Joe From Texas Knows How to Take Back America for the People
Globe interview with Joe Penland
By Katy Grimes, November 9, 2023 3:15 am
“Joe From Texas,” Joe Penland grew up in Texas in a family with limited financial means. His father had a stroke and eventually passed away when Joe was in middle school. His mother took in laundry and ironing, and Joe and his three brothers worked odd jobs to help with family expenses. He says the family was strapped, and could not have made it without Social Security.
“Social Security is not a gift to anyone,” Joe said. “We all pay into it. But government has squandered it, and pilfered the trust fund.”
But it would be horrible for the 70 million Americans who rely on Social Security to lose it, Joe said.
Joe from Texas is a family man with children, grandchildren and great grandchildren who has had tremendous success and lived the American dream. His beliefs are both straightforward and deeply held. He believes in God, his family, and the United States of America.
He wants to Save America. He believes our cumulative debt poses the single greatest danger to our way of life. So he’s making his way around the country, meeting and talking with people who have worked in the White House, Congress, and government.
Joe is terribly concerned with the Social Security shortfall.
Joe is concerned about the United States’ $33 trillion debt crisis.
Joe is concerned about National Security.
Joe is concerned about all of the U.S. manufacturing shipped overseas.
Joe is concerned about American dependency versus self sufficiency.
He also says both parties are responsible. “All they [political parties] want to do is fight. But we are losing track of America,” Joe said. “I’m concerned that if we don’t have the money, we can’t fix the problems – crime, the border, schools…”
“People are suffering. Inflation is at a 40-year high. The cost of a car today is what a home used to cost.”
“But we can’t fix the problems without money.”
How does Joe propose to tackle the U.S. debt crisis?
“Stop all waste, abuse and fraud,” Joe started. “It’s way out of control. We need politicians unafraid to take on these problems.”
Joe told the Globe the 87,000 IRS agents the Biden administration wants to fund need to go first. Then we need to tackle medicare fraud and waste in military contracts. And Joe wants to get rid of replicated programs, layered on top of each other, often in multiple agencies.
Joe said the day before the 9-11-2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, the Pentagon’s budget was $300 billion a year – and they could not account for $2.3 trillion. That was in 2001. It’s much worse today he said.
“When our credit gets downgraded, the world knows about it,” Joe said. “We can’t sit back and ignore it,” and we can’t continue to subsidize huge projects, like wind and solar farms, he said. “It’s not the American way.” Joe discussed the opportunity available to new immigrants to the U.S. gong back to those emigrating right after WWII, and how they would create businesses on their own. Subsidies were not an option until more recently. Joe said it’s not the role of government.
“We are driving the country into bankruptcy with climate change focus, yet we are the cleanest country extracting oil and gas,” he said. And with the Biden Administration cutting production of our oil and gas and draining our reserves, we have to import it from foreign countries which aren’t extracting as cleanly as the U.S. And our workers benefitting from the well-paying oil and gas jobs.”
Joe said the U.S. should not be depending on foreign countries for our oil or necessities – particularly “bad actor” countries. “Depending on these countries for some of our necessities makes no sense. This is one of the many reasons that I believe Joe Biden’s war on oil and gas is so dangerous. Despite his rhetoric, we are using just as much oil and gas today as we were when he became President,” Joe wrote recently in a Townhall op ed.
Joe said we need to do a “Bad Management Overhaul” the way we would overhaul a car – with new spark plugs, or a new transmission.
“America is lost, and will continue to stay lost, ” Joe said. “What we are doing just isn’t working.”
He reminded me that in 1992 when Ross Perot ran for President as an Independent against Bill Clinton and George Bush, he said he’d only stay for 4 years. “He wanted to alleviate America of its debt problems – he was going to do what was best for America, without worrying about a reelection.”
I asked Joe if he was President, what would he do first, and how. “If I was President, to anyone who brought anything to my office as a proposal, I’d ask ‘is it good for the American people?’ and ‘How are you going to pay for it.'”
“We have 10 million jobs we can’t fill, and entitlements need to be reformed, start to finish.”
I asked how he would bring back more manufacturing jobs. He shared his own story:
“Back in 1980, there was the Industrial Revenue Bond. I wanted to expand my business. I took out $1.5 million, and had to qualify for certain criteria, but it was a tax free loan. The government gave up the interest on the loan in order for businesses to expand. I went from 11 employees to 25 – the government got five to six times more money from that growth than they would have from interest on the loan.”
