Echo Park in Los Angeles (Photo: Evan Symon for California Globe)
LAPD Union Says Archuleta, Hatami for DA
Big recommendations in tight race
By Thomas Buckley, February 19, 2024 7:40 am
The Los Angeles Police Protective League – the rank and file officers union – has recommended two candidates to replace LA District Attorney George Gascon: Judge Debra Archuleta and Deputy District Attorney Jon Hatami.
Over the weekend, the LAPPL – which has clearly loathed Gascon since before he was even elected in 2020 – stated the following:
“George Gascon has got to go. He must be replaced by someone who will put victims above criminals and who will hold accountable those who break the law and endanger our community.”
The LAPPL “urges” people to look at Hatami and Archuleta and “vote for the one who most aligns with your values.”
The dual recommendation is not exactly an endorsement per se, but with a crowded field of challengers the blessing of the LAPD officers could go a long way to breaking Archuleta and Hatami clear of the pack.
There are 11 people challenging Gascon in the March 5 primary. The top two finishers in the primary will face off in November. Though wildly unpopular (polls have shown Gascon “unfavourability gap” in the 30 point range,) with such a large field it is more than possible that Gascon could get about 20% of the vote (polling shows him in the 15 to 20% range) and thereby make it into the fall runoff.
Various polls at various times have placed various candidates in the second place slot to be Gascon’s challenger in the fall. Along with Archuleta (most recently) and Hatami, candidates Nathan Hochman, Eric Siddall, Maria Ramirez, and John McKinney have all been seen at one point in the campaign as the most likely to make it through the primary.
However, somewhere between about one-third and one-half of LA voters have yet to decide who to support, leaving openings for one or more to surge forward in the final two weeks.
And a high profile police union recommendation could be just the ticket for Hatami and Archuleta to do just that.
“I am completely honored and humbled by the LAPPL recommendation,” said Hatami. “The men and women of the LAPD dedicate their lives to the safety of our community every single day. They need a DA who is willing to partner with them to make sure all of LA is safe.”
Archuleta was equally chuffed by the recommendation and vowed to work non-stop until primary day.
“This recommendation by the proud men and women of the LAPD is deeply meaningful,” said Archuleta. “We are not safer now than we were three years ago when George Gascón took office and I look forward to partnering with law enforcement to reverse his ill-conceived directives and let victims of crime know that they once again have an advocate in the District Attorney’s Office.”
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Did the rank and file officers make the endorsements, or was it their union bosses who are usually in cahoots with Democrat party thugs? Why wasn’t Judge David Milton endorsed considering he is a black conservative Republican campaigning on law and order?
Well based on my 20 years in 3 different unions….they never once asked the members. Leadership just tossed them out. It was about 99% DNC..the usual. Pelosi, Boxer, Newsom…etc.
It appears that police unions and even D.A. unions —– because they are in the business of representing law enforcement and protecting the public —- are generally in alignment with what the public needs and would want if they knew all the facts. They are perhaps not as ideally STRONG as members of a sensible public would like (and might have a touch of salary/pension self-interest mixed in at times), but they certainly seem to adopt a protecting-the-public role. Thus they do not resemble what we see from the powerful public employee unions; e.g., the destructive-to-all-that’s-good SEIU Marxists.
For example the San Francisco Police Protective League (or whatever the name for themselves is) took it upon themselves (before 2020) to warn us in L.A., in no uncertain terms, that their D.A. Gascon was coming to L.A. and was planning to run for L.A. D.A. They pleaded with voters to reject this very dangerous person. Also the L.A. D.A. union has helpfully kept an eye on and warned us about any number of dangerous-to-the-public legislative proposals and actions, including a sneaky budget trailer bill (AB 1810, that became law in June of 2018, amended Sept 2018), which essentially legalized murder, rape, assault, arson, etc., by way of a short mental health diversion instead of trial, conviction, and incarceration for the defendant. Just two of many examples.
L.A. is like an unrepairable Austin American that was ‘parted out’ long ago.
Republicans bought the engine.
Democrats took the free wiring harness… prince of darkness.