Home>Congress>Garamendi says Pelosi as Speaker is the Change Democrats Need

Congressman John Garamendi (Photo: Garamendi.house.gov)

Garamendi says Pelosi as Speaker is the Change Democrats Need

Expects Caucus to Fully Rally Behind Her

By Sean Brown, November 30, 2018 1:18 pm

Although Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) was able to capture a Speaker of the House nomination earlier this week following a closed-door vote between House Democrats, numerous same-party Representatives still don’t approve.

Despite 32 Democrats voting against her during the nomination, California Congressman John Garamendi (D-Davis) fully expects his party to come together when it comes time for a full House vote on January 3rd.

You’d be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn’t believe Pelosi will be able to whip votes into place and capture the position, however, after appearing on Outnumber with Harris Fualkner, Garamendi went as far as to say “Nancy Pelosi is change.”

It’s difficult to imagine that Pelosi, 78, serving in federal office since 1987, represents any sort of change, but according to Garamendi that’s exactly what she is.

“Nancy Pelosi has been the leader through the good times.. and through the bad times, maintain the Democratic position,” said Garamendi. “She changed the Congress of the United States together through her team.”

While Pelosi will need to persuade 17 of the 32 rebellious Democrats into voting for her, their argument stems from the same letter published by a group of sixteen over a week ago. The full group -32 in opposition, is mostly comprised of younger, less-tenured Democrats. They argue that the party must go in a different direction to appeal to new voters and furthermore, keep the House in 2020. Favoring a more progressive approach to government, they are advocating for a fresh face. After all, this will be Pelosi’s second time as Speaker is she gathers the votes.

One of the strongest arguments in favor of Pelosi is her unique political prowess and ability to combat the President. Garamendi said “we do know that for the next two years we cannot have a lame-duck and Pelosi is going to stand strong and going to lead us.”

She has one month to gather the votes.

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