U.S. Senator Kamala Harris addressing the 2019 California Democratic Party State Convention at the George R. Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, June 1, 2019. (Photo: Gage Skidmore)
Identity Politics: In 2020 Media Was Pushing ‘Asian American’ Kamala Harris for the Asian Vote
Now her team is pushing Kamala as ‘black’
By Lionel Lee, July 30, 2024 6:45 am
This article by California Globe contributor Lionel Lee was originally published October 5, 2020, just ahead of the 2020 Presidential Election. Interestingly, it is still relevant today, nearly four years later. Lionel is republishing given its relevance.
The Democratic Vice Presidential debate is [was] October 5th. The upcoming showdown between Vice President Mike Pence and Democratic nominee Kamala Harris is [was] a much anticipated event. For Asian Americans, this debate should not be about race but about America and what the future holds.
Kamala Harris’s journey to become the Democratic nominee is quite interesting and filled with eye opening details. The media is pushing the narrative to Asian Americans that somehow because Kamala is “Asian American” that all Asian Americans should feel a connection and a desire to vote for her.
The Asian American vote is key in this 2020 election as many live in battleground states. But the more you see what Kamala has done for Asian Americans during her long years in government, the more you will understand this is a big bag of nothing.
One of Kamala’s first major steps was when she became District Attorney of San Francisco from 2004-2011.
Kamala Harris’s victory to become the first “Asian American” district attorney was met with great fanfare. Her campaign cost a pretty penny but thanks to her connections with San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, he helped lift her to upset the incumbent DA Terence Halllinan in 2010.
San Francisco’s long ties to the Asian American community go back since the birth of the state in 1850. In 2000, San Francisco’s Asian American population was approximately 31%.
So what did Kamala Harris do for the people of San Francisco as District Attorney? Record arrest for marijuana violations, yet the murder rate of San Francisco rose to epic levels. In addition, Kamala refused to prosecute charges against Catholic priests who were accused of sexually abusing children at the San Francisco diocese. This inaction coincided with large campaign contributions given to her by several members involved with the local Catholic church.
Meanwhile Asian Americans were left in the dust as housing costs skyrocketed, in addition as increasing taxes and violent crime continued to burden the residents.
Kamala Harris was then elected California’s Attorney General in 2010, and served from 2011–2017.
What did Kamala Harris do for a state that has the largest Asian American population in the U.S.? Again nothing, not one single piece of legislation to improve the lives of Asian Americans, even as hate crimes rose during her period as attorney general. In fact, a year after she left the position as California’s top cop, a true tragedy occurred in California.
On Christmas Day 2018 in Newman, California, Officer Ronil Singh was gunned down during a traffic stop by Paulo Mendoza. Paulo Mendoza was a man who had an extensive criminal background and enjoyed living in California under their “sanctuary laws” that the former Attorney General so proudly supported. Ronil Singh was the epitome of the American dream: a man who came to America and worked his way to become an esteemed law enforcement officer, proudly serving the people of California. Ronil Singh was also of Indian ethnicity just like Kamala.
So what does Kamala Harris say or do on behalf of this police officer who left behind a young wife and infant son? Complete silence and not a word of sympathy or support for this family. Let me repeat that: a law enforcement officer is murdered on Christmas Day and the former attorney general, now U.S. Senator never uttered a word or action of support.
The media is pushing Asian Americans to “vote for Kamala” as if her rise to power is a new landmark for Asian Americans. My parents came to this country on a dream, and created a strong but proud family. My parents tenets: church, education is key, obey your parents, and bring honor to our family name.
It is no secret that Kamala Harris had an illicit affair with then San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, which helped launch her career into politics. I dare challenge any fathers out there who would be proud to know that their daughter’s success by sleeping their way into city hall, would be proudly displayed in family photos and shared during Christmas dinners.
How the media is propping up Kamala Harris as this “Asian American” success story is downright pathetic. The identity politics and pandering presents itself as 100% fake. California was having massive riots in the summer of 2020 where thousands of businesses, many who were Asian American owned, watched helplessly as their American dreams were looted and burned. So where was our “Asian American senator” during this crisis? Walking around Washington DC, marching and supporting Black Lives Matter who were the same rioters creating mayhem throughout the cities in America.
