Steve Garvey Moves Ahead of Adam Schiff in California’s U.S. Senate Primary
Voters tell the Globe that they hope Garvey is as talented a street fighter as he was a baseball MVP
By Katy Grimes, March 14, 2024 5:25 pm
California voters and Republicans have a rare opportunity to vote for a U.S. Senator from their own party – something that hasn’t happened since Republican Pete Wilson was elected to the U.S. Senate from California in 1983, and reelected in 1988.
Former Major League Baseball player Steve Garvey is now leading Adam Schiff in California’s U.S. Senate race.
As of Thursday afternoon, Adam Schiff has 2,021,612 votes (29.6%), and Steve Garvey has 2,276,279 (33.4%) making Garvey the leader by 254,667 votes. (The Secretary of State updated at 12:30pm March 14, 2024)
Despite the very full field of candidates, California’s Top 2 Primary Election system, also known as the “Jungle Primary,” advances only the top 2 vote-getters to the General Election.
Garvey responded on X/Twitter, but to yesterday’s numbers:
“Our race continues to be very competitive – we’re going to need your help to win this in November. Please take a moment to contribute to our campaign at – we’re going to need every dollar! Share this post!”
🚨Our race continues to be very competitive – we’re going to need your help to win this in November. Please take a moment to contribute to our campaign at – we’re going to need every dollar! Share this post!
— Steve Garvey (@SteveyGarvey6) March 14, 2024
Voters are asking if this means we could have a Republican U.S. Senator from California.
Rob Pyers (California Target Book) was on top of this and posted 24 hours ago on X-Twitter:
What is really interesting is how Adam Schiff and Katie Porter are largely responsible for elevating Garvey’s candidacy through political ads, admonishing him for being conservative and voting for Donald Trump. They clearly forgot that California has a healthy number of Conservatives, Independents and No Party Preference voters who are not enamored of the demise of the once Golden State. It was well-known that Schiff wanted to face-off Garvey and not Porter in the General Election.
To that, many are now saying, “Be careful what you wish for.”
Garvey just sent out a fundraising request in which he acknowledges Schiff’s scheme:
“I can’t help but think how Adam Schiff and his team of high-priced DC consultants thought they were being savvy in trying to make sure I became their opponent in General Election.
Reports are they even spent money running ads promoting me.
But what they’ve really done is awaken a sleeping giant here.”
Voters tell the Globe that they hope Garvey is as talented a street fighter as he was a baseball MVP.
In a P.S., Garvey notes, “Adam Schiff had $35 million in the bank. Well, reports are now coming out that he spent upwards of $25 million in the primary and is down to $10 million in the bank.”
November is going to be really interesting.
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Adam Schiff has been caught lying multiple times. Anyone who voted for him is out of their minds.
How can it take this long, in a state that is the largest economy in the USA and 5th in the world if it were a country, to count ballots in an election? We’re a banana republic.
Steve Garvey may be temporarily ahead but the criminal Democrat mafia will create the ballots needed to install their preferred candidates?
Democrat Secretary of State Shirley Weber Weber played a central role in administering the 2021 California gubernatorial recall election that targeted Newsom. She likes to be referred to as Dr. Shirley Weber because she has a doctorate in communications, she was an Assemblywoman before hair-gel Hitler Newsom appointed her to be the first African-American Secretary of State in 2020. As Secretary of State, She’s also on the Reparations Task Force. No doubt she is expects a big reparations payoff?
Adam Schiff is a loser. How sweet those words. Even if temporarily. Schiff’s duplicitous Make California Trump Again attack on Garvey may have back fired. Are Independents finally breaking conservative, when given a choice?
Whither thou goest, Porter/Bass voters. Do you really want more tax and spend, anti-business, lying, cheap shot Democrats or do you want a future again for this once Golden State?
Steve Garvey showed his stuff when he called out Adam Schiff for looking people in the eyes and lying straight to their faces. There are no do-overs, Mr Schiff, You cannot undo what you did.
Steve Garvey -2024. Take California out of the dark shadows after two decades of Democrat misrule .
Call me a cynic, but I predict Schiff will just “edge out” a victory when “extended counting” and “phantom ballots” overwhelm Garvey’s slim lead, all administered by the hyper partisan Shirley Weber. Few voters will believe it, but Schiff will declare victory, and go on to DC to lead yet another bogus impeachment effort against President Trump unless the Republicans take the Senate and maintain the House.
The uber powerful and rich public employee unions in California will make sure Garvey is not elected.
Is this okay with you?
They are using your tax dollars to do this to you. These public employee unions do not exist in a vacuum. They feed entirely off YPUR tax dollars. They hav no other sources of income.
Give that some deep thought this April 15.
Jaye, Hell no! I’m opposed to union influence in any election. I was lamenting their clout.
Steve Garvey is a pro-choice Republican, I voted my conscience and chose Eric Early. Garvey is most likely another RINO.
What is Adam Schiff in your lexicon?
California is an aggressively pro-infanticide state.
What do you think a single US Senator can do about this state issue? SCOTUS just ruled this is not a federal issue. You need to elect an entirely new state legislature, if you seriously want this to change. Labeling Steve Garvey as “pro-choice” is a fools errand and an inappropriate litmus test for the job at hand.
Unless of course you are trying to use the same stealth tactics Adam Schiff just used – telling voters Garvey was pro-Trump in the hopes Schiff could goose the election away from Garvey. Is that what is going on here?
Garvey was ALREADY winning by a large margin when the votes were swapped. Go to 20:37 at