Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass (Photo: Joseph Sohm, Shutterstock)
Mayor Bass Signs Climate Agreement with Finland While Mayor Steinberg Calls for Gaza Cease-Fire
How will these agreements improve the lives of the people of Los Angeles, Sacramento?
By Katy Grimes, March 15, 2024 10:14 am
Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass just signed an agreement with Finland creating a partnership to confront climate change – together.
Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg announced Thursday that he will bring a resolution to the city council calling for a cease-fire in Israel and Gaza.
The urge to scream “Stay in your lane” to these mayors is strong. Especially when they are responsible for the horrific physical and social decay in both cities.
LA 🤝Finland 🇫🇮
Just signed a first-of-its-kind agreement with Finland affirming a partnership to confront climate change TOGETHER. https://t.co/89AL4XO7wx pic.twitter.com/vV5P0DCQok
— Mayor Karen Bass (@MayorOfLA) March 14, 2024
“The [Sacramento] mayor’s office said the resolution comes after months of discussions with Muslim, Jewish and other community members. The office calls it ‘a balanced approach to a complex situation,'” KCRA reported.
This “complex situation” is taking place in Israel – not in a Sacramento suburb.

As for the climate agreement LA Mayor Bass signed with Finland – a country 4,788 miles away – Mayor Bass said, “…with the current climate crisis, we know we need to take bold action. The City of Los Angeles is grateful for our partnership with Finland as we continue to explore innovative ways to confront the climate crisis and strengthen business, investment, and green jobs in our region. To achieve our shared climate goals, we need to lock arms internationally to accelerate our progress.”
What? And why? How will this agreement improve the lives of the people of Los Angeles?
For that matter, how will Mayor Steinberg’s resolution calling for a cease-fire in Israel and Gaza improve the lives of the people of Sacramento?
Quick answer – it won’t, and Mayor Steinberg knows that it won’t.
This resolution recognizes the importance of a safe and secure Israel and an independent Palestinian state, the mayor’s office said.
“The resolution contains language important to all sides,” Steinberg said in a press release. “It also includes some provisions that each side would write differently if they wrote it themselves. That is the nature of principled compromise.”
“We may not be able to create peace in the Middle East, but we can model what we want to see throughout the world here in our own city,” Steinberg added.
Neither the resolution nor agreement will lower taxes, crime rates, or utility bills. Neither action will make streets safer for residents, or get homeless drug addicts off of city streets or out of the parks. Neither agreement will improve traffic congestion or fix potholes, or update aging sewer systems. Neither agreement will erase the massive budget deficit each city has.
Neither Mayor Bass nor Mayor Steinberg has ever led anything, much less anything successfully. They must appear as if they are leaders and are doing something important. So they issue resolutions, they make proclamations and sign agreements with foreign countries.
“Darrell Steinberg is one of Sacramento’s most accomplished public servants, serving the Sacramento community for over 20 years,” his own bio claims. “Mayor Darrell Steinberg has delivered again and again on his promises to Sacramento,” he claims. Yet the lives of Sacramento residents are degrading, even as the city hikes taxes and fees, while lowering services.
Predictably, Steinberg got the local Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Sacramento Valley/Central California Executive Director to comment positively on his resolution.
However, missing from the press release is a statement from a local Rabbi or Jewish Community leader. Steinberg instead used a statement from former City Councilman Jay Schenirer, calling him a “Jewish community leader.”
At least Steinberg acknowledges the futility of this vanity project. The first line says:
“Nothing we say or do in Sacramento may change the course of the war for Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank.”
The same goes for Mayor Bass’s agreement with Finland – there is even a “non-binding agreement” statement in it:
“This Letter of Intent is a voluntary initiative that does not create any legally binding rights or obligations. The activities described in this Letter of Intent are not conditioned upon reciprocal actions by other Participants. Any Participant may, at any time, withdraw from this Letter of Intent by providing a written notice to the other Participants. This Letter of Intent will be construed and carried out in a manner consistent with all applicable laws, and is not intended to supersede local, federal, or international laws or obligations by which the Participants are bound.
Mayor Bass and Mayor Steinberg have once again demonstrated they are hopelessly incompetent and ineffective, making them mostly useless to the people of Los Angeles and Sacramento.
Exactly, how does this help citizens suffering from lack of housing, water restrictions, rising crime, etc.
I think most us by now have gigured out the game. While politicians get rich in office more times than not. They personally benefit from trade agreements or climate agreements. They have “associates” that will gladly bid on a contact to achieve the “goals” agreed upon.
President Harry Truman once said, “Show me a politician who got rich while in office and I’ll show you a crook.”
This is another way Steinberg draws Sacramentans’ attention from the looming $66 million gap in the 24/25 budget (not counting this current year’s shortage, $50 million, if I recall correctly). No need to actually deliver good sensible policy to the citizenry.
He kowtows to the repulsive left and pro-Palestine crazies while leaving the suffering taxpayers and seekers of good government behind. What a mess.
Edit- The $50 million shortage was an early estimate for 24/25.
“The urge to scream “Stay in your lane” to these mayors is strong. Especially when they are responsible for the horrific physical and social decay in both cities.”
Yes, indeed Ms. Grimes. The whole point of these vacuous agreements is to DETRACT from problems in the cities that these mayors are responsible for – and for which THEY have absolutely NO answers.
