Oil rigs in the sunset. (Photo: Thaiview/Shutterstock)
California’s Oil and Gas Workers Send Warning to States About Newsom’s Devastating Energy Policies
‘Newsom’s bans are coming for you’
By Katy Grimes, July 28, 2022 2:50 am
“Attention California Drivers: @GavinNewsom’s ban on gas, diesel & hybrid cars & trucks begins in 2026, before the state has an electrical grid that can charge all the new EVs and keep our lights on and they make affordable EVs that work for families,” Western States Petroleum Association said bright and early Wednesday morning on Twitter.
????Attention California Drivers????@GavinNewsom’s ban on gas, diesel & hybrid cars & trucks begins in 2026, before the state has an electrical grid that can charge all the new EVs and keep our lights on and they make affordable EVs that work for families. 1/3 https://t.co/pOkJsjPUJE
— WSPA (@OfficialWSPA) July 27, 2022
What is WSPA talking about and why are they advertising in Florida and Texas – the two states and governors Newsom has targeted advertising?
“With Governor Newsom unwilling to listen to Californians about the increased costs and burdens created by his energy bans and mandates, the 150,000 women and men of California’s oil and gas industry are sending a warning sign to other states,” WSPA said. “Through advertisements mirroring the markets Newsom placed his own campaign ads in, industry workers want to caution others about the impacts his policies have had on California communities and their careers.”
“The reason we are advertising in Florida is because we are trying to reach our governor,” Kevin Slagle at WSPA told the Globe.
Slagle said Governor Newsom’s energy bans and climate governing is being done by executive order, rather than following the proper rule making process.
And, Newsom is issuing his directives to the California Air Resources Board to fulfill.
Here is the first ad:
“Dear Florida, Our Governor Gavin Newsom doesn’t like some things about Florida. But here is what he is doing to California,” the ad says. “We pay $1.65 more for a gallon of gas than you do. Our electricity rates are twice as high as yours. Gavin Newsom is banning gas cars and shutting down California oil production. California can’t afford Gavin Newsom’s ambition. Can Florida?”
“Usually dictated by affluent communities in the state, Governor Newsom’s climate policies have become more aggressive and economically threatening to the regions struggling the most in the third most expensive state to live,” said Catherine Reheis-Boyd, President and CEO, Western States Petroleum Association.
Slagle said the print and television ads that began today are focused on the specific directives Newsom has given to the California Air Resources Board to ban gas-powered cars and trucks, shutdown oil and gas production and limit how Californians travel. “These regulations have the potential to increase cost of living – including food, utilities, and housing costs – and drive more businesses out of the state.”
WSPA warns that Gov. Newsom will start banning gasoline, diesel and even hybrid cars and trucks in 2026, well before California has an electrical grid that can handle the increased energy demand while keeping our light on, or before there are more affordable electric vehicle options for families.
Energy providers currently direct electric car owners to NOT charge their vehicles during hot days when they anticipate energy shortages and possible rolling blackouts.
CARB is leading this charge to fulfill Gov. Newsom’s executive order to ban the sale of gas-powered card by 2035, CalMatters reported:
“If adopted by the California Air Resources Board this summer, the regulations would be the first in the world and could pave the way for nationwide standards. At least 15 other states pledged to follow California’s lead on car standards on previous clean-car rules, and the federal government usually follows. Carrying out Gov. Gavin Newsom 2020 executive order ordering the board to end the sale of gas-powered cars in California by 2035, the new proposal sets in motion the public regulatory process. Public comments will be collected for 45 days, then a hearing will be held on June 9 and the board is expected to vote in August.”
Newsom even said CARB isn’t going far enough with this ban, SacBee.com reported:
“Newsom said Friday he believes the plan being developed by the California Air Resources Board “doesn’t go far enough or fast enough” toward achieving the state’s over-arching goal of carbon neutrality by 2045. He called for an end to new gas-fired power plants, a push for offshore wind generation and the construction of millions of “climate-friendly homes” as a way of curbing carbon emissions.”
He has implemented a de-facto oil production ban in the state by holding back permits and he is set to phase out all production in the state over the next few years, making our state and nation more dependent on foreign oil, WSPA said.
“His policies have contributed to the higher costs consumers pay for fuel and energy. In fact, the first $1.30 Californians pay at the pump already goes to taxes and regulatory fees, and the programs he is mandating on our residents will only drive those costs higher,” Reheis-Boyd said.
“What Newsom is doing in California may also be imposed on about 40% of the drivers in the nation,” WSPA warns. “Fourteen states have adopted policies on fuels and vehicles to match California’s regulations without relying on the public to vote. Newsom’s bans, executive orders and mandates will impact drivers and families throughout the nation and they will have no say or chance to vote on these policies.”
“Climate solutions should work for all Californians, not just those that can afford electric vehicles, new appliances and rooftop solar power,” Reheis-Boyd said. “”There is a better way to address the impacts of climate change than the path we are on. To lessen the impacts on those that can least afford it, climate policies must be cost-effective, technology-neutral and protect the state’s skilled and trained workforce.”
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To draw an analogy : this a$$wipe Governor is forcing California to jump out of an airplane without a parachute…
There is not a viable infrastructure to achieve his stated goal… But Klaus Schwab is pleased that his “Young Global Leader” is implanting his Agenda 2030 objectives to destabilize the economy and Institute their “Great Reset”…
I like your analogy, CriticalDfence.
I hope come November voters will take this first step to right the ship.
Please read about The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Build Back Better, these are goals to make you part of a New Liberal One World Order. You have been manipulated to believe it is needed to save the world, they will force you to live like a citizen under CCP rule. This is not hyperbole but you all need to do your research. Follow David Walsh and energy expert to start.
Be cautious but please understand what is coming.
“You will own nothing and you will be happy.”
The Bible is not just a book. It is God’s word, and it tells us the future. The Great Reset, or the Fourth industrial Revolution is none other than the Fourth World kingdom, a revived Roman Empire. Daniel chapter 7, Revelation chapter 13. Anti-Christ is coming! Does anyone care? No, they don’t. ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.’ John 3:16. The Bible is true, Jesus is God!
My analogy. The blacksmith vows to fight the horseless carriage. We will never give up our horses for those noisy smokey things!
There are still smiths . The smokey cars will soon change and petroleum will be used to make things instead of burning it.
Sure, maybe, but let the open and free markets make that decision. Not dictated executive orders from the gov. To appease the ridiculous religion of climate change.
Godless tyrant Newsom has been given over to a reprobate mind and like most Democrats has lost all ability to reason and think. They think they have all the answers. Their obsessed with climate change which is a total hoax. The Democrats have totally ruined California, and they continue to make California a trainwreck.
What is devastating about this is that Californian’s have not had a say in what is going on. All this is forced upon you. You have NO representation, and it is looking like all of America has NO representation. We are a Constitutional Republic! We are not a Democracy (dictatorship). Our freedoms are based on INDIVIDUAL rights NOT the Collective in which they say, Collective means communism. If American’s realized what was really happening, they would do something about it, but most of them are still wearing masks in fear while all your freedoms are being taken away one by one, and you will not get them back! They have already spent all your money!
Sure, maybe, but let the open and free markets make that decision. Not dictated executive orders from the gov. To appease the ridiculous religion of climate change.