title to rattle the ignorant with their pitchforks. No one is luring your children. At least not the great majority of them who are on the registry. You know who’s luring your children? Other children, your spouse, your brother, your brother in-law, your neighbor, clergy, teacher, coaches…basically ANY ONE who is not already on the registry. Let me tell you, I was brutally raped over a decade ago. The assailant? Not a stranger on the registry. It was a neighbor. In fact, he STILL isn’t on the registry because you know that women seem to be second class citizens to children when rape occurs.
The registry is an exercise in failure. If Representative Weiner really wants to make a difference, END THE REGISTRY NOW!
I am actually horrified at this new bill, and actually glad I live on the east coast. I realize that this bill allows the Judge to make the determination on whether it is a sex crime or not, but have you watched the decisions of Ca. judges over the years including the 9th circuit court of appeals, if I was a Californian, I would be worried. The 10 year difference is laughable as well, it means a 25 year old can have whatever sex he or she wants with your 15 year old and it is perfectly fine????? I realize that CA folks think Georgians are all crazy hillbillies with a confederate flag tattooed across their chest or buns, but our age difference in any sexual encounter is 5 years difference!! Common sense!!!
And would this law make it illegal for parents to deny their kids to have sex with the neighborhood pedophile down the street. Have to wonder.
LGBT People, not straight and it’s relationships not by force. its their choice, maybe should be less than 10 yrs diff.
Fearmongers among us, think straight and take a breath, your the ones who JUMP to conclusions without ALL the FACTS first.
This bill is designed for future of young people that admit LGBTQQ. Not everyday and thanks David , it IS the Judge’s DISCRETION on EVERY CASE not fall by the AUTO BUTTON wayside, each one by the presiding Judge not the others or just by justification of age.
THINK, before you jump and straight parents and straight grandparents, its for the LGBTQQ population that are in a RELATIONSHIP that the age is affected, maybe an 15 y.o. with a 17 y.o. for a long period and are at school and together to protect them both.
So a 20 year old and a 10 year old is ok with you? Let’s call this what it is… pedo bill! Sicko!
Can someone save us? What do we do when the sickos are the majority and can pass laws to protec themselves? We are powerless. The constitution has failed us!
Common sense. grab our right to bear arms and u know whats next. No one has right to declare laws over everyone else the ppl judge not a paper and one person.
Every day I wake up and ask God to judge Sacramento and then San Francisco! The COVID, 20 years of
devasting fires, the bankruptcy of the economy here, the millions of illegal aliens, the horrible traffic and
the high cost of everything apparently has not been enough to give the homosexual population and the
Governor, enough food for thought.
Hey California. Just keep voting in those Democrats and watch yiur state as it degrades into a third world cesspool.
Please. Only uninformed idiots support $EX Offender Registries. Are they Democrats? Or the harassing, big government Republicans? I don’t know and I don’t care. We need to stop people who love big government and their hit lists. That I know.
I didn’t even read this article. Anyone who talks about the $EX Offender Registries ($ORs) are if they are anything more than a giant, immoral, un-American, useless pile of sh*t is an idiot. Any talk about changing the $ORs is just talking about pushing sh*t around. It’s not going to change the pile to make it suddenly useful somehow.
The $ORs serve no legitimate public safety or law enforcement purpose. The purpose of the $ORs is for gossip, to grow Nanny Big Government (NBG) bigger, help politicians, fuel the outrage media, and enable and promote punishment/harassment/restrictions, including by private businesses, throughout all of Amerika. THAT is the use of the $ORs.
People who think the $ORs “work” or do anything beneficial, are completely uninformed. Today, there are no people who are actually serious about public safety or protecting children who support the $ORs. None.
Empirical evidence from actual reality, and not Registry Fantasyland, proves that the $ORs have not been useful. But it can be shown by simple examples as well. Say that you have two neighbors – one is listed on the $ORs and one is not. Which one has committed more $EX crimes? Which one is more dangerous today? You don’t have the first clue. Can you treat either of them any differently and still be protecting you and/or your family? Clearly not. So what has your $OR knowledge done for you? Nothing. All it will do is allow immoral people to gossip and ostracize the Registered person and his/her family. Obviously the $ORs are not something that moral people need.