Keep it up, pandering L.A. and Sacramento mayors Bass and Steinberg. The population to whom you are pandering and virtue-signaling is shrinking as we speak, while the population that is becoming more aware and educated about your ruinous policies and personal ridiculousness is growing. So continuing on with this nonsense a very good way to get tossed out on your ear next time you are on the ballot. And as I recall Darrell Steinberg is on the Nov 2024 ballot, yes? Good luck, middle-finger-waving city-destroyer Steinberg!
Darrell Steinberg decided not seek a third-term as mayor of Sacramento, so he wasn’t on the recent March 5th primary ballot. However, Sacramento may run the risk of electing an even worse mayor during the runoff in November. I hope the voters wise up and not allow that to happen.
Thank you, Rick W. Wasn’t exactly sure what Steinberg’s status was when I wrote that.
Yikes —- good news, bad news.
You’re welcome, Showandtell. The mayor’s race as been a virtual dead heat between the four most prominent candidates. As it currently stands, the most left-wing, progressive, pro-BLM candidate is in the lead with 28 percent of the vote. She’s a political novice having not held office before but managed to get the endorsement of the Sacramento Bee. It appears that she’ll be advancing to the general election in November. Let’s hope and pray she doesn’t become our next mayor.
Oh no, just had a look at the top four candidates. This is not good. As you know.
From afar Steve Hansen seems to be the least of evils, but I only had a quick look and that’s not saying much anyway. Seems odd (and suspicious) that Ms. Super-Lefty would be leading the race given what Sacramento has endured in recent years.
Have always pulled for Sacramento and will continue to. In addition to Katy Grimes’ fine coverage, its eerie similarity to City of L.A. in its political direction makes me sympathize heavily and helps me understand the city better. Of course, as we know, so many CA cities are in trouble now.
Wishing you all the best. Hoping and praying for a decent least-of-evils outcome in the Sacramento mayor’s race. will be following this a bit more knowledgeably now. Thanks again
What does Finland have to gain by signing such an agreement?
A free week in the California sun -= even as it is it’s better than Helsinki in March.
By the way, on the city’s YouTube channel, the signing ceremony has 31 views.
Funny you brought that up. These self-congratulatory local city and county videos all seem to have an average of about 3 views. (And then I realize I’m one of the viewers. Of course I’m there, when I am, to see What the Heck.) Are they embarrassed that no one looks at this stuff? And by the complete lack of public support it indicates? NO.
What a joke. This is all about graft, parties and personal enrichment. Not too long ago the mayor of Fresno and his cronies went on a similar trip to Germany to learn about bike paths and 15 minute cities. Perhaps the Globe can do an expose on what is going on in Fresno.
My Stupid Town Fathers & Friends traveled some time ago to Australia to ‘study drought,’ also known as “a free trip to Australia! Woo-hoo!” Gah
While Mayor Steinberg worries about Gaza, Sacramento city streets are crumbling and filled with potholes, crime is out of control in many neighborhoods, and the homeless seem to be everywhere. As a lifelong Sacramento resident who has sadly seen my beloved city devolve into an unrecognizable mess after years of Mayor Steinberg and Democrat rule. He cares more about Gaza than Sacramento. Mayor Steinberg can’t leave soon enough but sadly he’ll probably be replaced with another Democrat mayor who won’t be any better.
What ever happened to the Logan Act that made conducting foreign policy on your own a crime?
I imagine this is illegal as states, ciries or county’s do not set foreign policy. But then they are democrats so you know there will be no jail time.
So now the annoying loud mouth LA Democrat Mayor Karen Bass has signed a non-binding climate agreement with Finland of all places while LA is a crime ridden hellhole? Previously she tried to take credit for expanding water storage and capacity. What has her regime done to expand water storage and capacity? Nothing! It’s just like her trying to take credit for ending homelessness in LA when encampments are all over the place? No doubt she was installed into office with the usual Democrat voter fraud and rigged voting machines?
Exactly, TJ, another instance of an obvious-on-its-face illegitimately-installed office holder in California, L.A. Mayor Karen Bass.
We see this nonsense and AGAIN can’t help wondering just WHAT this state would look like, HOW prosperous and productive and free it would be, if our elections for decades had been clean, or at least clean-enough, instead of the current long-standing MESS that has produced the continuing downward spiral we are living with now?
Stolen elections have consequences as evidenced by the continuing downward spiral we have experienced.
If Mayor Bass really cared about the “climate crisis”, then maybe she should sign a climate agreement with a major polluter like communist China?
It’s unfortunate that Karen Bass has the wholesome smiling face and cheerful speaking voice and manner of a sensible person or a moderate politician when actually she remains a radical politician through and through. Maybe she should MOVE to China; then she can “partner” with them to persuade them about the “dangers” of the “climate crisis” and their contributions to it on site.
“Essentially, instead of only those who affirmed their legal eligibility by checking the box, everyone -including those who did not check the box- would get a DL and would automatically have their information transmitted to the SoS office. Everyone who received a driver’s license or state issued id was automatically going to be registered to vote, regardless of their legally authorized status. That request led the engineer to contact me.
“I wrote about it, published the details, then the engineer freaked out as he/she realized there was only a very limited number of people who could expose the issue. He/She was worried about his/her safety and family and asked me to remove the article. This background is how I know the details of who, what, when and why the California mass mailing ballot process was being constructed.”
“The Modern Electioneering Process of Ballot Submission Assistance is Taking Center Stage”
Post-midterm U.S. election – November 13, 2022