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California State Capitol (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe).

Number of California Bills by Code

How many bills each Session affect California’s 29 Codes?

By Chris Micheli, September 21, 2024 1:00 pm

I have often wondered about the number of bills in the California Legislature each year that affect the twenty-nine different codes. California’s 29 Codes, beginning with the Business & Professions Code and ending with the Welfare & Institutions Code, contain over 156,000 statutes. So, how many bills each Session affect these 29 Codes?

In the following chart, I look at the number of bills adding, amending, or repealing sections of California’s Codes during each 2-year Session beginning with the 2015-16 Session and ending with the 2023-24 Session. The following chart contains those numbers from the past decade:

Code 2023 – 24  2021 – 22 2019 – 20 2017 – 18 2015 – 16
Business & Professions  632 632 637 582 558
Civil 495 448 420 411 344
Civil Procedure 310 324 287 296 234
Commercial 22 22 23 27 27
Corporations 109 123 156 101 118
Education 644 588 618 630 575
Elections 142 125 149 164 144
Evidence 116 137 117 112 103
Family 187 195 172 165 155
Financial 69 105 101 85 76
Fish & Game 127 116 151 125 111
Food & Agricultural 125 152 137 139 140
Government 1,710 1,603 1,701 1,670 1,575
Harbors & Navigation 44 38 30 45 43
Health & Safety 1,117 1,082 1,083 959 889
Insurance 295 360 316 298 275
Labor 354 354 367 330 273
Military & Veterans 94 87 85 114 94
Penal 740 650 668 674 643
Probate 67 100 74 88 96
Public Contract 252 296 185 187 194
Public Resources 577 582 516 461 448
Public Utilities 333 309 351 307 324
Revenue & Taxation 390 448 449 496 430
Streets & Highways 141 127 139 139 157
Unemployment Insurance 109 174 139 124 84
Vehicle 318 300 320 359 318
Water 184 160 174 198 213
Welfare & Institutions 671 624 623 579 531

Most interesting to me is the relative consistency each Session with the number of bills affecting the same Code. In other words, during the last decade, roughly the same number of bills each Session affect an individual Code. For example, during the prior four, 2-year sessions, the number of bills affecting the Revenue & Taxation Code have been: 448; 449; 496; and, 430.

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