Pharmacist holding medicine box and capsule pack in drugstore. (Photo: I viewfinder/Shuterstock)
Regulatory Capture and Medicine
One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or communism on a people is by way of medicine
By Patrick Wagner, MD, July 1, 2024 4:57 pm
One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or communism on a people is by way of medicine. This is a very true warning issued in the past which has played out and plagues California and the nation today. I know this is true because I am a physician and you and I are experiencing the results of government and special interest degradation of the bond between doctor and patient. It is now time to boldly yet gently open the lines of communication that will unite us to successfully determine the best way to stop the attackers and fearlessly go forward with the provision of first-class medicine for our families, friends, and heirs.
Since World War two, Americans have been very prosperous in creating wealth. We have become “easy chair” complacent and have taken wealth accumulation for granted and forgotten its source, namely God- and God-fearing people. We have developed a trancelike herd stupidity and have become numb about work and work ethic and challenge and courage. We lack civic responsibility and discipline and have become vulnerable to attack. We have traded the “hard work way” which brings self-respect, for the “easy way” which brings self- criticism.
The mechanism of elitism and the development of a ruling class and a permanent economic underclass (as coined by Rush Limbaugh) demands explanation so that we know who to target in fixing our present economic, political, and “healthcare”/medical mess.
There is an old proverb concerning knowledge, part of which says….”He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep-awaken him.” And we will be successful as we awaken from herd stupidity.
So, who is the adversary who is siphoning off and squandering the hard-earned money earmarked for payment of the medical profession? Where is that money going? Somebody is getting filthy rich at the expense of the consumers and providers of medical diagnosis and treatment, leaving doctors and patients devoid of income and services. We are headed down the road of rationing and of withholding medical and surgical care completely, and as you know, it is a very dangerous and lethal road to be on. It is the road of mass genocide.
Here is an explanation of why the characteristics of traditional doctors have morphed into characteristics of the fearful present-day counterfeit doctors, or the healthcare workers we now have. Freedom of choice of how and when a doctor practices his or her skills and judgment has been waved to the tyrants who are literally stealing the precious dollars that make medicine good. The ethical principles of the Hippocratic Oath, which define care, have also been waved to the tyrants. The tyrant is quite simply bureaucratic bloated government in partnership with the megalomaniac monopolists now administering bureaucratic bloated businesses.
A waiver is defined as the act of intentionally or knowingly relinquishing or abandoning a known right, claim, or privilege.
Thus, your fearful California doctors are now owned and controlled by the tyrannical Governor Gavin Newsom! They have been stripped of their rights to ethically and affordably serve you and have done so of their own free will.
Returning to the very first statement of this paper, notice how the imposition of communism has been secured in America. It is via medicine and the practitioners of medicine. A burned-out physician is a dangerous physician because he or she has profound resentment or anger at the system. Sadly, the average patient doesn’t understand that the physician’s anger is directed not only at the tyrant, but at the same time them. Why? The people are ultimately responsible for voting the tyrant into office in the first place. Thus, the average modern day burned out, miserable physician will tell you that patients are getting exactly what they deserve. Would you agree that they are correct? And if not, who is responsible? Have Californians been asleep? Have Californians been civically responsible? Have Californians been fiscally responsible? Have Californians been Spiritually responsible?
To understand the notion of regulatory capture and government ownership, it is imperative to understand the definition of free enterprise, also called capitalism. It’s like first grader common sense if you put your mind to it. The definition is as follows:
Free enterprise or capitalism is freedom of private business to organize and operate for profit in a competitive system without interference by government beyond regulation necessary to protect public interest and to keep the national economy in balance.
I think you will agree that government gets an F. Government’s suffocating and overreaching regulation is wrecking our country and medicine. Doctors aren’t allowed to be ethical and caring anymore. And just look at the real time debt (34 trillion dollars and rapidly counting). We are not even considering the unfunded liability of the federal government, which is easily way over 250 trillion dollars now. Is the government protecting the public interest? Is it OK to be treated by imposter doctors who don’t know what they are doing? How is that safe, ethical, or affordable? Does it matter whether the government representatives are liberal or conservative, Republican or Democrat? The government is unethical and clearly doesn’t care anymore. It’s too big, too prejudicial, and too greedy. It’s that simple.
