Attorney Harmeet Dhillon. (Photo: Center for American Liberty)
Despite Endorsements From Major GOP Donors, Harmeet Dhillon Unsuccessful in Bid for RNC Chairwoman
‘America deserves a real opposition party that is modern, efficient, active and in touch with the grassroots’
By Katy Grimes, January 27, 2023 7:05 pm
California Constitutional attorney and Republican National Committeewoman
from California, Harmeet Dhillon was unsuccessful in her challenge against Ronna Romney McDaniel to become the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee. Dhillon has also served as the vice president of the California Republican Party.
After several disappointing election cycles for Republicans, Dhillon announced her challenge.
Dhillon won significant endorsements from major GOP donors, and heard from supportive Republicans across the country who are frustrated with Party leadership which refuses to take responsibility for election failures over several elections.
Her challenge to Ronna Romney McDaniel felt similar to the group of party conservatives who opposed Kevin McCarthy becoming House speaker, until demands were agreed to dramatically amending the way the House is run.
Fox News reported earlier this month:
A group of Republican mega-donors say the party is “on the verge of permanent irrelevance” if it fails to come together and support a change of leadership.
In a public letter addressed to the Republican National Committee, the donors threw their support behind Harmeet Dhillon, a civil rights attorney and national committeewoman for the RNC, to replace its current chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel.
“The Republican Party currently faces the most organized, radical, and weaponized Democrat Party the nation has ever seen,” the donors said. “Despite this clear and present threat to our freedom, the highest levels of the Republican National Committee appear to be more focused on blaming others for their lack of leadership and lining the pockets of cherry-picked consultants than on winning elections.”
They noted a growing perception among party donors and activists that the RNC needs “fresh leadership in order to make the necessary changes to win elections.”
Despite the grassroots and donor support, Dhillon wasn’t able to pull off the win. Republicans reelected Ronna McDaniel Friday to a fourth term as the chair of the RNC.
Dhillon, always gracious and sound, shared her message on Twitter: “A brief thought about the RNC Chair race. It’s been an honor to hear from all the Americans who reached out to share their views about the party’s leadership. While we are disappointed with the results, we started a movement & I will keep working to elect Republicans nationwide!!”
A brief thought about the RNC Chair race. It’s been an honor to hear from all the Americans who reached out to share their views about the party’s leadership. While we are disappointed with the results, we started a movement & I will keep working to elect Republicans nationwide!! pic.twitter.com/laCe3jUcMY
— Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) January 27, 2023
However, Dhillon’s supporters showed that her fight was not in vain. Here is some of the Twitter consensus:
Kyle Becker: “Thanks for your fight, Harmeet. America deserves a real opposition party. One that is modern, efficient, active and in touch with the grassroots. This isn’t over. The Republican Party must reform or it will become irrelevant.”
Ann Bridges: “Thank you, and perhaps our home state of CA can benefit most from your vision of grassroots again.”
Liberty Belle: Thank you for taking the fight to the RNC, Harmeet. You embodied class+ grit thru the entire process. Not much will change at RNC, but more people are awake because of your efforts. Hope you finally have time to design + knit an epic new sweater in the next chapter of this fight!
Charlie Kirk, Founder and President of Turning Point USA said he observed “a small group of the 111 — likely 10-12 people — that are just scared” in the RNC. “They don’t know how to move forward but are terrified of changing the status quo. They voted for Ronna for “continuity not chaos,” a weak argument based on fear, not vision.
Kirk added, “The largest slice of the RNC pie is filled with people who have a deep-seated contempt for the base energy of the party. Several told me to my face that they are annoyed by the grassroots and their ’emails’ that ‘bother them.’ They told me November was a ‘raging success’ and ‘historically good.’ They told me the party needs fewer people who watch ‘Steve Bannon, Tucker Carlson and your podcast and more people who read the newspaper.’”
