Home>Articles>Desperate Old Man Dances for Votes: Gascon Takes to TikTok

George Gascón. (Photo: https://www.tiktok.com/@georgegasconda4la)

Desperate Old Man Dances for Votes: Gascon Takes to TikTok

Just because you can do something on the cheap doesn’t mean you should do it

By Thomas Buckley, October 21, 2024 2:45 am

Sometimes, when something is “cringe worthy” you feel bad for the person.

Maybe they just didn’t get the premise, maybe they meant it as a lark, maybe they had a few tee many martoonis or maybe they said inherently meaningless things like this:

Or maybe it’s the public’s fault for not getting the joke.  The now infamous Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer feeding a Dorito in a way that can only be described as very very creepy and really insulting to Roman Catholics is being defended by some (though really not too many) people as an example of an internet meme/trop that has people feeding other people.

The feedee, someone named Liz Plank who is something called an influencer, defended the video in exactly that fashion, saying other people like Stephen Colbert did it.

True as that may be, other feeding vids are not so unnervingly creepy and apparently intentionally both sexual and sacrilegious:

Actually, claiming something is a meme and telling everyone who has a problem with it is either stupid or utterly out of touch with what the latest hipster trend is is not the greatest defense:


And now Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon has taken the plunge into that pool of embarrassment called TikTok.

Let’s start with this:

And move on to this:



And end with this:  

No, no, and no.

I know the campaign is broke, but just because you can do something on the cheap doesn’t mean you should do it.

You just look stupid and desperate, like the old man alone at the hip young dance club.


True, Gascon’s TikTok page does a few issue-specific vids and his opponent Nathan Hochman has a presence there, too, but it’s pretty, um, tame:


And it should be noted Hochman has 9,385 followers, Gascon only 1,285.

It is also true, not at all coincidentally, a bunch of TikTok vids focus on Gascon’s most recent shameless political ploy, the potential freeing of the Menendez brothers.  The potential freeing of the Menendez brothers.

Originally, it seemed Gascon’s push to help free the brothers was an odd political choice – it was a political, not a justice-related  choice by the way, no matter the press conference claims.

But the TikTok feed seems to indicate there are at least a few possible people who care enough to get Gascon a few more votes from “Gen Z” types.    It won’t be enough to overcome his 2 to 1 deficit, but it may be something.

Still, though, if you know you are going to lose at least go out with a bit of dignity, George.

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9 thoughts on “Desperate Old Man Dances for Votes: Gascon Takes to TikTok

    1. YES it does, Fed Up. So well said.
      PLEASE L.A. County voters, be sure to vote.
      And be sure to vote Nathan Hochman for L.A. County District Attorney.

      1. Showandtell, you have to be a really egregious commie to lose an election in LA, but by golly I think they will kick Gascon to the curb.

  1. Wow. “Ick” sums it up well. Also “creepy.” “Unseemly” is too mild I think. “Bizarre,” “clueless,” probably also too mild.

    No insight for sure in Gascon’s brain. Nothing, nothing, no remnant of normality or decency inside of that head of his has strength enough to remind him he might not want to hammer home at the end of a campaign for the L.A. County District Attorney spot that he is the king of pathetic losers. Unbelievable that such a worm should have, almost single-handedly, made life in L.A. County such a nightmarish, crime-ridden, pit of hell for so long. Alongside his willing helpers Gavin and Kamala and all of the zombie clones, of course.

    If he wants to start anew in politics somewhere else in this country, he needs to think long and hard about moving FAR, FAR AWAY from California. After changing his entire point of view and personality, of course. And THAT might not even help, what with the mess he has made here.

  2. Of course Gascon has sympathy for the Menendez brothers. Thry are orphans for God’s sake.

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