Hippocratic Oath
The Solution to the Political Pollution of Medical Freedom
Governments should not meddle in the arrangement between doctors and patients
By Patrick Wagner, MD, July 15, 2024 11:00 am
The medical system in California is out of the control of the citizens, as is the case throughout America. The controlling factor is the unrestrained, arbitrary, and random exercise of power now demonstrated by Governor Newsom and the Marxist majority. But that power is shared with a runaway monopoly. Neither force could get the job done alone.
The art (industry) of medicine was the weak point in the ultimate conquest of the rather feeble free enterprise or capitalistic system we had in medicine in the first part of the twentieth century. The synergistic affiliation between monopolistic business administration and government business takeover is the enemy of We the People. As you hopefully know, it is difficult to separate these two aspects of runaway tyranny, because regulatory capture in medicine has been obscure and very profitable. It is now time to thoroughly expose it and stop it.
The government has not shown restraint as problems have increased, but rather to turn up the heat. How can we expect an unrestrained legislative body or court system to solve our problems? How can we expect monopoly in concert with the government to “lay off” of us, and allow us a peaceful, profitable, and hassle-free existence, as our founding fathers laid out for us? If you are like me, I wouldn’t hold my breath!
Governments should not meddle in the arrangement between doctors and patients, but it has. When turncoat doctors are in business with the government as they are now, we might be able to slow them down, but what we must do at this point is destroy that evil combination and at the same time re-initiate the bond between the doctor and the patient. Thus, regulatory capture is our Goliath. Do we have the will or the Constitutional Right to stop this destructive force? I believe we do.
Let me use history to answer this very important American question. It dates to 1620 when the Pilgrims arrived from Europe. The reason they came to America was to be freed from the Church of England, such that they could worship God in an unrestrained and Peaceful fashion. It is important and factual to note that they brought with them their European politics via the Mayflower Compact, a communal or communist manifesto, imagining an ideal existence.
Quickly, the first settlers recognized that although they had achieved religious freedom, many died from the elements and starvation because not everybody wanted to work. The lazy pulled everybody down. Communal living failed. They would have to establish an economy based on capitalism to be freed from the clutches of communism. And in doing so, they found success. For the first time, our founding fathers came up with a miracle called the US Constitution, along with the Bill of Rights (the first ten of the amendments) and beyond.
And everything has been relatively amazing right up until the mid-twentieth century. Let’s look specifically at the first amendment. It has been said that the first amendment was not written to protect people and their laws from religious values but was written to protect those values from government tyranny. What do you think about that construct?
The first amendment of the United States Constitution:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
From the time of the Pilgrims to the present, the God given right of freedom of religion has been protected, along with all the morals and ethics therein. There is a very important part of this amendment called the “establishment clause.” The religious and Christian values protected by this amendment are free from any laws Congress shall make. In fact, Congress shall respect the religious diversity in America, and avoid any prohibition of the free exercise of those religions.
So far, the first amendment, as relates to churches being free from the oppressive laws of government, is hanging in there. But in the latter part of that amendment, freedom of speech and of the press is becoming a big deal. Think of the invasion of the doctor’s responsibility to obtain an informed consent from a patient. Think of what a doctor can say to a patient nowadays. Most anything is labeled as misinformation or disinformation by the tyrant of medicine, government collusion with monopoly (regulatory capture).
The entrapment of the medical profession, the business between doctors and patients, by the runaway government’s unbridled tyrannical assault on our freedoms and our rights must end now. Why did we settle in America? To escape religious tyranny. What did we find when we brought our communal living with us? We started to perish. What did we do about it? We provided for ourselves and each other free enterprise, or capitalism, which is the direct opposite of communism.
What are our present circumstances? Evolving communism. Since we were successful at both religious and economic freedom via our Constitution, what protection do we have that will maintain freedom of economics and business in medicine? What is the solution to the political pollution of medical freedom of enterprise?
My idea is to amend the first amendment, by writing in a second section, when it comes to medicine.
Wouldn’t you agree that medicine is sacrosanct, just like religion or more particularly, Christianity? The conduct of medicine is expressed by the six covenants of the Hippocratic Oath, namely Honor, Teaching, Limitations, Availability, Abjuring Harm, and Privacy. We have the right to treat each other ethically. When we see that our oppressive and out of control government is abridging those rights, we must stop their tyrannical and despotic actions and change the way we do business.
So here is my proposal for a new and improved first amendment:
Section 1: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Section 2: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of medicine, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Because of the nature of medicine, a healing art based on ethics, this section 2 establishment clause protects our rights to ethical care. The way religious organizations have divorced themselves from government tyranny is by meeting the requirements of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, which automatically considers them tax exempt. Why don’t we do the same for medicine? Based on my experience in the business of medicine, I think it would fix everything.
You might ask what would happen to those who rely on the government for their financial and ethical existence? My answer would be that their lives would improve dramatically. It’s called freedom of enterprise medicine; one doctor, one patient, one treatment, one payment, affordable, safe, satisfying, no thief, no killer, no despot; major league first class care!
Can we do it? I think we can do whatever we need to do to establish freedom from the tyrant if we listen to and obey the voice of our Creator God, the Source of our ethics, our rights, and our trade arrangements amongst each other, and then do what He says to do! He has been waiting and ready to carry us forward. I think He’s telling us it’s time to roll! We remain one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all. There is no challenge we cannot defeat if our hearts are in it and filled with His awakening Spirit.
- The Stifled Doctor and Freedom of Medical Enterprise - March 1, 2025
- The Standard of Care in Medicine - February 13, 2025
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