Gov. Gavin Newsom announces new statewide vaccine incentive program, May 27, 2021. (Photo: ca.gov video screenshot)
Today’s the Day: Gov. Newsom to Hold First Drawing of Winners in California’s ‘Vax-a-Million’ Lottery
The first 15 winners to receive $50,000 as part of the state’s $116.5 million Vax for the Win program
By Katy Grimes, June 4, 2021 7:09 am
From the “you can’t make this stuff up” file, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced late Thursday he will draw the first 15 winners to receive $50,000 as part of the state’s $116.5 million Vax for the Win program – the largest vaccine incentive program in the nation.
Oddly, no one in California has asked why this financial incentive is needed if more than 40 million vaccines have been given.
Apparently the Director of the Center for Disease Control, Rachel Walensky, couldn’t answer that question either.
“CDC Head Walensky was clueless when asked about the scientific basis for Biden’s 70 percent vaccination,” Patriot Post reported. “During an appearance on CBS This Morning it sounded more like the Administration pulled the number out of thin air.”
The CDC's Walensky can't explain the scientific basis for Biden's 70 percent vaccination goal pic.twitter.com/L22FFWIiYV
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) June 3, 2021
Biden’s goal of 70 percent of Americans getting vaccinated is like the UN’s goal of limiting rising temps to 1.5 celsius — there’s no basis in science; just numbers pulled out of thin air.
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) June 2, 2021
As the Globe reported last week:
Newsom unveiled a $116.5 million COVID-19 “Vax-a-Million” vaccination incentive plan on Thursday, aiming to boost the number of vaccinated Californians and potentially reward those who have already been vaccinated.
According to the plan, $100 million will go towards $50 gift cards for Kroger’s, Albertson’s, or as a generic Bank of America card. 2 million of the cards will be issued to the next 2 million Californians ages 12 and up who vaccinate based on a first come, first serve basis following the final dose of the selected type of vaccine.
For vaccinated Californians, they will be automatically entered into a series of lottery drawings through the middle of June. On June 4th and June 11th, drawings will be held to give 15 people $50,000 each for a total of 30 people. The remaining $15 million will then go to a large drawing on June 15th for large $1.5 million prizes for 10 already vaccinated Californians.
All winners will remain confidential according to the Governor.
The governor’s office said “winners will be identified by anonymous number and the county they live in. Over the coming days, the state will reach out to winners and request their approval to share their information publicly. In addition, the program is providing $100 million in $50 prepaid or grocery cards for newly vaccinated people leading up to the state’s full reopening.”
Here’s my message to Governor Newsom regarding his fake-pandemic vaccination lottery that does NOTHING to benefit California:
Buying VOTES, Pushing a beta testing vaccine program, using tax money which eventually leads to higher taxes.
116.5 million for this
750k per week – (15 million for 10) so are they running this for the next 135+ weeks?
seems like somebody’s getting a large “admin fee” reward from this
Of course, Taxpayers are funding this. Auntie Nancy and Uncle Joe took care of it:
Man, that must be some high producing money tree in the backyard of the Capitol.
Money, just magically appears for all this nonsense!
Those of us left in California will need one of those money trees to pay for the inflated groceries,gas,housing and TAXES!
Agreed! Where is he getting this money to give away! I didn’t see a vote from us/we tax payers!
Maybe he will fly in another expensive helicopter to an elaborate destination like he is Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. Except no gifts, just fake lottery winners. CaliGirl, I already need a money tree, bought a peach yesterday, one peach 2.14! I see a rise in diabetes and heart disease as healthy eating costs are to expensive for us middle of the road folks. Pair that with the lack of healthcare availability and long wait times for treatments, I’ll more than likely die from government induced diseases not COVID!
Stacy, isn’t it nuts? A 2.15 peach! Gas is over 6.00 in Western Los Angeles.
For the last 12 years we have been “educated” about food deserts in inner cities.
They are turning this state into one big food desert.
And yes the fall out will be a sicker populace.
Newsolini being the megalomaniac he must get off on giving taxpayer money away! I am sure it will be a hollywood performance tonight????
Stay healthy, my friend.
By the number of balls in the huge tumbler, my guess is the only people in the lottery is his family and maybe some staff. All B.S.
“Vaccine Expert Warns: “We Made a Big Mistake”
You got suckered, played by the rules, brushed your teeth, bathed regular……..no brass ring for you….
And the winner is……….50,000 to Scott Peterson
Newsom, swarmy, rat smile, slicked back hair game show host….much better fitting than being governor.
Why are they not providing the winners names? The state lottery (other states as well) requires that you allow them to use your name/image for promotional purposes so how is this getting away with NO TRANSPARENCY? How did they draw the winners? Where can ‘participants’ find the ‘rules and regulations’? Did nobody mention to these details to Gov. Gruesome? Is there anything left of the billions in reserves that Brown left him for a rainy day? This clown is still planning his second term! But the most disturbing thing is he is starting to creep me out the same way Tom Steyer creeps me out. .
Uh, no thanks….
I don’t need my RNA rearranged or a cytokine storm-driven immunity…
We already had the WuFlu back in February 2020….
You can have my shot… I don’t need or want it, thanks…
Your chances of dying from the “vaccine” are probably higher than the odds winning this demented lottery.