Medical Ethics and Physician Performance
Doctors have become amoral/immoral robots and indentured servants, incapable of loving and caring
By Patrick Wagner, MD, November 19, 2024 7:00 am
The first amendment was not written to protect people and their laws from religious values but was written to protect those values from government tyranny. ~ Ronald Reagan
According to the gospel of Mark 2:13-17, Jesus is the “Great Physician.” He came here to cure the sick (for example the blind, lame, deaf, leper, demon possessed, and even the dead brought back to life), and the poor in Spirit; and to heal our souls and restore our relationship with God. In Jesus’s response to the scribes and Pharisees (the Jewish religious leaders and legal experts of the 1st century) when they accused him of eating with tax collectors like Matthew, one of his disciples, He responded “I didn’t come to heal those who are well, but to heal those who are sick”. What He was doing was letting those self-proclaimed “gods” of law and Jewish religion know that they were the ones who had it all wrong.
Did you know that the “code of medical ethics”, the Hippocratic Oath, has been abandoned by the gods of modern national and California healthcare, former President Barack Hussein Obama and his Obamacare, and Governor Gavin Newsom and his hallmark Newsomcare or Medi-Cal? Obama called Christians small town bitter hicks “who cling to their guns and religion”. It’s true. He bitterly said it recently while out stumping for Kamala. This off-putting attitude is also rampant in the medical education of American physicians. Just google “medical schools and the Hippocratic Oath”. You will be shocked!
Translate the journey and mission of Jesus to modern day American policy and the “gods” of government. Jesus today might say to Obama or Newsom, “I come here among you to drain the swamp and to haul the garbage out and clean up America! Shame on you political and religious hypocrites. You are outta here”!
The stage is set to re-evaluate medical ethics and the part they play in American society, relative to the culture we live in and the conduct of the warped “healthcare” industry we suffer in. We need to determine just how to re-ignite our love and kindness toward each other and re-define our nation as ONE NATION UNDER GOD. We need to re-look at our currency, our means of exchange for goods and services (i.e. money) and reconsider and re-think about the founders displayed on those bank notes, and where it says IN GOD WE TRUST. Just think about those staples of Americana and let them sink in for a minute.
Here are the 7 p’s of the physician. Proper physician payment prevents pernicious perverted performance. This statement refers to the Spirit of Economic Initiative, and is the basis of this paper, and how to solve a huge problem our nation faces, called physician burnout. What kind of doctors do you want to take care of you when you get sick?
Doctors have become amoral/immoral robots and indentured servants, incapable of loving and caring. Robots lack the ability to love. Only God can handle that problem. They have become impoverished, unable to buy a home and stuck with massive student debt, clearly not living the American dream and building a family. They have been mass produced into this condition by careless medical educators and the crooked story telling of the mainstream media. Slave doctors “do not care anymore”. I ask again, what kind of doctors do you want taking care of you when you get sick?
So how do we drain the swamp and clean out the snakes and garbage like Obama and Newsom? Well, we’ve got a good start, don’t we?
Our founding fathers secured for themselves and us “Religious Freedom” as determined by the establishment clause of the first amendment of the Bill of Rights, echoed by an excellent President, #40, Ronald Reagan, quoted at the start of this article.
The breach of that amendment, illustrated by Obamacare and Newsomcare, has left our medical practitioners in a bad place. The covenants of the Hippocratic Oath are the SACRED representation of the Spirit of Jesus, the Great Physician in our midst, and that Spiritual Fruit and Grace (perspective) is no longer recognized or honored or taught by these secular fools.
Therefore, in my humble opinion as a Bible and gun clinging Christian physician who is extremely intent upon cranking out excellent physicians for you and your family, doctors who care about you and want to help you heal, and who are driven by the Spirit of economic initiative, we need a straightforward change. We need to liberate medical healing from the dishonest fabricated healthcare swamp, the exact same way we did it from the start at Plymouth Rock and winning the Revolutionary War to secure our religious freedom via our founding fathers, and by providing our miraculous US Constitution with God’s inspiration!
We need to add the establishment clause to include medicine in our first amendment, and here is how it will read:
Amendment 1, US Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or medicine, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Just think of the power WE THE PEOPLE have with this updated amendment. It covers a lot of ground. Consider the Brown Act at our state level that ensures the public’s right to attend and participate in local government policy making (e.g. city councils, school boards, and county boards of supervisors), blowing away censorship in our corrupt mainstream media and that of medical academia, and the protection of the medical profession just like our sacred churches, where we worship God exactly the way we want to without government interference! We need back freedom of speech between physician and patient and the obligation, opportunity, and responsibility of lawfully obtaining a thorough informed consent before committing or omitting any medical or surgical therapy whatsoever.
Biochemistry is a vast subject at the molecular level. A Catholic priest explained to me that God is in our DNA. The wonder of biochemistry is as amazing as the wonder of the universe surrounding us. When I think of the self-proclaimed mastery of the viral and human genome by Fauci, Pelosi, and Newsom, as they taught us about Covid-19, I recognize just how small these political scientists and quacks are. They would want you to believe they have carved deeply into the viral and healthcare world with their pseudoscience. It’s as if they chopped Mt. Whitney from an elevation of14,505 feet to 10,000 feet with three shovels. They are not impressive people.
The fear, propaganda, and destruction they caused our economy and our trust in each other, however, is highly impressive. Negligence of patients by needlessly isolating them from lifesaving medical help has been injurious and lethal, as we are finding out after the fact. Hospitals, big pharma, health insurance companies, and dirty government politics are all to blame. It’s to the point of never allowing ourselves to be caught off-guard again, and we need safeguards built into our government to solve these problems.
With religious freedom, medical freedom will be recognized by the IRS with 501(c)3 status. This means medical money is sacred, just as religious and church money is, with no more taxes or regulations on religion or medicine. This is the only way to keep corruption out of the healing business, and that is by keeping government out of the doctor-patient relationship.
It is our responsibility to heal medicine and make our hospitals hospitable again and enjoy high quality life at its best and pass it along to our children and grandchildren the way life was handed to us; affordable, comfortable, and safe.
We are not a divided, rebellious, unregenerate nation marked by tyrannical bigotry and chaos, but ONE UNITED NATION UNDER OUR GLORIOUS GOD, marked by goodness, caring, ethics, and integrity. As per our new President #45-47, President Donald J. Trump and our MAGA Legislature and Supreme Court, both liberal and conservative, we won’t need to seek revenge against the reprobates we are kicking out of government. It will be punishment enough for them to see the greatness taking off in America right now. Maybe they will lick their wounds, settle down, and join the Glorious party!
- The Stifled Doctor and Freedom of Medical Enterprise - March 1, 2025
- The Standard of Care in Medicine - February 13, 2025
- Is Healthcare a Human Right? - February 5, 2025
Very timely article. Having recently dealt with Sutter General Hospital’s malpractice on a loved one, it is clear that some critical changes need to occur with that hospital in particular and on a broad scale within the “industry.”
What is truly alarming about Sutter is the level of self-congratulatory propaganda adorning the hospital’s walls and the bureaucracy. The hospital does not provide patient-centered care, and nothing Sutter can say in its slogans and ad campaigns will alter that.