Kids in a classroom. (Photo: Shutterstock/Syda Productions)
California Lawmakers Gut Good Bill, Replace with Horrible Bill
‘Despotic? Totalitarian? Fascist? Anyway, it’s unconstitutional’
By Katy Grimes, June 22, 2023 7:06 am
Earlier this week, Assembly Bill 1352 by Assemblyman Marc Berman (D-Menlo Park) on individualized county childcare subsidy plans was gutted. Berman’s bill had already gone through a few committees, and was voted on by the full Assembly without a single NO vote.
“Now it’s Mia Bonta, wife of the very aggressive AG,” Lance Christensen wrote on Twitter Wednesday. Christensen was the California Superintendent of Public Instruction candidate in the last election.
As of yesterday morning, AB 1352 was a Asm. Berman bill on individualized county childcare subsidy plans. It went through a few committees & Assembly floor without a single NO vote. Now it's Mia Bontas, wife of the very aggressive AG. https://t.co/tR0diRRZHY
— Lance Christensen (@lancelands) June 21, 2023
Christensen’s Twitter thread takes us through not only the sleazy gut and amend process, but exposes the really bad bill which replaced Berman’s good bill.
AB 1352, which was about individualized county childcare plans is now a bill to remove or censure school board members.
Childcare: individualized county childcare subsidy plans. Governing boards of school districts: censure or removal of members.
“But really angry donors, teacher union thugs & ‘civil rights’ activists who own the majority party created a phantom crisis to respond to school board members who are following the mandate of their election & supporting parental rights in their districts,” Christensen wrote.
Indeed. This new bill language is designed to provide a process in which recently elected (parent) school board members can be ousted by teachers unions.
So cue the manufactured outrage machine where aggrieved legislators bemoan any number of isms that are attacking their captured institutions like our public schools. It's not enough to send press releases their interns wrote to reporters who will cut & paste in their stories…
— Lance Christensen (@lancelands) June 21, 2023
This is the Democrats in the California Legislature doing the business of the teachers unions, setting out to go after other duly elected local officials. It doesn’t get much more corrupt than this.
In this case, Democrats will target the newest school board members, many who ran for office and were elected in the last election because they were/are fed up with the teachers-union-pushed Covid school closures, pornographic K-12 curriculum, affirmative action, and diversity, equity and inclusion policies, poor test scores and kids who can’t read or do basic math.
“There’s a word for that… Despotic? Totalitarian? Fascist? Anyway, it’s unconstitutional but I promise you every Democrat will vote in lock-step for this amended bill after giving it short shrift in coming committees,” Christensen wrote.
But since there is not a live vehicle for the bill, they strip a pre-ordained bill & shove the new contents in it. What about legislative due process?
It's highly unlikely that an Asm Cmte will hear the bill again. It's likely to go back to the Asm Floor for a concurring vote.
— Lance Christensen (@lancelands) June 21, 2023
“So cue the manufactured outrage machine where aggrieved legislators bemoan any number of isms that are attacking their captured institutions like our public schools. It’s not enough to send press releases their interns wrote to reporters who will cut & paste in their stories…” Christensen wrote.
Christensen wrapped up his thread:
“So if you’re tired of the constant drumbeat of attacks on parents & the abhorrent behavior by our legislative & educational elites, & their sneering at you, the little people, let their district offices know. Here is where you can find their phone numbers. .” assembly.ca.gov/assemblymembers
This is life in California under one party rule – Democrat Party rule. And gross, unconstitutional corruption. Anyone willing to bet that Gov. Newsom will sign this? Or will the Presidential-candidate-in-waiting deny the CTA as he plans for a move to the White House?
OUTRAGEOUS. It is only through the sneaky, dirty, skanky “gut-and-amend” process —- which should have been dispensed with LONG ago —- that these legislators are able to put such a disgraceful bill on the floor of the legislature, and they obviously know it. Fascistic methods for sure, for what is clearly a fascistic bill to toss out duly-elected local district school board members the teachers unions have strong-armed their puppet legislators to regard as “troublemakers.”
NO! This is obviously NOT okay.
Lance Christensen has provided a link to Assembly members in the article above. Find your Assembly member, call your Assembly member, identify yourself as a constituent, and register your strong opposition to this underhanded gut-and-amend trick that could remove, for any reason whatsoever, the good-guy school board members that YOU elected. Tell them to please Vote NO on AB 1352.
Corruption at it’s worst. Can’t wait for the Dems to pass this bill and Hairdo to sign it so that they can start a parent revolt against them. Parents of all stripes are down to their last straw with the incompetence and pure evil that emanates from the public schools in the state and everyone behind them. This will not end well for them.
It seems a new state, “New California” is becoming the only option to rid ourselves of Sacramento’s dirty deeds.
Democrats push for more FASCISM – they like to say its the “other” party, but their actions show its really them and play the Alinksy rules to sway public away from their aggressive tactics for more control
If parents really care about their kids and their education, then they would never send them to public schools (aka Democrat indoctrination camps).
Better yet, pack up the family and FLEE the Golden State.
ASAP. It’s too expensive, and it’s DANGEROUS for kids.
Moreover, as more and more right-of-center voters flee, the state will get worse and worse. It’s now in a death spiral.
We have reached a tipping point in which the only option may be to leave. You get what you get if you don’t vote out the the corrupt inept career politicians. I often wonder how some of these politicians get elected after hearing them speak.
Because it’s all a front. The rich send their kids to nice schools, public or private, and vote blue because it’s the signal call of their respective social circles. Likewise, people elsewhere vote red in the same manner, not that it makes a difference anywhere. The poor don’t matter (taking a day off to vote? ridiculous) but the blue team promises more at the expense of the collapsing middle class. And inevitably when all you have is poor people promised free stuff and rich people promised free stuff in other ways, the same old persists.