In California, doctors face greater scrutiny while patients face diminished choice. Will it work? (Photo: Halfpoint/Shutterstock)
COVID Hysterics UNITE… And Mask-Up!
Déjà vu… masking, vaccines, boosters… do what you are told!
By Katy Grimes, September 3, 2023 9:31 am
The Sacramento Bee is hysterically reporting “the number of patients in California hospitals with COVID-19 this week reached its highest point in five months.” Oh no! We’re all going to die! (eventually).
Just how burdened are California’s hospitals with COVID-19 patients?
“There were 1,668 total hospital patients with COVID-19 in California as of Aug. 26, according to the most recent state data. That’s 182 more than the previous week, according to Thursday’s weekly update from the California Department of Public Health.”
California has 1,668 COVID hospitalizations – out of 40 million people?
Here we go again – I’m repeating myself from the last 3 years of COVID reporting – the truly important measurement is deaths from COVID-19, and those in the ICU.
The California Department of Public Health reports 0.02 new deaths (per 100K).
The Sacramento Bee headline reports “California’s COVID-19 hospital tally reaches 5-month high as virus spread continues.”
This “5-month high” may technically be accurate as there were virtually no COVID cases for 5 months, and now there are 1,668 in the hospital.
More accurately, while CDC Director Mandy Cohen said Tuesday that recently up to 10,000 people a week have been hospitalized with COVID in the entire country, she added, that’s far fewer than the 40,000 such hospitalizations a week the U.S. had at its highest point a year ago August 2022, NPR reported Thursday. So why all of the media hysteria?
In Sacramento, “The number of COVID-19 hospitalizations in Sacramento County dropped while the test positivity rate increased again.”
Sacramento’s Department of Public Health has been so unworried about COVID, they haven’t even updated their COVID dashboard since February 2023:

And this screen shot shows it hasn’t been updated since 3/1/2023:

There aren’t even any current updates on the Sacramento County COVID website – they refer people to “visit the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) COVID-19 website.”
On the CDPH website for Sacramento County, it shows no deaths since June:
Predictably, and despite being discredited as the funder of gain-of-function research, “Former White House chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci on Saturday defended masking amid a rise in COVID cases across the country, saying he hopes people would listen to advice from health officials. In an interview on CNN, Fauci said he is worried Americans won’t listen to recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) — even if masking becomes necessary again,” The Hill reported. Gain-of-function research is intentionally making a virus more effective against humans.
Leave it to CNN to trot out Fauci to confuse people about mask-wearing – from “Masks aren’t really effective,” to “I do not recommend that you wear a mask, particularly since you are going to a very low risk location,” to “It’s ‘Common Sense’ to Wear Two or THREE Masks.” All of those are Anthony Fauci quotes.
Fauci will say anything depending on who he is talking to. And that is not science even though Fauci pompously said, “I represent science.”
NPR reports, “As U.S. COVID hospitalizations rise, some places are bringing mask mandates back.” And some places are pushing vaccines again. “Vaccines in particular are really powerful at preventing severe disease, and a new version could be available soon,” NPR opines. “A CDC advisory committee is meeting to discuss an updated booster on September 12.”
“Déjà vu… masking, vaccines, boosters… do what you are told!
Never let a crisis go to waste. This is about government officials attempting another command and control event to which, most people will offer the middle finger as a response.
Oh – and “Antimicrobial Face Mask does not protect users against bacteria, viruses, germs or other disease organisms,” the box says.

What percentage of these new cases are vaxed and boosted? Probably nearly 100. The shot destroys your immune system.
I guess waiting for these tyrant freak a-holes to APOLOGIZE for the hell they have put us all through was a pipe dream. Even though that’s what they SHOULD be doing right about now. On their knees, with begging pleading voices that the sensible people —– who were DEAD RIGHT from the BEGINNING —- would please please please maybe consider forgiving them for all of it, including their wishes of death and severe untreated illness and misery for the unvaxxed and unmasked.
If you need renewed motivation to give the new phony wannabe diktat effort the raspberries and NOT COMPLY — even better, to simply ignore the whole ridiculous attempt like it’s not even happening — just take a walk down Memory Lane and read through some of the Covid archives here at the Globe. Start with “related articles” above; e.g., “‘Mask Mouth is Smelly Side Effect of Mask Wearing,” and go down the rabbit hole. You’ll see Katy Grimes Covid articles where of course she was proven to be exactly correct all along on All Things Covid. Then you might stumble upon an earnest and guileless 2020 article — “Why I Don’t Wear a Mask” — where the author questions mask-wearing and provides plenty-o-links to plenty-o-evidence. Then you will see this rather modest and humble fact-based and evidence-based piece BLEW UP with some 400 comments exposing the nastiness and hatred and ill-will of those that (as you know) turned out to be TOTALLY WRONG. About all of it.
I can suggest a place they can sick their masks. I will even help insert them with a cattle prod for maximum effect.
I guess many people I saw today in a SF bay area Costco watched Fauci and took his advice. They put the slave mask back on.
Deja Vu
Here is one example of why N95 masks are not good to wear for long periods. Take note the source is mainstream and based on reports from the National Institutes of Health.
Presenting the dashboard screenshots was genius!! The narrative is crumbling.
Oh no I have been ill a week. I must have COVID. Although I did not report to the local hospital to be tested and recorded. I have survived off the radar drinking lots of fluids and taking all of the recommended vitamins. In my conspiratorial opinion if you get tested you add to their narrative. My nonprofessional advice is that if you feel sick and do not have breathing difficulties is to just drink fluids and tough it out. I seem to recall that is what we did pre-COVID.
Yes, Hal, so many of us did this very thing when we thought we had “Covid” in 2021-22, maybe even before. Good advice. PCR tests are pointless anyway because they notoriously come up “false-positive” and even its INVENTOR (Kary Mullins) said this test was never meant to detect “Covid” and will usually, uncannily, come up “positive,” detecting dead, thoroughly harmless and non-contagious weeks-or-months-old virus cells because of the increased cycles used.
Get well soon, Hal. 🙂
We have an obesity epidemic, so let’s assume it’s infectious because a fat person swears he/she hasn’t done anything to make him/her fat. We take a string of RNA from a fat person and say, “aha! that’s from the virus that makes you fat.” We then build a rapid antigen test against that RNA, and then start mass testing including in thin people. When thin people react with the test we say, “Aha! you must be an asymptomatic superspreader and in order to prevent you from getting fat due to the latency period, you need to take antiviral drugs now.” Also, since there’s a fat virus out there, we tell everyone to stay home, not exercise, and wear masks.
There is also a huge problem with Vitamin D deficiency which no doubt is a factor in the current epidemic of insanity. Funny how he goobermint has been pushing people to stay inside and not get any sun.
In case we have any new readers here you should know that the current government really is out to get in you in a many faceted attack on your health. Educate yourself and NEVER believe a word from the WHO or our current government regarding your health.
Mask-wearing LA County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer, who is not a medical doctor, encouraged masks, ventilation, hand washing and vaccines during a Covid media briefing last Thursday. Mandate – Not a law.
Mandatory – Not a law.
Requested – Not a law.
Required – Not a law.
Ordered – Not a law.
Ordinance – Not a law.
Decree – Not law.
Compulsory – Not a law.
lol, all you whiney little bitches on your 4th bout of COVID complaining about a tiny little mask. enjoy losing your taste and smell again, dumbasses!