Joe says the United States is still a manufacturing powerhouse, but we are nowhere near producing what we manufactured ifollowing WWII. We discussed the loss of manufacturing jobs, replaced by service sector jobs, which are typically part time, entry level pay, without benefits.
Joe said the country first needs to get back to pre-pandemic spending. At the time, it was about $4 trillion – today we are spending $7 trillion. “We just keep increasing our spending.”
Joe discussed the need to buy more of our own goods rather than importing things. He said his employees’ paychecks turn over 7-times in the local economy on food, clothes, rent and local services. “Even if we bring back just $1 trillion, that’s 7-times spending in the local economies.”
Joe’s bottom line: “I really don’t want another country to own us. Let’s save America.”
Watch Joe:
- ‘Impeach Trump’ is Back in Business - January 21, 2025
- California’s Professional Political Class Caused the State’s Demise - January 20, 2025
- Gavinomics: California’s High Cost of Living is Exploding - January 18, 2025
Joe offers both common sense and wisdom. 2 commodities both sorely missing in today’s environment.
I like Joe!
Be like Joe!
Listen to Joe!
Joe Penland speaks from the heart, loves this country and cuts through the B.S.
Joe reminds me of another great American who gave up a life of luxury and at a great financial, personal loss.
33 Trillion Dollar Debt is going up every single minute. If I were to run a household or business with astronomical debt, it would be done! I would be on the streets with the meth heads.
Our government only stays afloat because they print money and depend on countries to back our debt. Guess what? We are a becoming a bad investment and the investors are pulling out.
I like Joe! Listen to Joe!
This is good —- Joe from Texas is a sort of Johnny Appleseed of back-to-basics America. Works for me!
Most U.S. citizens would probably agree with Joe that they don’t want another country to own us? Unfortunately, the deep-state Democrat/RINO globalist uniparty sold the U.S. out years ago and they don’t care what we think? Is it too late to save what is left of the U.S.?
Can Joe From Texas PLEASE run for President in 2024???
American needs some RATIONAL thinking as President, not self-aggrandizing, lying, stealing blowhards from BOTH parties…
“Social Security is not a gift to anyone,” Joe said. “We all pay into it. But government has squandered it, and pilfered the trust fund.”
Absolutely right, Joe. Unless Congress starts doing something about this immediately, the so-called “trust fund” will be insolvent by 2035…..that’s around 10 years folks. 🙁
Why would you get rid of the extra 87,000 IRS agents ? When this would bring in extra tax revenue from those that cheat on their taxes. And we all know it’s not the regular guy down the street that we’re talking about. The wealthy are known for using loopholes, and faith that they don’t get audited. This is why the GOP wanted to get rid of this idea. This is why JB wanted it.
You may be speaking for the people.. and I admire that, but don’t say you want to get rid of America’s dept, , then say you want to eliminate the very people that make sure everyone is paying their fair share.
What a f****** tool you are Joe from Texas. While some may agree with you…because neither you or they have an understanding of our government or demoncracy as our constitution lays out. We need to institute through congress that NO ONE CAN RUN FOR PRESIDENT IF THEY CANNOT PASS A BASIC CIVICS TEST AND DEMONSTRATE THEY KNOW AND UNDERSTAND OUR CONSTITUTION….PERIOD.
That would knock out this tool, and trump the f****** tool as well
Because Joe from Texas is just another republican tool who doesn’t understand our government, constitution or basic civics. Great-Grandpa Joe from Texas…go retire to your home in texas….
Great article! Stop all the waste, abuse, and fraud, and get rid of the 87,000 tax collectors Joe Biden wants to add.
I met Joe at Napolis, an Italian Restaurant, in Lumberton, Texas today. Me and two of my friends were eating lunch there. One of the girls hadn’t made it yet. So as me and the other friend were entering the restaurant, Joe was entering at the same time. So he held the door open for us. (Such a gentleman) Well, when we said three people, the waitress assumed we were all together. We said we’re not with him, our other friend is coming. Then we looked at him and said but you are welcomed to join us if you like. He said thanks but I’m meeting some people here. Then Joe and his friends left the restaurant before us. We still didn’t know who he was. Just a very nice gentle man. Then when we went to check out the waitress told us he had payed for all our meals and left us buttons that said, Now we know who he is! Thank you Joe from Texas for getting our lunch. You made our day. Then when we googled you, we found your beliefs are exactly in line with ours. We were all thrilled. You have our support! Thanks again! Three ladies from Texas. 😁