This interference of peaceful commerce between doctors and patients by growing government regulation is not possible without the assistance of insiders in the industry of medicine, both academic and private physicians, who never were gratified by their work (toil) and became expert witnesses, selfishly testifying their nonsensical prejudice and envy to the disguised caring government thugs. Also, academia is the certifying agent of medical and surgical education. This is very dangerous indeed because they have drastically changed the standards. Their collusion with the government and the ridiculous pseudo-science standards they have invented demonstrate that they do not care about patients anymore but are the self-professed rulers of medical knowledge. How ridiculous. They are egotistical fools, just as are the arbitrary unbridled government thugs who serve them! And let us not forget their expert witness work (well paid work) for malpractice attorneys.
California academic doctors are just like academic liberal arts educators. They are in general envious people. They are often socially inept, are paid a salary which is never enough money, receive healthcare insurance as a benefit of their work as opposed to paying for it, guaranteed a great retirement package, averse to pain and suffering, and coddled along by crooked unions to get lots of time off, hardly working! They are fearless, proud, and righteous. They do not understand common sense business, kind and gentle human interactions, goodwill, well-being, hard work and lawful gain. They feel left out. They are weak and feeble and very, very lazy. They have no guts, no good goals, and no glory. One word sums up this symptom complex. Miserable. Sorry for venting here, but these people are sick, and they need our help.
The big problem with this gullible and indoctrinated group is that they are vulnerable to an out-of-control, sycophantic government which wants to own and control and abuse Californians and their means of production. Ownership means power, and power is everything. Thus, they are easy prey. Unsuspecting government workers, be they doctors, lawyers, teachers, or paper pushers, are sick, they don’t know they are sick, and they don’t know who is making them sick. A definition of regulatory capture in medicine follows:
In essence, the industry of medical education is in partnership with government regulators and writes the regulations that the clueless but greedy government regulators call out. This benefits both out of control government and academic medicine. Politicians keep gaining power and money, and academic educators get more and more acknowledgment as god-like saints, and some (the big shots) make a lot of money at it (e.g. Fauci and public health officers).
An ethical private practice physician is ground up and gone and replaced by a healthcare worker. It turns out that greedy doctors authoritatively co-opt the untalented foolish government regulators, and both rob the taxpayers blind, and are quite content in their evil folly and huge, ill-obtained bank accounts. Not one member of this ineffective group has an ounce of class or ethics or brains. Where is their conscience? Where is their common sense? What we are up against is purposeless squandering of wealth at an exponential rate. How can we put that money to work for us again?
Regulatory capture has four major components in medicine. Academia, healthcare insurance, pharmaceuticals and government bureaucrats. The mechanism of action is the same in all four. Government regulators are co-opted (appointed) by these three monstrous monopolistic crooked enterprises, all three of which write the regulations that keep them exponentially profiting and destroying all small business ventures (like mom-and-pop doctors). All four of these entities smile as they confuse, complicate, confound, rip off unsuspecting consumers and producers, crush free enterprise, and put us into pens. They herd us around and destroy us whenever they feel like it. Thinking is not indicated and there is no care in our robotic assignment. We are calmed by pacifiers the way bad-tempered little children are. Things like the idle use of cell phones and advertisement on the internet of any material object or service that will bring you pleasure. They offer up free stuff like healthcare, free rent, free food, and forgiveness of student debt. Those are the temptations! We are isolated from one another without social interaction, and polarization is paramount. My right to talk to you right now is not quite prohibited yet, thank God.
Regulatory capture is a real force, and I am proof positive that this force destroys small businesses like mine. It is not good to put good doctors out of commission. It is dangerous! When you, the unsuspecting taxpayers awaken, recognizing just who these monsters are, and just what they are doing to our families, property, businesses, and spirits, I am sure you will join me in stopping them. Yes, these are exciting times, because every day, more and more people are seeing the results of this debilitating force and waking up from the trance of herd-stupidity.
The government should not meddle with free enterprise, because monopolistic, controlling entities will always partner with the government to get rid of the little guy and maximize theft and profit at the ultimate cost of the taxpayer. That is human nature. Consider it an axiom. Regulatory capture is a very real and frightening force that we must destroy in medicine, not simply subdue, because it will surely return the next time Californians get sleepy.
The answer is not to completely rid ourselves of government, because how would we then protect our private property domestically, and how would we protect our borders from foreign invasion? How would we protect public interest, and how would we keep the national economy in balance? By the way, those are the basic jobs we hire the government to do. I think this present crew needs to be fired!
In summary, medical freedom is inversely proportional to regulatory capture, and we will no longer tolerate regulatory capture in medicine.
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