Rouda Vows to Support Pelosi for Speaker

Pelosi’s Speaker bid is Driving a hard line Between House Democrats

Congressman Harley Rouda. (Photo: Roudaforcongress)

As longtime Democratic leader and party stronghold, Nancy Pelosi’s 2019 Speaker of the House bid is seriously driving a hard line between many House Democrats. And many newcomers are being pressured to make up their minds.

As the California Globe noted yesterday, so far sixteen House Democrats have signed onto a letter opposing Pelosi’s plans to become Speaker. Instead, many of the representatives believe the party is in desperate need of a new ‘fresh face’.

In the letter, the group writes “Our majority came on the backs of candidates who said that they would support new leadership because voters in hard-won districts, and across the country, want to see real change in Washington,” the letter says. “We promised to change the status quo, and we intend to deliver on that promise.”

Another potential candidate could include the likes of Ohio Democrat Marcia Fudge or others. Despite this, perhaps in fear of repercussions, no other candidate has officially announced their bid. Furthermore, Pelosi supports attest that there isn’t another challenger who matches Pelosi’s ability to take on Republican Party leaders such as President Trump or Mitch McConnell.

In the midst of Pelosi anxiously tallying up who she can count of for votes, today, Congressman-Elect Harley Rouda (D-Orange County) has officially announced he will follow Pelosi’s rule.

Rouda released a public statement saying “after weeks of information gathering and assessment… I have concluded that Nancy Pelosi is the most qualified candidate. Her experience and knowledge of issues and of the Congressional landscape are unequaled.”

Running and winning on issues such as healthcare, immigration reform and gun control – all issues Pelosi supports, Rouda has signified that Pelosi can cash one more vote in the bank come January.

Given Republicans vote for Pelosi, fearing a more progressive alternative, she can only be allowed to lose 13-16 votes.

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Sean Brown: Before becoming a writer for the California Globe, Sean served as a Legislative Director in the New York City Council and is an NYU alumnus.
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