Yet while the $ORs are not needed or significantly beneficial, they are gravely harming all of Amerika. They are responsible for widespread hate. Everyone needs to embrace and love that.
Remember that “if you see something, say something” nonsense? Forget it. The NBG criminal regimes have proven that they are immoral. They are not the solution. F them and their harassment “databases”.
well, if you didn’t have sex with a minor you wouldn’t be registered, so quit being a pedo
Wow! 22 year old can have sex with a 12 year old! Fucking disgusting , most 12 years are just starting puberty their bodies are not fully developed nor their minds. This is just sickening! It would make more sense if was getting sex offenders that were 21 having sex with a 17 year old, not a fucking 12 year old and a 22 year old!
Ridiculous!! This opens way too many doors!! Every pedophile will use this to excuse their actions. Why does a 25 yr need to date a 15 yr old? You cant go out together to bars, or clubs. They have school so no romantic vacations. The only appeal is, control, innocence and a childlike appearance. That makes you a predator regardless of your sexual preference. God help us all if this goes through.
This also opens the way to sharia law and child brides. In America we call it rape, where they come from it’s called normal.
I say lets throw these idiots into a cell naked with 4 of the biggest, nasty, gross looking sex offends and come back in 24 hours I am sure they will all sign a different tune.
Ms Egghead had to many knees slamming shut on the head that should be in a contest for new Halloween Freak Mask.
Put the sick”O’s” in office and they try and make laws for the sick.
Sounds like if I’m 20 yo I can hump a 10 yo.
California the Southern part should just drop into the Pacific on Shark Feed Day.
Just close all mental illness hospitals because they are all in state government.
That governor is the top POS.
I didn’t even read this article. Anyone who talks about the $EX Offender Registries ($ORs) are if they are anything more than a giant, immoral, un-American, useless pile of sh*t is an idiot. Any talk about changing the $ORs is just talking about pushing sh*t around. It’s not going to change the pile to make it suddenly useful somehow.
The $ORs serve no legitimate public safety or law enforcement purpose. The purpose of the $ORs is for gossip, to grow Nanny Big Government (NBG) bigger, help politicians, fuel the outrage media, and enable and promote punishment/harassment/restrictions, including by private businesses, throughout all of Amerika. THAT is the use of the $ORs.
People who think the $ORs “work” or do anything beneficial, are completely uninformed. Today, there are no people who are actually serious about public safety or protecting children who support the $ORs. None.
Empirical evidence from actual reality, and not Registry Fantasyland, proves that the $ORs have not been useful. But it can be shown by simple examples as well. Say that you have two neighbors – one is listed on the $ORs and one is not. Which one has committed more $EX crimes? Which one is more dangerous today? You don’t have the first clue. Can you treat either of them any differently and still be protecting you and/or your family? Clearly not. So what has your $OR knowledge done for you? Nothing. All it will do is allow immoral people to gossip and ostracize the Registered person and his/her family. Obviously the $ORs are not something that moral people need.
Yet while the $ORs are not needed or significantly beneficial, they are gravely harming all of Amerika. They are responsible for widespread hate. Everyone needs to embrace and love that.
Remember that “if you see something, say something” nonsense? Forget it. The NBG criminal regimes have proven that they are immoral. They are not the solution. F them and their harassment “databases”.
This is why we know Jesus Christ is coming soon. I’m not sure all of us are even human anymore. Sure let’s celebrate murdering babies AFTER they are born and by all means – let’s advocate for sexual child abuse because that’s how democrats like it.
These lawmakers are sick and twisted individuals and should have their humanity revoked. That is if they had any in the first place.
What in God’s name is wrong with these people?
California went full retard finally…..you people who made this bill should be fired and sent to prison for even thinking this is ok…..
Will, spoken like a true register sex offender.
