Lies Into Law: The Hidden Danger of California Reparations

The Report has never been subjected to any critical analysis or peer review, always required of academic and scientific writings

Senator Steven Bradford. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)

First, bear in mind that black slavery was never legal in Alta California under Spanish, Mexican, or United States eras.  

California State Senator Steven Bradford (D-Los Angeles), and Lieutenant Governor candidate, is the author of SB 1403, which would create the and require, “the agency to implement the recommendations of the Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans.”

Results of that study will be referred to as the Report. This is the first California slavery reparations legislation and the most important, as it legally ensconces into state statute the highly flawed and dishonest Report.

SB 1403 appears to just create a multi-billion state taxpayer created multi-billion dollar bureaucracy to justify and fund slavery reparations for those descended from slaves in states thousands of miles from California. It is clearly not fair that California pay for sins it did not commit, and took place in far away places. However, something far more insideous is incorporated.

Unseen Danger:

Adoption of SB 1403, requires the state to officially adopt into state law the highly flawed and frequently directly dishonest reparations Report into California statute. That dishonest menace will last for decades if made a California law, and those lies will be incorporated into school textbooks and court proceedings, continuing those lies for generations into the future for school children and a public unaware that they have been dishonestly manipulated.    

That study Report is riddled with lies and partial truths, many of which have been twisted to constitute lies. 

Major Academic and Logical Flaw

The Report has never been subjected to any critical analysis or peer review, always required of academic and scientific writings. Much of it is based on obvious lies, such as the Report’s primary assertion that, “America’s wealth was built by the forced labor of trafficked African peoples…”

For that to be true, the past two hundred years of efforts by those of all other ethnic backgrounds had absolutely no economic impact on the United States. For that to be true, all Silicon Valley innovations were created by black slaves, which is obviously not the case. Additional examples and debunking of the Report’s stupid assertions would volumes to detail. Especially egregious are citations from highly questionable and previously discredited sources.  

Hide the Facts, Scant Governmental Transparency 

This writer has expended many months in California Public Record Act Requests (CPRAs) and email exchanges with some involved with creation of the at least three million taxpayer dollar created Report, the replies rendering sarcastic new meaning to the term “sandbagging.” Extracting the truth involved with this attempt at a legalized multi-billion dollar scam operation will likely remain extremely difficult, as governmental transparency is deliberately obscured. 

Debunking the Report

It is shocking that major public interest entities have not taken on debunking the obviously corrupted California slavery reparations Report. Rather than naming those entities approached to take on the task, and declined as out of their usual area, this is an appeal to those highly credible such as the Hoover Institution and Heritage Foundation to properly historically and economically factually destroy the California slavery reparations Report and expose it as the complete fraud that it is.      

Dangerous Conclusion

Bradford’s SB 1403 ensconces known lies into California law. It is far from innocuous; it is a direct danger to an honest California future. 

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Richard Stevenson: Richard Stevenson is a Sacramento resident.

View Comments (5)

  • It’s ironic that Democrat Senator Steven Bradford is pushing reparations when it was Democrats who instituted slavery, segregation, Jim Crow laws and the KKK? Maybe it’s time Democrat Senator Steven Bradford and other legislative Democrats pay for the sins of their Democrat predecessors?

    It's curious as to how Democrat Senator Steven Bradford, who is African-American, got elected in the 35th senatorial district when it is overwhelming Latino/Hispanic at almost 55%? Was he installed with Democrat voter fraud and rigged voting machines?

      • Fact: It was wealthy Democrat plantation holders in the South who were slave holders. They were never Republicans and they did not later become Republicans.

        Fact: Most blacks until the 1960's were Republicans.

        Poster LR is delusional and desperately trying to rewrite history? LR must be a Democrat?

  • Democrats were slave owners. Democrats fought to keep slaves. Republicans freed the slaves. Republicans supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act far more than Democrats. Now Democrats want to buy black votes.

  • Typical of California, the bureaucrats siphoning off billions in graft to pay lawyers and consultants who are family, will go unnoticed and our slaves will not get a dime because there never were any.
    Meanwhile back in Cala-deshue, in Fentanyl country, in the City of Tranq, Illegals are streaming in for a free piece of America, no questions asked. And yes, the whispers on the street are "yes you can vote because like the junkies, no one cares anymore!"

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