Home>Articles>Gov. Gavin Newsom Vetoes Bill to Allow Illegal Immigrants to Borrow $150k for Home Purchase

Governor Gavin Newsom at the U.S.-Mexico border on 12/12/22. (Photo: gov.ca.gov)

Gov. Gavin Newsom Vetoes Bill to Allow Illegal Immigrants to Borrow $150k for Home Purchase

‘Does it even mean anything to be a citizen anymore?’

By Katy Grimes, September 6, 2024 2:42 pm

California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed Assembly Bill 1840, which would have allowed illegal immigrants to borrow public taxpayer money for a downpayment on a home purchase. Really.

Newsom’s veto message says that lawmakers tried to shoehorn illegal immigrants into a program that had no funding. So, in other words, Gavin recognized the importance of economics. This was an easy-out. And that’s the beauty of economics, if one is honest.

This highly controversial bill evoked the ire of many/most of those who pay the high taxes in California:

“California democrats love illegal immigration so much they offer many incentives for them to come here,” Assemblyman Bill Essayli said in the Assembly Wednesday during floor debate of AB 1840. “Today, the Assembly just voted to give illegal immigrants free down payment assistance (up to $150k) to buy a house a new home. Thats on top of providing free health care and free college tuition. Does it even mean anything to be a citizen anymore?”

“Such good news! Governor Newsom listened to our calls and rightfully VETOED the bill to give illegal immigrants free home loans,” said Senate Minority Leader Brian W. Jones (R-San Diego). “Thank you Californians for speaking out against this insulting and unfair bill. Senate Republicans remain committed to fixing California and we will not stop the fight.”

“The giveaway of public funds also would have come at the expense of military veterans,” Senate Republicans said. “As part of the HPAP program, the state works to provide home purchase assistance to first-time veteran homebuyers. Expanding the housing assistance program to include undocumented immigrants would have reduced the amount of funds available for veterans.”

“Attempting to expand programs during a deficit is bad public policy,” said Senate Republican Caucus Chair Kelly Seyarto (R-Murrieta).  “We cannot afford this type of reckless spending. I am grateful that the concerns of the people were heard and common sense prevailed.”

On his X/Twitter page, Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher announced:

The Democrat’s legislation to give illegal immigrants access to taxpayer-funded down payments for homes (up to $150,000!) has been vetoed. Why? Because the media, the public, and @AsmRepublicans exposed this crazy idea. Thank you to everyone who weighed in!

As the Globe reported last week:

When 53 members of the California Assembly and 25 members of the California Senate vote to give illegal aliens up to $150,000 free down payment to buy a house or new home, on top of providing free health care and free college tuition, the state’s legal citizens and taxpayers have every reason to question their mental health, as well as whether they even work for the people anymore.

Assemblywoman Kate Sanchez (R-Murrieta) told her fellow lawmakers Wednesday that a vote to pass AB 1840 was a vote for more illegal immigration.

Perhaps one of the most direct and poignant responses Friday came from Assembly Candidate Denise Aguilar for Assembly District 13:

What a waste of taxpayer money to ever introduce this. @AsmArambula knew there was no money in this yet pushed it through. And shame on the Dems for voting for this. Imagine , Gavin being more moderate than CA DEMS.

Spot on Denise!

As the Globe reported:

We all know or have adult children who are unable to purchase a home in California because of the extraordinarily high cost. California’s media home price is now more than $850,000. In Los Angeles the median home price is more than $1 million. The median home price in San Francisco is $1.4 million.

That’s median home price – the average home price.

Assembly Bill 1840 (D-Arambula), would give California taxpayer dollars to illegal immigrants to help them purchase a home.

Assemblywoman Sanchez said she is the granddaughter of legal immigrants, and told colleagues that it is not fair at all that legal citizens have to share the home purchase program with illegal immigrants, who broke the law to get into this country.

Sanchez said there are one million Californians who live in deep poverty and 200,000 who live on the streets. “And here we are talking about giving our free home loans to illegal immigrants.”

“Do we have no shame?” Sanchez asked.

While shame is truly lacking on the Democrat side of the political aisle, Gov. Newsom did the right thing with his veto.

Californians know the “right thing” for Newsom is what is right for him politically, but will accept an occasional win. And this is an important win.

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One thought on “Gov. Gavin Newsom Vetoes Bill to Allow Illegal Immigrants to Borrow $150k for Home Purchase

  1. It is an election year. First set up a preposterous bill that virtually everyone hates and then veto it to look like a “leader”.

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