Nope. Spoken like an actual INFORMED, moral American. Something that “people” who support Registries know nothing about. But you keep harassin’ and gittin them there “$EX offenders”! F you anti-Americans.
What sucks here is the fact that it is exclusively for G.L.B.T. people!!! To be “covered”, one has to be GAY, LESBIAN, BISEXUAL or TRANSGENDER!!! And the victims must all be the SAME SEX as the perpetrator!!! Hence, you have a situation where if it’s gay, it’s o.k. If it’s NOT gay, it’s NOT o.k!!! Heterosexuality is NOT COVERED!!! This is why heterosexuals are filling up the sex offender registries by the THOUSANDS every single day, while the gay people are “safe” from the law!!! After all, only heterosexual MALES violate defenseless women and children, right?!!? RIIIIGHT!!! There’s no harm done if the victims are the same sex, right?!!? RIIIGHT!!! This means that if our prepubescent daughters get molested by some sicko clown at a carnival, we will be able to send his sorry ass through a chipper and shredder!!! But if our prepubescent BOYS get molested by that same sick carnival clown, we won’t be able to touch him due to “Gay Rights Legal Protections!!!”
WOW!!! Doesn’t that just warm your heart and make you feel all “cuddly” inside!!! It sure does make the gay and lesbian PEDOPHILES feel all “warm and fuzzy” inside!!! God help us, this nation is DOOMED!!!
This is crazy !?!? As I get older I trust people less . How can we put so much responsibility on 1 flawed person . (cause we all are) what if you have a judge who is a strict catholic every gay dude will be going to jail no matter the situation. Or judge golf’s with a rapest that guy has a free ticket to run a muck . Never put to much power in 1 persons hand THEY WILL ABUSE IT. money and status is everything to so many people there will be abuse of power .
If there was ever any question that Satan is real and his influence has continued to spread in our culture, that question has been answered. I’m glad I live in Illinois (although another blue state). I should be far enough away from these legislators to risk any chance of getting struck during an electrical storm.
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”
-Jesus Christ
I have to agree with that. $EX Offender Registries ($ORs) are a direct product from Satan. $ORs are not needed or beneficial. And they cause grave harm to all of Amerika. No informed, sensible person can defend $ORs.
So why do we have them? For hate. That is the bottom line. It is not PC any longer to hate “coloreds” or practice apartheid on them, so today we’ve got some new people to hate. Amerika has always needed that.
California Democrats are unbelievably sick, twisted and perverted.
These people are mentally ill and disgusting. What’s wrong with people in California?
$EX Offender Registries ($ORs) do make “common sense”. But if they WERE actually useful, where are the rest of the Nanny Big Government (NBG) Registries? I guess we are only worried about $EX! Figures.
$ORs do make common sense but it takes very little examination to see that they actually aren’t needed or useful at all, AND are very harmful to all of society. $ORs serve no legitimate public safety or law enforcement purpose. The purpose of the $ORs is for gossip, to grow NBG even bigger, help politicians, fuel the outrage media, and enable and promote punishment/harassment/restrictions, including by private businesses, throughout all of Amerika. THAT is the use of the $ORs.
People who think the $ORs “work” or do anything beneficial, are completely uninformed. Today, there are no people who are actually serious about public safety or protecting children who support the $ORs. None.
Empirical evidence from actual reality, and not Registry Fantasyland, proves that the $ORs have not been useful. But it can be shown by simple examples as well. Say that you have two neighbors – one is listed on the $ORs and one is not. Which one has committed more $EX crimes? Which one is more dangerous today? You don’t have the first clue. Can you treat either of them any differently and still be protecting you and/or your family? Clearly not. So what has your $OR knowledge done for you? Nothing. All it will do is allow immoral people to gossip and ostracize the Registered person and his/her family. Obviously the $ORs are not something that moral people need.
Yet while the $ORs are not needed or significantly beneficial, they are gravely harming all of Amerika. They are responsible for widespread hate. Everyone needs to embrace and love that.
