LA DA George Gascon announcing case review of Menendez Brothers. (Photo: https://da.lacounty.gov/media/news/gascon-provides-update-menendez-brothers)
Yet Another Poll Shows Gascon Trailing Badly
He’s consistently unpopular, consistently awful, and consistently behind in the polls
By Thomas Buckley, October 8, 2024 2:28 pm
Well, one thing you can say about Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon is that he is consistent.
Consistently unpopular, consistently awful, and consistently behind in the polls.
Gascon’s numbers are consistent to the point that they haven’t changed much in nearly a year. In December, 2023, 18% of voters said they would vote for him in the March primary – just today, the Los Angeles Times released a poll giving him 21% of the vote in November election.
Just a reminder – the original 18% Gascon got last year? That’s when he was running against a dozen other candidates. The latest 21%? He’s running against only one candidate, Nathan Hochman.
The latest Times/UC Berkeley Institute for Governmental Studies poll shows Hochman with the support of 51% of the voters while Gascon gets the nod from, again, only 21%
Gascon told the Times he “came from way behind” in 2020 to barely defeat then-DA Jackie Lacey and he expects the same dynamic to play in the next few weeks.
That is delusional. In 2020, LA was coming off the Summer of Floyd, it saw Black Lives Matter increase its political sway exponentially, the ever (in LA) unpopular Donald Trump was at the top of the ballot, progressives were running rampant across the country and picked up a number of DA jobs and congressional seats, dirtbag turncoat politicians like Mayor Eric Garcetti were willing to shift their endorsements for the most craven of reasons, and Gascon was the recipient of boatloads and boatloads of white woke westside and Silicon Valley money:
In the 2020 election, Gascon raised about $9 million between now and voting day. The vast majority of that funding – about $7 million – came from only 10 donors, with George Soros and Patty Quillan – wife of the founder of LinkedIn – leading the way.
This time around, those same people are staying away in droves.
As of a few days ago, Hochman was sitting on $1.1 million in the bank and Gascon had $48,000.
And, at this point in 2020, Gascon was not behind Lacey by 30 points, so wish in one hand, etc. George, and see what happens.
Gascon’s polling consistency is actually nothing short of amazing. From last year through the March primary – in which he got 25% of the vote – various polls have given him the following numbers: 14%, 16%, 18%, 20% (twice), 21%, and 23%.
And his favorable/unfavorable ratio – what people think of him and the job he has done overall – has hovered between 20% and 30% underwater – the latest Times poll numbers put that divide at 43% unfavorable compared to 23% favorable. Hochman essentially flipped those numbers when voters were asked about him.
Also, a poll released just earlier this month had Hochman at 44%, Gascon at 20%, and undecideds at 33%. The Times poll showed 28% undecided – one of the lowest number in the race so far – meaning that Hochman is picking up the undecided vote when it finally decides.
And that’s the worst news of all for Gascon.
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When George Gascon made an unannounced visit to KFI to make a PSA to Angelenos that Nov. 5 is Election Day and they should give him another 4 years as their DA, he was invited by John Kobylt of KFI to come on his show. In fact, he was willing to give DA Gascon the full 3 hours of his show so Gascon can state clearly and unequivocally why Angelenos should retain him as DA of LA County and why his rival, Nathan Hochman, would be a worse DA than him. Gascon quickly backed away from the invitation. He even had the gall to ask Mr. Kobylt whether or not he should wear body armor and bring 2 guns to the show. Lol
What a coward. The invitation is still open and, so far, Gascon hasn’t picked it up.
It’s hard to believe that there are still 21% of voters who would still support a failed DA like Gascon?
awwww c’mon, you already know he’s going to stuff (ooops, I mean HARVEST) enough ballots to win……