Senator Steven Bradford. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
California Slavery Reparations Technology Boondoggle
The State of California has mastered the fine art of technological gross incompetence
By Rick Stevenson, September 19, 2023 8:00 am
First it must be understood, slavery was never legal in what is now the state of California, under Spanish, Mexican, U.S. military occupation, or as a state. Prior to European contact, there were Native American slaves held by at least one Native American California tribe, but that is not part of this issue. The very few black slaves brought to California from southern states prior to California becoming a state in 1850 were mostly freed by California courts. Logically and legally, no slavery reparations should ever be assessed to the state of California.
The first legislative measure to enact aspects of the California slavery reparations report is in place with, as yet no verbiage, SB 490, introduced by State Senator Steven Bradford (D-Los Angeles), a member of the California Reparations Task Force. That bill would establish a California American Freedman Affairs Agency, a completely new major sized state bureaucracy, created to distribute direct cash and other types of report demanded reparations.
Administration of the California Freedman Agency would require state run intricate technology.
The State of California in recent years has mastered the fine art of technological gross incompetence. This reparations aspect alone dooms the California taxpayer, as evidenced by state government complete technological failures that have already cost California tens of billions of dollars, for which examples abound. The Department of Motor Vehicles technology screwups are legendary and run for well over a decade, the high speed rail boondoggle has tens of billions of dollars in cost overruns, and the State Auditor has identified many more such extremely expensive state technological administrative failures.
More applicable to current proposed California slavery reparations, the Employment Development Department recently paid out over thirty billion dollars in fake claims. Those claims were relatively easy to verify compared with the hugely intricate requirements for the various types of reparations specified in the California slavery reparations report that is in reality is little other than a false claims machine. The chances that the state will effectively administer the required technology to correctly administer slavery reparations is an absolute zero.
The Freedman Agency would be a new state bureaucracy massive in size. How else do you determine who is an actual descendent of slaves, that legal determination alone could easily consume hundreds of millions of dollars, and is open to massive fraud and litigation that will easily run into the billions of dollars outside of the actual report demanded reparations?
Who should receive California slavery reparations is a mess in itself. It gets into questions of slavery liability, legal flaws of such theory, what the state of California should actually fund, and why should current Californians pay hundreds of billions of dollars demanded under the California Reparations Report by direct payment or other services.
Some examples:
- What about black decedents of black slave owners?
- What about whites whose ancestors died freeing slaves in the Civil War? Combat death is not considered by this report to expunge liability for slavery.
- Why should Chinese Americans, so prominent in early United States California, and later Asian immigrants, pay huge amounts of cash and other compensation for black slaves that never existed in California and they never had anything to do with?
Boondoggle Defined
SB 490 is a potential massive scam to loot California tax coffers mandated by the California slavery report that demands hundreds of billions of dollars in cash and other services, and disregards the resulting massive litigation which will hugely add to taxpayer costs. Experience illustrates that the state run reparations technology will be an expensive mess of epic scale. Further, California slavery reparations will likely become a full employment measure for lawyers. The California American Freedman Affairs Agency is the definition of a government boondoggle.
- OPINION: California Slavery Reparations Fallacies - August 14, 2024
- Sacramento: Hapless on Homeless - March 2, 2024
- California Slavery Reparations Technology Boondoggle - September 19, 2023