Remember that “if you see something, say something” nonsense? Forget it. The NBG criminal regimes have proven that they are immoral. They are not the solution. F them and their harassment “databases”.
This is what happens when Democrats have no competition due to change in demographics from illegal and legal mass immigration. The plan now is to have conservatives adopt leftist social policies, while retaining only right leaning economic stance (tpusa). If you want to see these laws go away we need conservative voices in california that bring traditional family values and condemn LGBT lifestyles.
Not each and every page is indexed by the search engines.
For everyone who thinks it all right because a judge has discretion…are you out of your minds? Have you seen some of the rulings judges have come out with lately?
Wtf is wrong with people what about the rights of the victims? Your worried about the rights of these sick fucks , I think you need to be more worried about the victims and protect them instead of the sick fuckers that are doing this shit . I can’t believe I just read this shit. Anyone who agrees with this shit obviously must be a child molester anyone in their right mind would NEVER agree with this crap
Oh, you people. So sad. We have the rights of victims covered a thousand times over. That’s why we put people in prison.
But anyway, there aren’t any informed, moral people in all of Amerika today who think Registries are a good idea or support them. Zero. Experts never did support Registries and never will. And wow, have they ever been proven that they were right all along! Registries are counterproductive stupidity.
Unfortunately, most of the dipsh*ts living in Amerika are big government loving boot lickers who need big government to fake “protect” them. So we have Registries. But just for $EX. Because nothing else is dangerous. Sad.
Needs to be said again:
I didn’t even read this article. Anyone who talks about the $EX Offender Registries ($ORs) are if they are anything more than a giant, immoral, un-American, useless pile of sh*t is an idiot. Any talk about changing the $ORs is just talking about pushing sh*t around. It’s not going to change the pile to make it suddenly useful somehow.
The $ORs serve no legitimate public safety or law enforcement purpose. The purpose of the $ORs is for gossip, to grow Nanny Big Government (NBG) bigger, help politicians, fuel the outrage media, and enable and promote punishment/harassment/restrictions, including by private businesses, throughout all of Amerika. THAT is the use of the $ORs.
People who think the $ORs “work” or do anything beneficial, are completely uninformed. Today, there are no people who are actually serious about public safety or protecting children who support the $ORs. None.
Empirical evidence from actual reality, and not Registry Fantasyland, proves that the $ORs have not been useful. But it can be shown by simple examples as well. Say that you have two neighbors – one is listed on the $ORs and one is not. Which one has committed more $EX crimes? Which one is more dangerous today? You don’t have the first clue. Can you treat either of them any differently and still be protecting you and/or your family? Clearly not. So what has your $OR knowledge done for you? Nothing. All it will do is allow immoral people to gossip and ostracize the Registered person and his/her family. Obviously the $ORs are not something that moral people need.
Yet while the $ORs are not needed or significantly beneficial, they are gravely harming all of Amerika. They are responsible for widespread hate. Everyone needs to embrace and love that.
Remember that “if you see something, say something” nonsense? Forget it. The NBG criminal regimes have proven that they are immoral. They are not the solution. F them and their harassment “databases”.
Once again, California shows the rest of us how absolutely SICK AND DISGUSTING their leaders are. Unreal.
This is to protect the Hollywood pervs.
I am a bit confused about this. It sounds like this is merely extending a (questionable) law that is already on the books to include additional sexual acts so that some people dont get sentencee more harshly than others for essentially committing the same crime. Right?
But, also, it seems to say that the minimum age of a minor in this context is 14, so the maximum allowable age of the perpetrator is 24. But then I see people saying the victim could be 10 or 12 and the perpetrator could be 20 or 22. Which one is it?
Sex affenders need to be on the register for life period. What’s left to say about it. Everyone should be able to inform, recognize and protect themselves and their family. Dont do it and you won’t be on a registry. Boofrikityhoo for them.