Kamala Harris openly supports Black Lives Matter, a Marxist organization that is seeking to destroy America. For the Asian American families who fled to America in order to escape communism: we now have come full circle to a candidate who is supporting the very idea that so many of our parents and grandparents have despised and died for.
If you think that voting for Kamala Harris is a step in the right direction for Asian Americans, then expect Kamala to do the same thing as Vice President as she did for Asian Americans in Cailfornia: nothing.
Now Kamala and her deep-state globalist masters are trying to promote her as being Black/African-American and she hilariously even tries to use a ghetto/hood dialect when speaking before Black audiences. Never mind that she grew up privileged in the SF Bay Area and that her wealthy Harris ancestors on her father’s side owned black slaves on their Jamaican plantation.
She may have been born in Berkeley but after her parent’s divorce, her mother raised her in Canada.
Her father was known as a Marxist economist while teaching at Stanford.
Here is an excerpt from Oprah Magazine(friendly to Kamala):
[According to The Oprah Magazine, he taught undergraduate classes such as “Theory of Capitalist Development” and graduate students in a program named, “Alternative Approaches to Economic Analysis.” He was deemed a “Marxist” scholar by The Stanford Daily, indicating that “there was some opposition to granting him tenure because he was ‘too charismatic, a pied piper leading students astray from neo-Classical economics.'” ]
I am sure he had influence over her worldview, no doubt! Just as Frank Marshall the Marxist had great influence over Barack Obama.
The similarities should not be ignored!
They both attended radical SJW “churches”.
Kamala Harris is another Manchurian candidate!
Do not be fooled by the California immigrant girl made good. She was bad for California and bad for the U.S.
Kamala’s mother Shyamala Gopalan, who was born in India, and Jamaican-born father Donald Harris met in 1962 at the Berkeley-based Afro-American Association whose leader, Donald Warden (aka Khalid al-Mansour), mentored Huey Newton and Bobby Seale who then created the Maoist inspired Black Panther Party (the model for BLM) which gained strong support from Communist China. Fidel Castro & Che Guevara were their heroes. Kamala’s parents married a year later after meeting and her mother Shyamala Gopalan explained how her decision to marry a non-Indian was a radical one saying, “…for Brahmins, the bloodline is the most important. My family, named Gopalan, goes back more than 1,000 years.” In 1964, they had Kamala. The couple split five years later.
Considering that Kamala’s father’s family were wealthy plantation owners in Jamaica who owned Black slaves, the Afro-American Association must have waived the ‘no prior slave plantation affiliation’ provision for him?
Why would anyone attach the moniker “American” to her? Liberals hate America and conservatives know she hates America. Call he what she is – Marxist. Then again she wants to be known as an honorary sex worker. Kinda fitting don’t cha think?
“Record arrest for marijuana violations”
Republicans are for law and order and against drug use, and Republicans are complaining about this? I’m sorry, that’s stupid. Marijuana is a psychoactive drug, with all of the negative effects on society that psychoactive drugs cause, so there should be arrests. Great job! You are actually helping Harris win the election.
Kamala Harris birth certificate identifies her mother as a CAUCASIAN BORN IN INDIA and her father as Jamaican. Hmmm, interesting?
(Look at this: https://x.com/itscarterhughes/status/1818753655962575195)
A pair of videos that showed Harris speaking in different accents has gone viral on the social media platform X. Greg Price of the State Freedom Caucus Network posted the videos side-by-side. As of Wednesday morning, the post had more than 2.7 million views. In the first video, recorded one week ago, Harris sat on the set of “RuPaul’s Drag Race.” Looking into the camera, the vice president enunciated her words and used a measured tone, as if speaking to children.
“We are all in this together, and your vote is your power,” Harris said, nodding her head for emphasis — all with no trace of an accent.
At the Atlanta rally, however, the vice president suddenly morphed into legendary actress Hattie McDaniel’s “Mammy” character from “Gone with the Wind.”
“You all helped us win in 2020. And we gonna do it again in 2024,” Harris said in a forced southern accent. Each “20” in the year “2020” came with an unmistakable drawl. And the “4” in “2024” sounded much closer to “fo” than “four.”
“Here is Kamala Harris, who was born in California to Jamaican and Indian college professors, talking to drag queens in Los Angeles a week ago vs. black people in Atlanta tonight. Fakest human being that has ever lived,” Price posted.