“I am truly shocked at how disconnected the RNC country club is from the people they beg for donations. There is a club of consultants who make insane $ off YOUR donations and are now proud of how they can defy the 90% of the party who wanted to see change,” Kirk said.
A common these was, “Thank you for fighting for us!!!! The RNC will never get another dime.”
At the Globe, we also shared our thoughts:
Congratulations on a spirited insurgent campaign by firebrand California lawyer—and friend to California Globe—Harmeet Dhillon @pnjaban. The national party and @GOPChairwoman will do well to include her at a meaningful level.
— California Globe (@CaliforniaGlobe) January 27, 2023
I’m so glad to learn from this article that Harmeet Dhillon’s candidacy was not in vain! That it apparently had the feel of the Kevin McCarthy strong opposition with an end result of holding him accountable to hold the line was a great way to characterize the situation and it was reassuring, too. When I learned of the upset earlier today I admit I was angry, and wondered how the heck grassroots Repubs are to be expected to wave the Repub flag when the leadership continues to make boneheaded decisions at such a crucial time. So okay, we will watch and see how it goes, and with more patience. God Bless Harmeet Dhillon for her strength, tenacity, and class!
Looks like Lee Zeldin was right. The fix was in? https://nypost.com/2022/12/07/lee-zeldin-wont-run-for-rnc-chair-says-fix-is-in-for-mcdaniel/
I was not happy to see Ronna reelected as she has been as much a drag on the GOP as anyone. She’s looking backwards when much of the GOP is trying to look forward and she’s spending money on BS which is not hers to spend. Look at the CAGOP dragging its a$$ and that’s just one example of many where Ronna has shown weak leadership.
Yes, Rex Larson. So how will a “lame duck” RNC chair provide dynamic leadership in the 2024 campaign? Like a lame duck head coach in the NFL? (https://www.oann.com/newsroom/mcdaniels-last-term/)
Donate only directly to conservative candidates… No more funds to Ronna and her private jets and expensive party favors…
Beyond disgusted….
Agree, CriticalDfence9. I donate directly to specific candidates. It’s the only way to INSURE that your candidate’s agenda gets your support.
It’s difficult to put into words, the mindset of Republicans who continue to reward failure. McConnell, McDaniel among others on the national front, Jessica Patterson and Jim Brulte at the state level. Fighters who aren’t afraid to speak out against these failures are labeled troublemakers and dividers even though virtually everything they say is correct. I saw this first hand at my local Sonoma County GOP where I was Second Vice-Chairman. Not to compare myself to Dhillon but I too spoke against the non conservatives of the day, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Linsey Graham and the fore mentioned Mitch McConnell. What was my reward for being outspoken? Being silenced and alienated within my own party. I didn’t give up easily, I reached out to and joined a number of conservative groups, wrote for my local paper and was constantly calling radio stations trying to express much needed change in the Republican Party. I was even Ted Cruz’s campaign chairman in 2016 in my county. When I went back to the Sonoma County Republican Central Committee seeking support I was treated like an Albatross. After that election I registered out of the party and have no plans to ever return. The re-election of McDaniel guarantees a major obstacle for anyone running in 2024. Don’t be fooled by any Republican who calls for unity within the party, what they are actually saying is “ You Conservatives, get behind us, fund us, vote for us and more importantly keep your mouths shut because you’re an embarrassment to the party.” I see nothing has changed since my days as an active member of the GOP, in fact things seem to have gotten worse.
I agree 100% Dan De La Torre. This also happens in my local Republican organization. The same mindset is pervasive. So, we always end up with the same candidates for State offices and US House who are the insiders and never get more than 25% of the vote no matter how many times they run for office. Democrats are NEVER worried because Republicans just recycle their losers.
This outcome made me absolutely furious. If they aren’t interested in representing me then I won’t vote for any of them! Every part of government is so corrupted now that it feels like a fantasy to think it will ever get better and become a Constitutional Republic again.