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THE Overton Window will move to the left with this horrendous bill.
the inmates are running the asylum
Are you F-ing kidding me !! Or are you guys just insane? Any adult that rapes, molested or sexually touched a child should be plastered on bill boards and registered in a registry. If I had my way they would be casterated and raped themselves!!! This stays with a child their entire life!! So disappointed in California, you guys have become the cesspool of the United States with your wicked ways !!!
Register perverts, not guns.
This is a joke !!! I think there are some states that have different age requirements for “engaging in legal sex “. Bull , the age should be 18 years old across the board for consensual sex. Anything else should be statutory rape and you should have to register as a sex offender. Period end of story !!!!
One moment let me get this right, no charges if they’re within 10 years of age of the minor? So a 20 year old could mess with a 10 year old CHILD , a 15 year old could touch a 5 year old CHILD, 18 could touch an 8 year old CHILD and all of those would be legal and keep said PREDATORS (not human) protected and without any legal repercussions? If this is the case and you want to play the game this way then you also need a law protecting the SANE humans that will go out and add these pedophiles to our own list because American’s will not accept pedophilia and we will not allow our children to be hurt and traumatized while the monster is protected. If you want to protect them YOU ARE ONE and you should be stripped of any title, position of power you have and your kids should be taken where they are safe so they will not fall victim to the monsters you wish to protect.
Anyone who would come up with a bill such as this IS a PEDOPHILE. They should be kicked out of office for even thinking like this. Disgusting. Stay away from my kids and grandkids.
We Need a deep debates, in the news weekly, on ways to cure poverty! As proper pay-rate. Its unfair for landlords to insist they have tenants making 2 to 3 times the rent. While enforceable fed. minimum wage, is only 1/3 of that rate, $7.25 an hour. Not $22.00 an hour, as land owners in big cities demand, you make, or no rent from them. We Need Enforcement of the Fair Housing Act for all who are NOT Pedophiles.
These action’s by landlords, are Wrongful and illegal. The Civil Rights Act of Fair Housing of 1968, still on the law books, today ” Clearly says that landlords cannot investigate if low paid worker maker the enforceable $7.25 an hour, has any other income. 65% of all workers make the Minimum wages, or just above it. Regardless, what the Right wings say, A Wage increase would help many!
We need to add up all of lives basics, and make that the new Federal, wage.And the new Social Security\disability Rate. What do you say? Are you for the badly paid, or those who make their money, off our drudgery?
A registry?! What the need is harsher punishment. There are men getting a few years, others a few months. While survivors get what, life. Then those sickos are back in the streets and all they have is their name in a registry. Damn right I wanna know if there’s a pervert near by, cause those registries don’t do shit to stop them. All they do is let you know a pedo is near, but it definitely doesn’t stop them from being one. So, knowing there’s one around and who it is gives those around a heads up. Let’s us know not to leave our kids or whomever we love around them alone.
Doesn’t stop them from being one, no. REQUIREMENTS of said “law” REQUIRING the registration of (said person) EVERY 90 days, for the remainder of their lifetime AND FAILURE to do so, will result in “failure to comply with (state’s name, sex offender registration act)” which will more than likely be a felony, get the unregistered party registered, and yet what part of ANY of THIS law requirement(s) actually states what is to be done in which case the “sex offender” has been cured and where “offender” can actually move forward, past the simple-minded “all sex offenders must have molested a child” train of thought process to where, if law and public opinion were changed (can be changed, with mutual respect throughout all forms of government starting with, but not limited to one’s affiliated political party.)
This is for the Democrats and Republicans together; one side or the other is not necessarily your decision. Your decision though, is what will be the RIGHT one for not just American life, but
They let pedos off the hook and rapists. Many of these prisoners let out over covid 19 were rapists and pedos in the mix…one rapist killed the victim after he got out of prison. Seems like the bigger problem here is porn is treaching everyone that watches this is all normal. They get desensitized.
Judge and thou shall be judged.
Now let me explain a few things. I used to have a completely different outlook from the way I used to feel, in comparison to the way I feel about issues now, after becoming a “sex offender.”
As a teenager, I would use to hear the term “sex offender” and the first thought that would come to mind prior to my experiences, would be the simple echoing of the advice “hide your children.” Which, now, after growing up, then committing a “sexual crime,” and the dishonesty of a “victim” which results in the upheaval of the “lies and dishonesty” which resulted in (ALL) “sex offenders are child molesters.”
Don’t even pass judgement on “sex offenders” because how can it be okay with you to pass positive or negative justification on ANYTHING that TRANSPIRED if we DO NOT take one’s specific PAST and HISTORY into account when it comes to determination of giving one a “PASS” or “FAIL” as to when it comes to getting personally involved with another. How can you say that you wouldn’t have ended up better or worse than what you did, if you don’t also put ones selves body and history? Most “sex offenders” are capable of committing “child molestation” especially if they were raped and molested themself as a child, but yet, if you know what it’s like, the one receiving the sexual abuse…then how in the world could you possibly do the same to another child if you, yourself, know what it is like being the one that is being sexually mistreated. The flip-side to that coin is this though, the thought that, “it was done to me, it must be okay” OR “I was touched growing up, now it is okay to touch my children because (sexual abuser) touched and (…, …, …) when I was a young, immature, inexperienced, little boy.” You CAN NOT imagine what it is like to suffer through being sexually raped AND / OR molested as a child, just like a child CAN NOT EXPLAIN how such TRAUMA would affect the GROWN-UP later in life, as to the way it reflects on their abilities to properly show authority, along with how to properly deal with authority ESPECIALLY whenever authority DOES NOT mean it’s PERFECT but as with EVERY THING ELSE, DO NOT FORGET, you know the way of a child now yet also as an ADULT. Patience is a virtue, and MUST BE MADE to be “patient.” Imagine being super-awesome at tieing your shoes, yet, it takes so much time for you to tie them every morning, that you leave them tied after slipping them off at night and slipping them on in the mornings…. CAUSING ONE to not be into the customs of things like one would AFTER untieing shoes at night, and tieing the same pair each morning.
You cannot site 17 and 18 years old examples when it clearly states a 10 year difference. Come on man! Why ten years? Seriously! Why ten years? There is a huge difference between 20 and 30 and 20 and 10 – Mentally, emotionally, physically! It is to ambiguous as written. To much room for error at the discretion of one judge. Come on man! Recently a man that raped a baby, A BABY, broke the baby ribs, BROKE THE BABIES RIBS, got 4 years, 4 YEARS, at the discretion of a judge! Come on man! Write a better law. This one is to generalized and it sucks. Lazy, lazy, lazy, and biased, biased, biased. Come in man! There is a difference between two kids in high school – yes! Defending this as written leaves the door wide open and YOU KNOW IT!
Speak with your vote. We need to vote out individuals not interested in protecting our children. Period.
Dear Californians With children.move now!
This is a malignant stair step to making pedophiles mainstream, sorry but if the LBGT community agrees with this, they have crossed a very serious line by including minors and not limited to consenting ADULTS, you will lose your credibility….. no one likes this but a pervert.
i cannot even believe that this is up for consideration. just NO. ‘lure a minor into having sex’. LURING a minor to have sex… enough said. JUST NO. i can’t even believe that anyone would find this acceptable or want this bill passed.
Those of us who have been unfortunate to spend Evan a couple of days in jail no that even the greediest of inmates won’t protect the Chomos(child molesters)
So when this election is over keep your eyes peeled.Because I’m not saying I know shit about what the Hollywood crowd is capable of faking when it comes to TV.But to use innocent Americans of color ,meanwhile the real men with heart like Biggie,PAC,Prince and Michael Jackson,Whitney Houston and her daughter who wouldn’t sell out to the ugliness.But we just cracked jokes about drugs and let the witches in the media spin the lies because black,white,Latino were to big of cowards to live with the implications of the truth..We let these people tell us what we are,when we know dam well they hide who we are. We need the truth research Larry Gaiters at crowd scourge the truth
WE DONT NEED DEMOCRATS OR REPUBLICANS ,BUT WE CAN DEMAND RESULTS BEFORE THE ELECTIONS AND IF THE IDEA DIVIDES IT GETS TOSSED TO THE SIDE,If people want vaccines let them get them,if you think a mask and a dude rag makes sense wear it .But the first thing we need drawn up is a guarantee that if the Congress fails to guarantee 100% employment,housing that they face Capital punishment and that included every member of WHO that directed this with our tax dollars.I say we hold all families like the Gates,Bezos,Rockefeller’s,Rothschild,Oppenheimer,Sassoon’s the wallawers,all members of British intelligence not there citizens and all Internal security tasked with harming US Citizens.Darpa where’s an. Insignia written in Greek stating let our citizens hate as long as they fear.They have wasted more money on pseudoscience like Atomic bombs,and Nuclear,there are no such weapons as they describe between faking space, andWMDs they armed Europe at our expense not to mention Israel , allow me to make this clear their citizens are just as innocent as most of us.I don’t pretend to know how to fix any of this but we can no longer seek revenge,the counterforce of evil and hate is love .Is there not one of us left that wouldn’t throw their money,television and hate out the window for a decent try?
California is full of pedophiles. That’s why they want to ease the laws so they can avoid punishment. Why would anyone with children want to live there. It is no measure of ones sanity to be well adjusted to a sick society.
Another thing I’m sick of hearing about is Trump being a racist.When I was in the west Chester carpenters union Trump had come in building giant projects like New Roc City in New Rochelle,and Giant projects everywhere.Saving entire city’s from ruin.Now anyone who worked for the trade union in those days new dam well the white guys got all the inside work, using the trade unions excuse that blacks were only skilled in concrete which made sure they worked the least amount of hours,and suffered in the cold while the gangsters laughed and fired anyone who disagreed with these methods.Trump was the first and only owner who insisted all races were trained in all work and within six months all minority’s who were trained by white guys who hated treating our supposed brothers as union workers called each other in public.And anyone can fact check this when I first started working for Precision Carpentry of Westchester out of a thirty man crew we had maybe one black apprentice.After working for trump our crew grew to seventy men and many of my bosses were black and Hispanic It was the diversity insisted on by Trump that made us the most successful high rise crew in Westchester Trump didn’t back down from the gangsters everyone else feared any one can contact Precision Carpentry of Westchester and question the employees themselves but listen to the Crack News Network.A bunch of traitors that have like the Clintons,Bush and that liar Barrack Obama take their orders from the center for foreign relations.Where you have to be a highly degreed Freemason ,what your average citizen is not aware of is once these secret society members reach a high enough level to be a member of the CFR .You receive a charter making you no longer answerable to treason from the country where your citizenship originally started you answer to the CFR and have complete diplomatic immunity no matter what your position in what country.Do your own research and you will quickly find out that free masons belonging to federal lodge number one in D.C hold some of the highest positions in the US Navy are not forbidden from committing treason.Why can’t you people do just an hour or two of independent research ,the kind where you don’t go crying to authority and consensus stop acting like a brainwashed fool.For Gods sake have some pride.Most teenagers are more credulous than adults who can’t or won’t get the bananas out of your ears .I hate to say this but cowards are becoming this country’s number one commodity!
This is misleading. The definition actually excludes those who “lure.”
The whole legislature, governor & Leftist Liberal mayors of CA need to be flushed out, disposed of & start fresh with people with common sense & morals. We’re talking about CHILDREN; they are NOT adults & we need to protect them from pedos, perverts & CA legislature!
Question of the day,
California senate bill 145 has apparently signed into law,
So if a 24 year old man rapes my 14 year old daughter and claims he identifies as a woman, does he get the lesser sentancing?
This is ridiculous, the law that should be changed is that EVERY sex offender, no matter if they had sex with a minor by way of anal, vaginal or oral, should be on that registry. You don’t make a law leaving people off the registry who you see as being part of the LGBT community. The last thing the LGBT community should be doing is allowing pedophiles to hitch their cart to their wagon. Anybody who sexually assaults a minor, no matter if they are gay, straight or whatever, should be on the registery. I find it disturbing that their solution is to make it easier for LGBT sex offenders to hide.
Does this mean that a 16 year old can have sex with a 6 year old? Or a 14 year old with a 4 year old? It may be 10 years but there’s quite a physical and emotional difference.
On the other hand, I really do believe that once you’ve done your time and been punished that should be the end of the matter. Prison should be about rehabilitation, not revenge. How can you expect to reform someone, make them feel a part of the community and become invested in society if they’re just being labelled an outsider for their whole lives?
I know people will say that they should just be put to death or locked away forever and throw away the key but that is simply not realistic. We should be emulating the Scandinavians and rehabilitating people instead of writing them off forever. Say what you want but their method works and prevention is better than cure.
i think its time for people to start dying. i mean you people( anyone who is okay with this filth) are protecting the right of the lowest forms of life on earth PEDOPHILES. I hope all you jeffery epstein loving pieces of shit get what you have comming to you. Death will come your way eventually.
First of all people are stupid if they think this is okay, Now as a parent , no child under the age of 18 should be having sex period, now if the child is having sex and its with a person older than 18 , if the parents feel the need to press charges its for a reason. Now i see it maybe 2 years difference but people we are talking about 10 years!!!!! Now a child of 14 (has no sense of what they are doing) can have sex with a 24 year old(grown adult) and it be okay and they dont have to worry about being considered a pedophile!!! Come on people this world is rotting more and more ans by allowing these type of laws , whats next that parents have no say in their kids life
If current law gives a judge discretion to consider vagina sex cases between to people with similar age who have engaged in consensual sex (like a 19 year old and 17 year old).
Why can’t the law just be changed to allow the judge to consider other sex acts if consensual and couples were LGBT. Isn’t that more common sense than giving all sexual predators a free pass if the victim is less than 10 years younger than them?
How about children that lie because an adult who never lived in the house, wants custody of the child that he never helped support? How about the rights of the people whose lives they messed up. There are 4 people whose lives they messed up with their lies and now they are laughing all the way to the bank because of her stellar performance, she and her lies and her biological father who never supported her or her mother have been awarded $45,000,000. Where is the justice.
It is horrific that it is supposed to be more acceptable to make homosexual children victims of pedophiles. Why it is discriminatory to protect ALL kids from sex with adults?
IMO Yes, a judge should be able to have discretion over individual cases. That being said, I would like to address a few comments. First, I see the education system has failed many of you with reading/comprehension along with critical thinking. Secondly, what are parents doing that they are unaware of things going in their own home, within their family, at their child’s school, and what their child does. Parents need to be held accountable for not only what happens to their child but, also what their child does. Good parenting and actively be involved in your child’s life would prevent so many things. Finally, if you have noticed I keep stating a “child” a child by definition is an underage person who can not legally consent to signing a contract, drink, vote, etc. Yet, where are you people when a child murders someone? As most of you have stated they are still babies to which I very much agree. I believe that adults i.e. thier parents need to be held accountable for the actions of their children and when lack of involvement occurs not only should the perpetrators be held accountable but so should the parents whom were obviously not doing thier due diligence. In any case judges need to be able to have more discretion over individual cases that don’t warrant destruction of people’s lives. The law is written to protect many but sometimes the law doesn’t discern for the few instances of very specific situations.
What an absolute tragedy that this law has passed. If you think for 1 second that a 16 yr old knows what theyre doing messing around with a 26 yr old you are completely disconnected to reality. And if you think that a 26 yr old having sex with a 16 yr old is somehow ok, youre actually insane in my book. You think that just because someone has a thought you feeling that its valid on the basis of nothing at all except that, they had a thought. How deluded can you get. It is absolutely telling that with sex trafficing being one of the biggest black market activities and now lawmakers are creating loop holes people perpetrating evil like this, that obviously theres more manipulation of public opinion going on here than the 26 yr old manipulating a minor into thinking they mean anything to them. There is one solution to pedophilia, and its moves at 1500fps.